What are your favorite phono cartridges?

Just curious, what are your favorite cartridges that you now use, or have used in the past? Do you prefer moving coil or moving magnet, or some other design? Here lately I have been collecting older moving coils and have been nicely surprised! My favorite right now is the GAS Sleeping Beauty and the Shelter 501 II.
I am exceedingly pleased with my ZYX Universe. Mostly plays Classical and Jazz.
'Et tu Brute'! Without a single question mark? My 'son'
Nikola will inherite the Urushi as well as the (slate)
plinths, Julius Lew.
About 12 years ago.....I had a Koetsu Urishi 52nd Anniverary.
Not only did it have limited bass and treble extension......the (supposedly) famed midrange was about as flaccid and uninspiring as a rectors' retirement village.
I have usually only been able to sleep listening to my system when the vinyl was sounding its very best.
The Urishi was the exception.
And no question marks were hurt in the above statements.
Syntax - the older Koetsu's generators were held inside the body with paper shims. The Garrotts would glue the generators in & replace the stylus with microscanner profiled diamonds. These modded Koetsu's were far quicker and more transparent than original, without losing the "midrange magic". I suspect the modern Koetsu's of today are quite a different cartridge now.
Koetsu Urushi..I have yet to hear ANY cartridge that has a clearly "better" capacity to reproduce the midrange frequencies,

That is simple. Look for a cartridge which has no high frequency area, a very limited low end and you have another midrange-pusher. A Linn LP12 is similar, btw.
Dear Dover, Either I misspoke or you misunderstood my comments about Koetsu Urushi. Prior to the MM/MI odyssey, I was very happy with the Urushi. It was my only cartridge for 4-5 years. I still think the midrange is to die for and that the bass is not so soft as that of lower level Koetsu's, e.g., the Rosewood and its variants. However, after sampling a wide range of cartridges on several different tonearms in the past 2-3 years, I would concede that the Urushi can be beaten. I need now to go back and listen to it again on some of my present rigs, especially the SP10 Mk3/Reed 2A, because I think those complementary pieces may lift the Urushi up a notch or two in its performance. I have yet to hear ANY cartridge that has a clearly "better" capacity to reproduce the midrange frequencies, however, but this is based on now distant memories. (You know how the fog of romance can color one's fading perceptions, over time.) I have never yet heard the Urushi via my present modified Sound Lab speakers. I also rebuilt and upgraded my amplifiers since the last audition of the Urushi. So, all bets are off at the moment.
Dear Dover, The apparent difference between Sumiko 800 and Breuer is that Fletcher designed 6 counterwights for his replica of Breuer while Breuer made just one. One of those weights, marked as 'K' was meant for the Onyx . The dealers probable sold those weights to their customers depending on their carts. So only (the happy) few own all those weights. A machinist made 3 missing for me.
The EMT-Ti is a modified EMT cartridge from Brinkmann. vdH also modified the EMT years ago and offered it.
It has an aluminum mount, a vdH Diamond, and a few material changes inside, also a screw for fine-tuning (for Brinkmann, not the regular user).
The EMT's were former Studio Systems, dirt cheap (use & throw away), now they are High End products :-)
For me the best I've had and yes it's a matching game for arm and cartridge IMHO is my Brinkmann EMT-Ti (totally different from a standard EMT which I've heard and wasn't that impressed with). And yes it sits bolted on a Brinkmann 10.6 arm.

(Dealer disclaimer)

**Which EMT did you hear, and what did you not like about it?
Lewm/Raul - if you check my standouts I dont own any of them. I do agree with Skos1 and Raul's MM opening comments - it is a matching game. For me for example Koetsu Onyx Gold vdh with Sumiko The Arm, EMT vdh with Breuer, Decca London Maroon Garrots with Zeta.
Lewm - you implied in the MM thread that you never could get a good sound out of the Koetsu, so I was a bit surprised.
Raul - what are your 4 reference cartridges ? It would be useful to know when reading your views on the rest.
Of 20 vintage MM/MI and several mid-line LOMC:

Acutex M320III STR
Grace F9 w/Soundsmith Ruby OCL stylus
Stanton 981LZS
Astatic MF-100
Te Kaitora Rua and Karat are two Dynavectors about which I have always been curious.

