Preamp Deal of the Century

If anyone is looking for a true "World Class" preamp at a very fair price..heed my advice. I just recieved a Supratek Syrah preamp that was hand built by Mick Maloney in Western Australia, and it is absolutely beautiful! This preamp is the best deal you will ever find. I would put it up against any preamp out there for both looks and sound. Price? $2500 for the Syrah (includes Killer Phono stage). Not into phono? Try the Chardonney line stage for $2100. Don't get me wrong, I am not associated with this company. I am just a very happy owner! This preamp is VERY dynamic, yet liquid. It conveys the sound of music better than any other preamp that I have ever heard! You can check out the Supratek website at www.
no word from mick yet. i put my deposit in on june 28. from what i recall, i'm toward the top of the list. i'll definitely post once they arrive. it's so hard sitting in my living room looking at my speakers unamplified.
Is anyone close to getting their Malbec amps yet? I can't wait to hear about them.
Im getting absolutely incredible performance with the supplied stock tubes, with the exception of a pair of n.o.s. Telefunken Pcc88 in the phono section of my Chenin. Also a recent interconnect change from my V.P.I. termination box to my preamps phono input had a staggering effect.I urge anyone with V.P.I.s new signiture tone arm wired with Nordost Valhalla to try out Nordost new line of the Frey interconnects in this area of your system. I bought one used burt in pair last week . The change to my sytems performance was immediate....I have had my Chenin for two years ,Im just starting to hear what it can really do.
Hi All,

Has anyone tried the NEW Tung-Sol KT-66 on the Chardonnay?
also, what's your opinion on the NOS Mullard CV378/GZ37
for the same pre-amp.


Mick told me that he is working on the first 2 Melbac amps, so nobody has one yet.
Thanks, I emailed Mick 3 days ago and have been waiting to hear back from him.
I don't think it is tube related (see my post above).
Cello: Sounds like a tube on its way out ??

With all due respect, you have a thoroughbred race horse (in the Grange) that you are trying to fix. Consult the master Mick Maloney first before you do anything else, or you may regret further unforeseen consequences ...


Hi All,
Problems with left Channel....
I started to have problems with the sound coming from the left Channel of my Grange. After a bit of warm up or play, I get a huge static type noise followed by a simultaneous large and loud flutter of the driver. There is also some distortion of the sound. After the loud static (like a loose wire) and flutter, the sound cleans up for a bit. The problem continues intermittently and occurring every 2-5 minutes. It occurs when using either my CDP or Turntable as a source.

I tried switching the RCA outputs of the Grange and the problem moved from the left to the right channel which led me to believe that the problem is located in the pre and not my amp or elsewhere.
I then swapped all of the pairs of tubes in the pre and the power supply box (one set at a time) from right to left to see if the problem moved from the left channel to the right. The problem remained in the left channel through all of the tube switches.
I am guessing that the problem would be related to a faulty capacitor, but I was wondering if anyone had gone through a similar problem and had any observations, theories or advice.
Has anyone here replaced the umbilical cable on the Chenin/Syrah with an upgraded one? The stock cable is not shielded, and I wonder if shielding might lower the noise floor some, since it is routed in close proximity to a lot of other equipment (especially my class D amps which have been known to emit RFI). Revelation Audio Labs sells a shielded cryoed silver cable that is supposed to be a big upgrade - anyone here have it? If so, could you describe the effects on your system?
Thanks, Allan, that's good to know.
It still works, but I was kinda worried it would blow up or something...

Help! Tube newbie alert here:

The chrome/silvery top of the 6SN7 tube on the right hand side of my Chardonnay is discoloring. In fact, about one third of the top has turned into this matte grey.

Is this normal after 3 days of use?
This is freaking me out!
Just to add a brief note regarding the gain switches behind the 6SN7 tubes.

According to Mick, in the later models gain switch is High, Low, Medium from the front, and not vice versa as found in Kgturner's user manual (graphic on page 4).

Hope this is useful info.
Thanks for taking the time to scan the manual, Kgturner.
I sure needed the manual in getting it set up - this is my first tube preamp. This is one major reason why I opted for the Chardonnay - a great user community. I knew I could count on the experts on this thread to help out a tube newbie like me.

Right out of the box, the soundstage is impressively wide, with the highs precisely detailed and lush but clear mids. I am using it with my 200W Krell power amp and the bass is just as solid as my Krell preamp in terms of slam and volume, but better controlled and a lot tighter. I am impressed! I gather from reading the thread that things can only get better with burn in, so I am very pleased to have joined the club.

Thanks again for your help!

i just scanned my manual. my chardonnay is close to your configuration (minus the balanaced outputs). here are the links to the pages. enjoy your preamp. i'm sure you will.
Hi gang,

I perused this lengthy thread for quite a while before deciding on the Supratek Chardonnay. It arrived yesterday, just one month after placing the order. I am quite pleased with not having to wait longer :-)

I got the black/Sheoak finish with gold knobs, home theatre bypass, remote and balanced output. It looks absolutely fantastic!

