Polite Rules for discussing Audio related things

The polite rules for discussing audio:
Folks post three types of messages:      
Questions ,about audio function, method, what to buy..  
Answers to other folks questions..  
And blogging. I bought this, I did this, here is my experience                        
Allow others to say and describe what they experience and hear.   Allow then to offer reasons without arguing.   If it is a blog, stop telling them what to do! They don't want you arguing, just wanted to say I did this.
Offer POSITIVE responses. If you disagree with them, do so in a polite and friendly way.        
Offer alternatives without aggressive language.And above all, stop tit for tat aggression. Turn the other cheek dudes, turn the other cheek.
What do you think would help create a friendly happy place to discuss audio?
Apparently, all I have to do is whisper the word stalker and glupson shows up almost immediately. It’s uncanny. Also kind of creepy. 😛
elizabeth wrote:

"Geoff is not a troll."

I’ve only been here a short time but in that short time it is clear that geoff’s ratio of contribution vs insult/blather is poor enough to qualify as a troll.

"He may be annoying to some folks, but he is definitely not a troll"

If he is not annoying to you then "some folks" is accurate. But he seems to be plenty annoying to everyone else. Thus=troll.

"I would say he creates a lot of difficulty for those with problems understanding sarcastic humor, that is a fer’ sure."

No, no, no, no, no. There may be some here who don’t have a sense of humor or who may not appreciate sarcasm but that is hardly the issue. The problem does not lie with the rest of the members here. Sarcasm and humor are one thing. Geoff’s posts are closer to what you would encounter on an elementary school playground....and that is a compliment. Good witty sarcasm is wonderful to behold. Geoff does not have that gift.


Following a public thread is not stalking. However, if you do feel a need to be followed, I recommend Twitter where you can be your own paparazzo. Most of us you dread so much will not follow you there.

Yes, geoff calling someone else a stalker is rather rich. But, it massages his ego to think that he has one.
I posted here recently....new user.  I was looking at purchasing a mint set of Dahlquist DQ 10s.  It was refreshing to see the amount of friendly advice and information I received from this forum.  Not a 'troll' or arrogant bonehead in the bunch!  I did buy them and they blew me away.  I'm not an audiophile but easily the best sounding speakers I've ever owned.
Yes, geoff calling someone else a stalker is rather rich. But, it massages his ego to think that he has one.

et tu, brute? What’s this, a stalker convention?


Do not let threads like this discourage you. There are many helpful posters on Audiogon willing to share good advice. Enjoy your speakers.

@glupson....yea, I scrolled through this thread.  Doesn't seem to be a good representation of the helpful posters who gave me advice.  Thanks!
Squabbles. Why reply? If you already know the other person's response. Why continue to create drama for no reason? Because you like to see you words in a page? Do you think anyone else does not already know? And so you have to tell them? Or maybe they forgot, and you want to be sure they remember your complaint in quadurplicate? I think we are up to at let 200 posts which if I could would be deleted as having nothing to do with the thread topic. My current ramblings do. in a way. May I suggest to folks who just HAVE to keep it up to stop and realize how you appear to everyone else. You already said it, so why be like a doddering fool and say it over again. If repetition was a sign of dementia,  Geoff would be institutionalized, strapped in his day chair drooling. Maybe he is? Just they gave him a laptop to keep him quiet?. And his antagonists are sitting right next to him???That would be a new plan for Senior Care! Strap 'em down and hand them a laptop, with plenty of forums to click on. LOL
And yet I’m probably the only one on this thread who ever heard Dahlquist DQ-10s. Ironic, no? This has become the whining newbies vs the Audio Insider.