Dover, what do you mean "out of the closet"? Because I listed my Urushi and the MC7500 as among my favorites? I never made a secret of my liking for the Urushi, even on the MM thread, and I think I mentioned the MC7500 a few times over the 4 years of the thread. Anyway, I think Raul hit the nail on the head; we like best the one(s) we own. I have no doubt there are better MCs than those two. I just need to own them.
Dear Lew, I am not sure what you mean with 'vintage'?
There was some panic in our forum when this Phase Tech
got the first price in Japan and some other awards. The
panic was by some Koetsu and other expensive carts
owners who could not believe the awards because of the price.
But it was not a good combo with my Triplanar but well with
my Reed 2A, 12'' and 27 gr. eff. mass. As you, I hope, know
the Miyaby Standard (American version) won and is now in
my Reed 2A. That is why I listed the cart on the German ebay.
In the German Magazine LP this cart is one of their reference
carts. I learned some stuff from the investors
but, alas, to late for my shares. It is called 'spread the
risk' so i listed some of my stuff on ebay.de; ebay.com;
ebay.uk and our own A'gon market. Besides I like to have
as many currency as possible on my paypal account. Paypal
has also its own exchange rates. Don't check them if you want to stay calm.

For me the best I've had and yes it's a matching game for arm and cartridge IMHO is my Brinkmann EMT-Ti (totally different from a standard EMT which I've heard and wasn't that impressed with). And yes it sits bolted on a Brinkmann 10.6 arm.

(Dealer disclaimer)
Dear Tenfourbook: It is obvious that a favorite cartridge for any one is the one we own ( ow ones we own. ) but favorite could not means not only the best but the one I wish I have.
This is: which the best cartridge (s) I heard and why?, maybe this kind of question could be more useful for all of us.

Yes, maybe on a new thread.

Now, in my case I realy have not a " favorite ", I have 3-4 that works for me as " reference " against " new " contenders. I hope that in a near future I can find out a " favorite " because that could means that finaly I own the " best " cartridge out there and my cartridge quest already end it.Till that day I will continue on the cartridge hunting to achieve that target. Today I own no less than 15 diferent cartridges that I can say are " favorities ". No one of them is perfect but if I need it I can live with any one of those cartridges, all are great performers: MM/MI and LOMC ( vintage and today designs. )

Regards and enjoy the music,
You were out of the closet yourself - 'running with the hares and hounds' on that thread. The Air Tight is designed & produced by Matsudaira-san who started My Sonic Lab and uses the same principles - generating solid output with exceptionally low output impedance - with a few tweaks for AT. Phasetech is a different company & design.
Nandric, Saw your listing of the Phase Tech. Never heard of it. Thought it must be vintage. Went on eBay and found NOS one for sale and also that it is a current product. It looks just like an Air Tight cartridge. Can you give the background?

Also, for a suitable bribe, I won't tell anyone on the MM thread that all of your fave cartridges are MCs (except AT180, which is 3rd in your 3rd level rank).
Denon DL103R with Soundsmith upgrade, Dynavector DV20XL, Benz MC Gold, and a stock DL103R with wood body. My favorite by far is my Soundsmith conversion!:)
I expect to get the LP S soon but my provisional 'order'
Nr. 1 Miyabi standard (American version) and FR-7;
Nr. 2 Ruby 3S, Sony XL 88 and Phase Tech P-3G;
Nr. 3 Genesis 1000 , Dyna Karat 17 D2 and AT 180
KMKarty....I absolutely agree. I had an LP, and now an LPS, and the new one is far better....much more musical....much greater ease....everything is better.
Currently like my Dynavector 20xl, but my all time fave was the Alchemist cart I had in the late 80's.
I am not saying any of these are "perfect":
Koetsu Urushi (Haven't listened to mine in about a year; others laugh at me for liking it.)
Ortofon MC7500 (a bit on the dry side)
Stanton 980LZS
Grace Ruby

