

Responses from dekay

Neophite needing advice
Castle Acoustics - Richmond speakers ($500.00). NAD 740 receiver ($500.00). Cambridge 300 CD player ($300.00). Mapleshade IC's and speaker cables ($153.00). Prices are retail, if you can do better upgrade the Cambridge to the 500 model which is $1... 
Getting into tubes?
Eldragon: I have researched a lot of inexpensive tube amps recently and have also considered the little Antique Sound Lab's. I have read of others having reliablity problems with the amps. I do not know if they are assembly or design problems. I h... 
Voltage Regulators
I have always wondered about using one of these with hifi gear but have never looked into it. I have in the past used commercial regulators with test equipment like scopes and thermocouples in a R&D facility and assumed that they helped mainta... 
Top Ten Speaker Cables of all time?...
In regard to Fabio's other gear, he can't believe that it's not hifi. 
DIY Power Cable Advise Needed
Maybe you could get by with a 25 ton press. 
Shelf Material
Caterham: Thanks for reminding me, I knew that there was something that I had forgot. I use 3/4" MDF which should still be tuff enough with a 5" hole. The hole is to be random and not on center, is this correct? I have been told that the shielding... 
Shelf Material
I just finished a very informative telecon with a manufacturer that feels that hard maple is one of the best platform materials. I will not speak for him in detail and would just like to note his reccomendation in this thread. He sounded very busy... 
Best integrated amp for Sonus Concerto
Neronian: If you purchased your speakers from a dealer and they will allow you to trade up this would be the simplest way to go (granted that you like the sound of the GP's that are definitely not shy in the bass department IMO). You would spend a... 
Shelf Material
It seems to me that MDF would make a very good shelf material - low mass and high rigitidy. I use 3/4" instead of 1/2" with good results as a standard (non-suspended) platform. It also has no grain. Am I thinking correctly? I have a 5' x 2 1/2' x ... 
Shelf Material
Redkiwi: I should warn you that I designed and built all of the curtain rod/window treatment accessories for our apartment and ended up using blue rubber "dog balls" for the finials in the dining room. I do have a tendancy to cut corners. 
Shelf Material
Redkiwi: I do not know what sonic difference the solid core piano wire will offer. I suspect that any braided or elastic cable whether metal or nylon will stretch from the weight of the gear/platforms and that the amount of stretch will not be uni... 
Shelf Material
Redkiwi: Thanks for the update. I just screwed up my left shoulder and am going to have to wait on the project, but here are a few ideas that I have had. Using small maybe 1/64th piano wire with line tightners for the cables (they should not stret... 
Speaker Cable Matching.
Sam: I had considered the AP Oval 12 but for my needs it would be over $600.00 for two runs. Does any one know of a discount mail order for this line? I just read at the other site that the MIT closeout cables at Audio Advisor are old models that ... 
Speaker Cable Matching.
Thanks for the input Redkiwi. Yes, the decay in that range is a bit too short with my Kimber cables, we are probably talking milliseconds, but it is audible. I probably should not mention this but I just took a look at the MIT Term 2 cables that a... 
Speaker Cable Matching.
RedKiwi: The amps are a Musical Fidelity X-A1 intergrated and a Musical Fidelity AS-100 X series power amp. I cannot place the equipment near the speakers for the time being, but would like to remedy this in the future (hopefully next summer if th...