Unfortunately Mick forgot to include the user manual in the box. Can any Chardonnay owners please enlighten me on the inputs/outputs at the back? Is there a specific CD input, and which is the HT bypass input, for instance?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Can I ask you to apply your critical observations to the Suprateks compared to other tube preamps? Your comparison is of the Suprateks to SS pres, but how do the Supratek compare to other tube amps on classical music? Pres like the Herron, Joule, Thor, Modwright, etc? How are the Suprateks for transparency and handling complex layers and scale of orchestral music, massed trebles at dynamic peaks, powerful operatic tenors?

Mahalo/thank you.
Mahalo: The Supratek preamps sound beautiful with Classical music. Being a tube pre, the harmonic structure and emotion of soaring violins; the drama of orchestral crescendos and the sense of the Hall or venue is portrayed with real depth and dimension. IME, tubes do this much better than solid state, which sound flatter and less 3-dimensional.


Just finished an extended listening session with the Chenin, and I'm very impressed, although I've only listened to the linestage so far. Very tight bass, lush mids, and extended highs. I wasn't expecting better bass from a tube preamp, but I certainly did get it! I'm hearing things I haven't heard before in recordings, such as musicians breathing! All this using a computer power cord attached to a zip cord extension while I wait for the Belden cable and Wattgate ends to arrive from Parts Express. Should only get better!
I'm running modified Flying Mole class D monoblocks, a Sony CD player, and Zu Druid speakers.


Yes, for some reason, the Supratek sounds good with a PWM amp! I have the ICE H2O before and my Chenin drives it pretty good.

Congratulations, but a warning. If you are planning to roll tubes, read the tubes tread very carefully. Better yet, contact owners Stiltskin, Slipknot1, and Fiddler. Ask them about their experiences with NOS 6SN7 tubes because that pair of tubes will break your bank before you can say WTF!

I've become very interested in the Supratek preamps and have read through the entire thread. But the music I listen to seems to lie outside the box for the majority of Supratek owners. I listen mainly to classical music--Renaissance choral, Romantic Italian opera, and symphonic orchestral music. Can anyone comment on the Supratek, say the Chardonnay linestage, and its rendering of this kind of music? Lots of massed trebles and dynamic peaks, complex orchestral crescendoes, dynamic operatic solo voices. I'm thinking of a Chardonnay to match with an Air Tight ATM-2 KT-88 power amp and, possibly later, an Art Audio PX-25 SET amp. And I want to thank you all for your enthusiastic and pertinent discussions of so many interesting and involving things having to do with the Supratek preamps.

Ait, congrats on your preamp!!!Im hoping Kgturner recieves his Malbec soon so he can tell us how good it sounds!!!When i recieve mine i will be in an apt. and fine tuning my system and room,but i will keep everyone up to date on how everything is going with the Chardonnay/Malbec combo.I will probably have my CJ MF2500A up for sale soon after recieving the Malbecs.Ray
Just finished an extended listening session with the Chenin, and I'm very impressed, although I've only listened to the linestage so far. Very tight bass, lush mids, and extended highs. I wasn't expecting better bass from a tube preamp, but I certainly did get it! I'm hearing things I haven't heard before in recordings, such as musicians breathing! All this using a computer power cord attached to a zip cord extension while I wait for the Belden cable and Wattgate ends to arrive from Parts Express. Should only get better!
I'm running modified Flying Mole class D monoblocks, a Sony CD player, and Zu Druid speakers.
Hi Maril555,

Thanks for the info on the tubes. When I talked with Mick several months ago, he said the EL34's would only put out 20wpc as opposed to the KT88 50 wpc. I guess that has changed. This is good news. Mick told me the EL34's have a sweeter sound than the KT88's. I think I will go with the EL34's when I order. Don't know what brand of power tubes Mick is using. They are probably readily available an inexpensive, as Mick seems to shy away from expensive tubes in his designs (good for him!).
I checked with Mick regarding El34 vs. KT88 powered Malbec, and he says they output 50wt. in either iteration.
I'm thinking about EL34 Malbecs for VonSchweikert VR-4JR's, and I have Chenin almost ready to be shipped.
I would like to hear people's impression of Malbec when they put it in their systems, before ordering mine.
Also wondering what EL34 tubes Mick is supplying with the amp.
Whoever gets the Malbecs first, please post a review.
It took 2 months, 1 week to get the Chenin. Shipping only took 2 days from Australia to NJ. No power cord was in the box, though - good thing I have a few spares.

How long did it take to get your Chenin from the time you ordered it?