I know for sure there are better ones out there. No matter how many cartridges I audition in my system, I will always be sure of that. The list is in no particular order; in fact, one could reverse the order of the list just as well. Would like to try ZYX UNI or Atmos, and some others, next.
Lyra Atlas
Dynavector XV-1s
Technics EPC P1000MK4
Audio Technical AT25
Linn Troika
The standouts for me -
Decca London Maroon MI rebuilt by Garrot Bros with Microscanner stylus
Ikeda 9 MC
Koetsu Onyx Gold MC rebuilt by AJ Van den hul
Van den Hul EMT Boron MC
Currently in rotation -
Dynavector Nova 13D
Fidelity Research FR1MK3F
Also own Ikeda Kiwame, Koetsu Black Goldline, Denon 103D, Shure V15VxMR
- Fidelity Research 7 series
- Lyra Olympos SL
- Lyra Helikon Mono
- Takeda Miyabi Standard
- Zyx Universe
For LPs with a dark character, I use my Shelter 501 II (with Soundsmith retip), which brightens them up a bit. For LPs with a bright character, I use my Grado Reference Sonata1, which darkens them down a bit.
Using a refurb'd Technics SP-10MKII w/rewired JVC UA-7082 arm into a Bottlehead Eros stage (MM only need apply), nothing's topped the humble Ortofon VMS-30MKII. As enjoyable as the Clearaudio Maestro and SoundSmith Ebony Voice in the same setup. Who'd a thunk it?
AT 440MLA for under $150 new...amazing cartridge that I love deeply and often.
Dynavector XV1's with Soundsmith re-tip
Ortofon A90

Both mounted on Graham Phantom II.
I currently own

Dynavector 20xl (I believe this has the micro-ridge stylus)
Benz L2 Wood
Benz Ace L

Of these, my favorite is the AT33. Smooth, neutral, liquid midrange, and an excellent tracker.
Benz LP-S...it is so different from my LP that they should have given it a completely new name.
Been through some of the Grado's and the Dynavectors. Grado's are great if you need a high output and like that extra warmth they bring to the table.

Dynavectors have some truly great MC designs that are high output as well. But miving up the line to a MC does bring a large leap in performance.

But I heard Transfiguration Orpheus and that is truly stunning. I couldn;t afford it, but I did manage to pick up a used Temper that I enjoy tremendously. Very much in line with the Dynavector sound in my opinion but I haven't done a direct comparison at the top levels. I do believ ethat if you like the sound of one you will like the sound of the other, just small flavor differences from there.
Lyra Argo i and Helikon i. Lyra is now by far my favorite cartridge company after having owned models by van den Hul, Benz Micro, Koetsu, Grado and Shelter. Their line contact styli track beautifully and get the information out of the groove.
EMT OFD25 for mono and Decca C4E for stereo (followed closely by TSD15-SFL and FR-7f).
I think my favourite was the Koetsu Rosewood signature I used for 3 years. I had a second hand Onyx recently, but it was'nt a good compliance match with my arm. Now I use a Benz Micro LP, which is the second best cartridge I have used.
1 MC and 1 MM that I am currently using and I consider them equal in audio nirvana value.
Benz Micro MC 3 - this is a SoundSmith Ruby retip.
Empire 4000 DIII Gold - thank you MM audiogon thread.
Soundsmith with the Strain guage. I have never owned anything that sounded as good. My second favorite is the ZYX UNIverse.
In this following :

ZYX 100 fs , vd hul condor , koetsu urushi wajima and last but not least london decca supergold .

The last one beats them hands down and is the chaepest as well and is very easy to have repaired if needed
I am enjoying my Monster Genesis 1000 on my Fat Bob and Benz Micro Glider II H on my Oracle Delphi IV. But overall, I have always liked the Dynavector Ruby series, including the 23, 23r, 23rs and 17d2. They just seem to do everything well.

For a MM I use an Ortofon 2M Black.
My current cartridge, (and current favorite), is the Dynavector XV-1s. It is a great cartridge, as it does everything virtually perfect, (at least for me), and it is the one I plan on using for a long time.

I also like the Koetsu cartridges, (all types, from the entry level Black, to the Rosewood Signature Platinum). At some point, I would love to be able to listen to a stone body version. I just love listening to vocals with the Koetsu cartridges. (Plus they have an extremely low noise floor, like the XV-1S I am currently using. I really love having a deep, dark black background.)

My two cents worth anyway.