Lizzie, my favorite knucklehead, I was wondering why my room is painted this sort of institutional green color. I guess that’s supposed to calm me down. Roses are red, violets are blue, I’m a schizophrenic and so am I. 
@elizabeth ......I'm 63 and now you've insulted Seniors!  haha....  Just kidding of course.  I don't take anything I read on a forum serious.  Being a member of only two forums (this one and one for weed) makes it easy.  Oh, and FB.....but that's not really a 'forum' so to speak.  It's really just a disaster!  Interesting thread with an interesting bunch of personalities to say the least.
@geoffkait .....well, that's two of us at least.  I recalled them from  when I first heard of them in the late '70s.
Please be respectful of others opinions. And I still have a pair of DQ-10's (nicely restored)!
As fate would have it, the recording I heard on the Dahlquists was Ry Cooder’s Bop Til you Drop 🕺 which makes it around 1979 since that particular record was one of the very first all digital recordings and predated CDs, which came later. Funky!
As for insulting Seniors I am almost 70 years old. The big 70 is looming closer than I like.
I notice I reuse adjectives within a few sentences. It helps I have to proofread anyway, since I am using a 3 year old $300 junk laptop for internet. At least it has a 15.3" screen. The keyboard SuuuCKS.
As for DQ-10s.. Are those sold at Dairy Queen?

For non-audiophiles, they have DQ-8s, too.


Apparently not right now, but, according to Wikipedia, there would be in the future.
Post removed 
The keyboard SuuuCKS.
Only 3 years old? Mine is about 6 yo and works like a champ.  Spilled coffee on it once and ruined the keyboard but Youtube saved the day.  I actually found a video of a guy replacing his keyboard on the very same model laptop that I own.  Be careful buying laptop keyboards on Amazon.  Apparently in some countries the key layout is slightly different.  It took me two tries to get the correct OEM style keyboard but the operation was easy peasy.  Much less stressful than trying to work with a crappy keyboard.
I can second Elizabeth’s comment that Geoff is not a troll.

Omnipresent? Yes.
Spirited? Most definitely.
Troll? No.
Geez, DQ-10's were omnipresent for a few years back in the late 70's before Jon Dahlquist went on to dabble in real estate and left the HiFi world behind. I remember the first pair that I heard was at the strangest audio shop. It was South of Market, close to B of A World Headquarters. It was justa door in a wall.
Inside, you walked up a staircase to a warehouse where the guy had everything. Kind of like the Abbot & Costello movie where there's a small tent in the desert and inside the tent is a spacious palace. The DQ-10's were one of his main displays. The other was a big pair of Dayton Wright Electrostats. Exotica galore.
Unfortunately, he was an "analytic" type as opposed to a "romantic".The way to hear things was at the point where the artist interfaced with the microphone. Everything in excruciating detail. Detail my foot, it was un-listenable.

They were good speakers for the time. Most speakers from that era haven't aged well. KLH 9 and Quad ESL retain their allure for some.

Sejidoren--If you bought them and you like them, that's all that matters.

a door in a wall.
Sejidoren--If you bought them and you like them, that’s all that matters.

Gosh, that’s mighty decent of ya, stranger.
My rule for picking out if there is a troll, and who the troll is: Usually the very first person in any discussion to write the word troll down IS the troll. LOL
I owned a new set of DQ10’s back in the mid-70’s. Great speakers but sold them before going to college (no room for them in the dorm). I bought a second pair in the mid-00’s. Woofer surrounds disintegrated upon being driven to moderate SPL’s. Work in progress.
Sorry, you messed up my quote, which is,

“Ask not for whom the troll bellows. He bellows for thee.”
Why did a thread titled "Polite Rules for discussing Audio related things" turn into a debate about geoffkait’s pattern of posting and, to some extent, personality?
Wow......never thought I'd initiate a speaker discussion.  My DQ were bought new by an electrical engineer.  He had moved into a retirement home and didn't have the room for them. I saw them on the FB marketplace...$375. He said they didn't get much use.  Woofers were re-foamed.  I think considering an electrical engineer bought them new, then that speaks for something.  Other than the re-foam, they are 100% stock.  As for me, they sound spectacular......now, I'll just keep on perusing this forum.  Great info.....most of it a little over my head.  But I've also learned a ton here!  Happy Trolling!

Just so you know that, if I ever run across a pair of your speakers for some acceptable price, I will buy them to try just because of your description and praise. May us Trolls be with you.

