Why does most new music suck?

Ok I will have some exclusions to my statement. I'm not talking about classical or jazz. My comment is mostly pointed to rock and pop releases. Don't even get me started on rap.... I don't consider it music. I will admit that I'm an old foggy but come on, where are some talented new groups? I grew up with the Beatles, Who, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Hendrix etc. I sample a lot of new music and the recordings are terrible. The engineers should be fired for producing over compressed shrill garbage. The talent seems to be lost or doesn't exist. I have turned to some folk/country or blues music. It really is a sad state of affairs....Oh my god, I'm turning into my parents.
I think Marty's thoughts of the composition of audiophiles here closely mirrors mine. I'm as progressive as they come and try to keep an open mind, but I've always found that I've never much appreciated lots of music that most here find enjoyable, let alone compelling.

Most of the music I grew up with and liked I rarely listen to anymore. For the most part, my tolerance has stayed consistent for all my life: I tend to move on to new areas and discover ones I missed, but I'm never in the need for consensus. I'll take advice, but just that. Music is much too personal for me to give into what the masses demand.

That being said, it's one's taste and one's taste only. Let the historians debate who's best for any given time and era. They'll never agree-what chance does anyone here think we will? A fools errand at best.

All the best,
Very well written, and insightful posts from all. Just want to clear up a possible misunderstanding.

I just want to make clear that a person does not have to an Audiophile, or be of a certain ethnicity or socio-enconomic class, to be OUTRAGED, at the sight and sound of some illiterate cretin shouting obscenities and vulgarities, over a plagiarized music track.

Carry on.

"IOW, my observation is that it is (with several notable exceptions) popular music posters here are narrow, backward looking, and quite conservative in their musical taste and would likely reject rap in a heartbeat."

Anyone who would propose Audiogon members in any way is representative of the musical tastes of the world at large would definitely have some blinders on.

This is a "high end" sight after all. It's easy to quantify high end prices. Maybe even what high end audio sounds like.

But specify what music is "high end" or not? Please!

High brow maybe....

Remember that music started way before Bach and others in his day started to elevate it to appeal to the huge minority upper classes and more highly educated population segment that classical music tends to better reach and appeal to.

Its a tough argument to elevate the blues above classical music, or jazz, and vice versa. Same true of rap.

Again a lot has to do with individual experience regarding what music one relates to or not. Old guys sitting in a room listening to their fancy stereos is just one example. And they might be an endangered species....
Rok 2 id wrote:

I just want to make clear that a person does not have to an Audiophile, or be of a certain ethnicity or socio-enconomic class, to be OUTRAGED, at the sight and sound of some illiterate cretin shouting obscenities and vulgarities, over a plagiarized music track.

....Well, maybe you don't have to be an audiophile, or socio-economically privileged to be outraged by rap, but it certainly seems to help. ;-)

Well done Rok. But Marty, Do you think you may be over complicating things a bit? Definitions of art become irrelevant to those offended by it. Why would I grade something I consider degenerative? To consider as you suggest, that early blues in any way has a similarity to Warhol or Picasso. Completely different motives and intentions. I do agree with your assessment of Johnny B. Goode, but the Beatles were 'better'.