
Responses from trigg

cables for Lavardin/ Living Voice combo ??
emailing Kevin is a good idea. The space is pretty small. check out the alan maher web site for some nifty speaker placement tips (maher modified cardas set-up). 18" is probably too close to the rear wall...bring out in 1/2 increments until to get... 
Recommendations for solid core speaker wiring?
If VAC told you: "solid copper core (multi-conductor if necessary)silver clad speaker cable"...There are many producers of silver plated copper. I personally think Van den Hul makes some of the best silver plated copper (multi-conductor). I have p... 
speaker cable recommendation for Innersound Kaya
I think Roger suggests his own cable...check out his web site 
Looking for a very focused power cord
Tvad, I'm sorry, I thought I made it clear. IMO when used together, (Spirit on digital sources and Lotus on analog) typical synergy effect can be expected. Spirit was used on Accuphase DP-67 and Lotus on Wyetech Labs Pearl 
Looking for a very focused power cord
Lcherepkai,I'm not familiar with the Lessloss. IMO and in my system (Living Voice OBX-R, Wyetech Labs Pearl & Sapphire's, Accuphase DP-67, etc) the Dynamic Design Spirit & Lotus power cords mated perfectly. Very balanced tonality across th... 
Looking for a very focused power cord
just heard the new Dynamic Design cords and they (Spirit & Lotus)were what I would consider very "focused". Don't know what the prices are (yet), but given the shipping insurance requirements, I'd say they are within your range...very transpar... 
is there a consensus on too short speaker cables?
so you honestly think 2 sets of 8ft is the "be all, end all"? 
PC: Synergistic Tesla, Lessloss, Transparent MM
John (Jmcgrogan2), thanks for the condescending attitude...I like it! Like you, I don't own one and quite frankly Im too skeptic to buy into a cord that conditions the sound. They sure look purdy though. I already have conditioning...redundancy is... 
PC: Synergistic Tesla, Lessloss, Transparent MM
WOW, either everybody is T'd off at Luidas or waiting on their cords to arrive to do their review. I would have thought given the amount of "excitement" that folks would be "blowing" up this thread more like the Synergistic thread 
Premium guitar cables? Do they exist?
Evidence Audio 
Preparing Litz Seaker Wire AKA Cobra SHF SP Cord
hit me up when your ready to throw in the towel 
Nanotec Golden Strada
no, but a buddy had this to say about them...keep in mind the systen dependency issues:"Nanotech has a quirky character -- t's very colorful and "delicious" sounding and can also be very crisp but it is too "schizophrenic" when it is played in dif... 
Clement Perry's new reference speaker
for 90K, we could get Ashley Dupree to come over and not only play for us, but... 
Clement Perry's new reference speaker
sounds like a plan...I'll write my on second mortgage and order a pair tonight...RIGHT!! 
Review: LessLoss Filtering Power Cable Power cord
I get that with Van den Hul