What other hobby or hobbies do you have?

For me, besides Audio/Video stuff, I'm into Soccer...

Audio/Video and Soccer are the two big ones for me...

I play soccer every Sunday, and follow European soccer, DC United(Major League Soccer), internatioanl soccer, etc...
Mine are: Riding BMW motorcycles and collecting red wines and I try to never ever "mix" the two.
collecting music is my only only 'hobby'. buying hi end equipment is more like 'an illness'.
news and political junkie, I don't care which side wins I just like watching the game.
Hobby or obsession???

I love to cook, ride my road bicycle (knees won't handle mountain riding any
more...) Love fast cars, and apparently spending money as no matter how much
I make I seem to come out even..... I collect watches and good old 35 mm
cameras, though I mainly shoot digital nowadays, and traveling, which should
come above the rest...
Speeking of bikes, I was stopped by a particularly large motorcycle this morning. It was a Triumph with a 2,200 cc. engine. Gee, times were that a bike with a 1,200 cc. engine was considered about as quick as they gotiten. the thinh had a rear tire withthat wiould been apporp
Love sports cars mostly. Have a Ferrari Dino and Carrera 993 911 Cab. Had lots of old clunkers from the '60's on. Didn't run half of the time but loved them anyway. Mostly follow vintage racing now. Still love my Hi Fi addiction. Mostly tubes and vintage speakers. Gotta love it...
Don't want to interrupt a fresh thread but if you try this link you will find previous answers to this question.

As for me, watching baseball.
Playing classical piano, riding motorcycles, running, drinking wine, stocks and automobiles. When I fell really twisted I do all at once

Surfing, reading books, camping, tea, wine, cognac drinking and interior design.
porno, harley davidson motorcycles, hifi, collecting music, selling gear & autographs.

Doing fun things with my children/family. I know most audiophiles have this phobia of kids around their equipment but my two boys have never bothered my tube amp or any part of my set-up. I also love tennis, archery, and yes, cognac.
Photography, another hobby where equipment and art are intimately intertwined. Hobbies where my passion has faded with age but where I still have a small flame burning: reading science fiction, playing chess, and playing table tennis.
Mountains biking, white water kayaking, cooking/grilling, and drink mixology. No time any more for the other interests.
Cactus/succulent collection, landscaping, photography, home customization.

Photography (nature, wildlife, undersea, travel, etc), scuba diving, white water canoeing, hiking, world travel, and Bush bashing.
I guess you could call alpine skiing a hobby, but I consider it a religion. Upcoming religious experiences- Dec - Utah (powder), Jan - Vail (back bowls), Feb - Squaw (sunshine)/Whistler(not), March - Vail/A-Basin (50th birthday present to myself), April - tbd, May - Whistler or Mammoth. And then there's also a season's pass for 6 areas in the Vermont / Maine. You gotta love well planned "business" travel.

Kayaking in the summer when the darned snow won't stick.

To echo KKltam - My 12-14 year-old boys respect my system and can operate it without problem. My 14 year-old is the AV specialist in his school - will he inherit the disease?
Is sex a hobby, a vital need, or an addiction? I guess all three.
Being an audiophile for me is not a hobby, it's more like a disease... :)
Music and high-end audio occupy most of my non-work time, but I love reading all kinds of books, playing football, and watching sports on TV. Marine biology is a particular passion of mine.
I haven't had so much fun with a toy since I got into the stereo hobby:
$29 R/C helicopter

It's addictive and one more thing to keep me from getting any work done.
gardening - especially orchids, bromeliads and cactus/succulents

sailboat racing - makes this look reasonable

photography - having grown up in silver with lab dependencies, I love the whole digital darkroom thing

cooking and wine - why bother trying to separate them LOL

and of course my Kerry Blue Terrier (its a dog)
Actually I try and hit the gym three to four times a week for my regular weight training.Lately I 've been bad and slack off a bit and down to 2 -3 times a week of training.I 've used all kinds of natural supplements and in general they help to body build,I am happy with my psysique and my progress so far (it's been almost 10 years since I got into it)but my mid section is a far cry from the ideal six pack or washboard .LOL.One day I might try a real diet or get some 'roids.
what makes people tick, their motivation and behavior is a fascinating study.
Seems as if a lot of Agonners like photography :) Me too, I shoot with a Canon 5D but I have been thinking of getting that Leica M8. Been eyeing the Leica system for a long time because i'm sick of SLR's.

Also like skiing - just got back from a ski trip. Don't be so surprised - i'm in Australia!

Cooking - French, Italian, and Chinese. The three greatest cuisines in the world (all IMHO of course). I can also do passable Indian.

Also love history, philosophy, and current events. All 3 go hand in hand - you need history and philosophy to understand the world.

I love sports cars as well. Currently have a Porsche, but i've always wanted a Ferrari.
Mine is fishing. I find it very relaxing to go drift in a boat or sit along the bank of a river and wait for the rod to bend. I try to go at least twice a week as weather permits.

I also maintain care of 4 lawns, so that keeps me busy too, but I can't say it is one of my favorite things to do.
How can people afford 2 expensive past times and a wife and family. My other interests are'nt expensive;

Amature dramatics, people still talk about my Malvolio, very little is printable.

Martial Arts: crawling up to black belt in Karate for wimps

Community activism, local charities and such, absolutely not local politics

Wife and family of course comes first, why do kids get more expensive and time consuming as they get older.

Live music, the only way to judge your system. The Last was Eugene Onegin at the Marinsky in St Petersburg, they even had English surtitles
Playing Bass Trombone for the past 17 years in The Skagit Symphony our local symphony.
My son and I are big into radio controlled models. Personally I think it's the best father/son hobby around. We're also into 1:1 size cars as well.
I don't consider listening a hobby, it is participation in an art. Hobby denotes a light interest to pass the time, like watching sports.
Hiking and photography. Use Nikon D300 with 6 lenses + converter that cover the range from 14mm to 480mm.
Before Audio and Marriage/Kids(listed in order of discovery):
Guitar(age 12), Chess(age 16), Table Tennis(age 18), Photography(age 18), Cycling((age 22)and Weight Lifting(age 24...wanted to impress a girl that worked at the local Gym).

After: Chess, Table Tennis. About to jump back into the Camera/thing again along with lifting. Need Knee surgery(again)to force me to aquire a new bike with Campy Record 10 carbon(which I had).I still think about playing guitar everyday.