"Be sure and try the Blizzard, ya. Ausgesheitnet! Ya!"

I am not that proficient in Swedish so I wonder if you meant "ausgezeichnet" in German? Thanks for recommendation, but Dairy Queen cakes do not appeal to me. I am more of Imperial Torte person. That is truly ausgezeichnet. Meisterstück!
@glupson. This thread is a free-for-all. You need to let go of your obsession over @geoffkait 

@sejodiren, there is very little one can read from the profession of an audiophile and the gear he/she has acquired for personal use. I bought my DQ-10’s as a new set while I was still in high school. So what?!

I'd never seen "your" quote before.

Don't count all your chickens before you put all your eggs in one basket.
@celander ......"  I think considering an electrical engineer bought them new, then that speaks for something."  The words 'I think' means I'm expressing an opinion, not a fact.  I just felt that considering his profession, they probably weren't abused.  Looks like you've been on this forum for quite a while which would mean to me that your opinion is an educated one.  Me?  I'm just an old guy, a musician with a pretty good ear I think.  Saying 'So what' is kind of confrontational.....that you don't value another less educated persons opinion.  That's OK!  Curious though, what sold you on the DQs?
Found 6 results (not counting today)

Ask not for whom the troll bellows
May 02, 2017
Ask not for whom the troll bellows. He b...
Jan 05, 2018
to stalker. This is a fine how do you do. Ask not for whom the troll b...
Jun 05, 2018
>“Ask not for whom the troll bellows. He Aug 03, 2018
...it’s a duck! 🦆“Ask not for whom the troll bellows.... He
May 17, 2018
not for whom the troll bellows." Old audiophile
Sep 22, 2017

We all know the forum is free for all. Yet, participating on it is occasionally considered stalking. I am far from being obsessed with geoffkait. Just merely thanking him for a suggestion about a cake.
That's nice but remember, I'd have absolutely no reason to "Troll' your old posts. The line I used is an offshoot of one that I originated in Junior High circa 1965.

It looks like you're over 50 years late.

Perhaps, considering the nature of trolling and not trolling in this thread, when I wrote the occasional article for AudioExpress and before that Glass Audio, the old Ed Dell publications, it was considered good form to welcome newcomers. They're the future of the hobby after all.

Here we get quotes like:

This has become the whining newbies vs the Audio Insider.

There's a current thread about how things are not selling on this website, partly due to the graying and shrinking membership, and partly due to the snooty attitude of some members both in postings and listings.

There's a  connection between how we view newcomers and how they react to us. Speaking as a newcomer, people notice that sort of thing.

Do we want to encourage the newcomers or are we altogether too good for that?


This is about the moment you'd better stop responding. Otherwise, you get sucked into purposeless arguments and end up wondering what is wrong with all of us. Maybe try a different thread or take a walk outside? I promise you, you will lose nothing.
Post removed 
@glupson.......I shall find another thread to become interested in!  Thanks for the feedback.....
"Elizabeth, here here! Oh, and don’t feed the trolls."

According to your rule, the Troll is viridian. She/he mentioned the word in the 8th post of this thread. About four hours after your original post.

That's nice but remember, I'd have absolutely no reason to "Troll' your old posts. The line I used is an offshoot of one that I originated in Junior High circa 1965.

It looks like you're over 50 years late.

Perhaps, considering the nature of trolling and not trolling in this thread, when I wrote the occasional article for AudioExpress and before that Glass Audio, the old Ed Dell publications, it was considered good form to welcome newcomers. They're the future of the hobby after all.

Here we get quotes like:

This has become the whining newbies vs the Audio Insider.

There's a current thread about how things are not selling on this website, partly due to the graying and shrinking membership, and partly due to the snooty attitude of some members both in postings and listings.

There's a connection between how we view newcomers and how they react to us. Speaking as a newcomer, people notice that sort of thing.

Do we want to encourage the newcomers or are we altogether too good for that?

>>>>You’ll pardon me for saying so but you’re reading way too much into this. Lighten up!