I am sure the 50 watter will work well for you. On Mick's website, he says that he drove very difficult speakers with the Melbac using EL34 tubes (which probably reduces the power to about 20wpc). I can't wait for someone to get these amps, so they can share their thoughts with the rest of us.
My Chenin just arrived today! Got the call from my wife that the box is waiting for me at home - now how can I skip out of work early...
I feel like a kid at Christmas!
Hello Tom,Sorry about that,,i must start using my glasses!!!! Im hoping the wait will not be too long,but more than that i hope 50 watts will be enough!I am pretty sure it will be!I am so looking forward to hearing the Chardonnay,Malbec combo!!!!Also thanks for starting this thread,,otherwise many of us might not have taken the time to learn about Supratek!And thank you to Mick for keeping his prices so reasonable,,im sure he could ask much more and get it!
I wish I did have the money for a Grange. You guys must have read my post wrong. I have the Cortese with sheoak and black top. I am hoping it won't take near as long for you guys to get your amps with Mick's new partnership. I have heard that some people have received their preamps in about 2 months instead of 10 or 11 months. The only thing that may hold things up is that Mick may not be ready to produce the 50 Melbac yet. Last time I spoke with him, he told me the 100 watter was ready, but still more to do on the 50 watter. Oh well, we know by now that the wait is well worth it.
Yea! Ray,
It seems as though Mick can help me out. I got on his web-site & checked all of his web-pages out & wow !! This sounds like the ticket for me. Here's what he had to say:

Can do 3 outputs and 3 inputs, including a phono built in, and tape in/out , which is effectively 4 inputs.
The headphone out jack is extra $50 which makes total of $2950 for Chenin preamp

Hi! Mick,
Thanks for getting back to me so quick... I liked what I read & saw on your web-site. I need some time to round up the funds $$$$$ to pay you. I'm a fully~disabled railroad worker, & I live on a fixed income...

The four inputs & three outs should do the trick + I definatley will need the Head jack output too.

I shall get back to you in time. You have a very nice looking audio web-site, & I am very interested in obtaining one of these pre-amps.
(Question): would a piano black pre-amp, cost more than in the wood ???


Unfortunately the answer is yes- there's a lot of work in the piano black. It's extra $150.


Thanks to you guys here on the audiogon, i may have a serious sounding pre-amp.

Ray, I run stats so the extra power of the Monduese is needed. Needless to say I am excited about these amps. Slowhand, I also went with the black Grange. I am now very happy I did. I had been looking into the Berning and Walcott amps for my stats but when I found out Mick had something in the design stage I waited.
I hope the wait really pays off.
Slowhand ,Thankyou!I am very happy that Mick came up with the Malbec monos,otherwise i would not have been able to afford a Supratek poweramp! Mick has all the bases covered!Your system must sound great with the Grange ,Berning combo! The_ chops,Have you spoke to Mick about preamps yet? Ray
WOW guys, looks like I need to get on the stick and order a pair of Melbacs. My problem is I don't know if I could part with my Berning ZH270. I really love that amp.

PS: Glad I ordered my Cortese in the black top, save me $1000 when ordering the amps!

Ray, congrats on ordering your Melbacs!
Hey Doc,I too am hoping my Chardonnay and the Malbecs are a special combo!Right now im using a CJ MF2500A which at 240 wpc ,is too much power for my Caravelles ,it does sound very good!,plus the fact that my ACI Force is handling low bass ,,and i dont listen as loud as i did even a year ago,i think the Malbecs 50 watts should do the job.The fact that i start a new job in Boca Raton and will be quite busy should make the wait much easier,,,,,Ray
I just sent a deposit on a set of Monduese amps. I am an OTL fan but I have to try Mick's amps with my Grange. I am hoping the combination is special.
Wow! what a web-site to behold. I'm excited now !! I can't wait to talk to Mick & see if there's a pre-amp out there for me.

I'm in the market looking for a good pre-amp. & after thunbing through countless articles listed here. I still haven't found (Micks web-site),or any other info that I need to get in contact with him...
I need enough RCA outputs to connect (Two) Carver A-500X amps, & a Velodyne SPL#1200 Floor Sub.

Then I'll need a head phone jack insert terminal.
I'll also need enough input RCA jacks to run a CD/ Cassette player, an Oracle Delphi Mark V Turntable, A Magnum Dynalab Model #102 FM ~Tuner...

If anyone can hook my up with him, I'd appreciate this.
I enjoyed reading a bunch of these articles that you guys send out. Good job...

Let us know when you receive the malbec and please share your experience with us. I look forward to a review.

mick has updated the site to relfect new pricing and information on the malbec and mondeuse (high power malbec) monoblocks. i'm suprised at the pricing of the chrome plated option though. i wonder if that new price increase carries over into his preamps as well.

the malbecs are a push-pull amplifier while the merlots are single-ended. the merlot is priced at $7000 per pair last i recalled.

according to mick, the malbec will have two iterations. one low powered (30-50 watts) and one high powered (100 watts). the low powered malbec can use EL34, 6550, and KT88 tubes from what i recall. the high powered can only used KT88 or 6550. mick stated the higher powered malbec is designed more for use with ribbons / electrostatic speakers.

when i asked Mike, he said that he was still waiting for prices from suppliers. At $3000, isn't the Malbec priced lower than the Merlot? Anyone knows the differences between the two designs?

to be honest, mick hasn't given me a price yet. last time i questioned him about pricing, he stated that he was still trying to bring them in around $3000. i try to not email him too much as i imagine that could get annoying quickly. once i've heard back on final pricing, i'll post here for others to know.