
Responses from pabelson

Best Budget system? $500-$750 tops
I'd go in a different direction. using new components:CD: Panasonic DVD player ($80)Amplification: Onkyo TX-8211 stereo receiver (seriously) ($200)That leaves you $220-$470 for speakers, and lots of options. I'd recommend listening to whatever Par... 
Your favorite versions of Aja and Katy Lied?
The original releases were actually highly regarded in their time. Aja may have been as good sonically as any pop recording ever put out on a major label. 
Early Beatles album question--
Beatles '65 was released in the US at the very end of 1964, about the same time as Beatles for Sale in the UK. For Sales' lineup was basically split between '65 and Beatles VI (June '65) in the US. The US albums were mostly filled out with songs t... 
Apple or PC?
An important question is, which platform does your university recommend? Your life will probably be a lot easier if you can go to the campus tech support office for help when you need it. If the school doesn't have a strong bias, or doesn't provid... 
The problem with the music
Nrchy: It seems to me you've just stated the obvious. So what's your point? Audiophiles cannot "hold the manufacturers and engineers responsible" because they're too small in number to matter in the marketplace.On the other hand, as you note, ther... 
The problem with the music
Nrchy: Please forgive the tone of my last post, and then let me explain its point. You seem to attribute the poor quality you find in many recordings to the quality of the equipment used in recording studios. I think you're wrong about that. Peopl... 
The problem with the music
You might also consider the remote possibility that they, as professionals, actually know more about this than you do. 
Why do they always play so loud in hifi showrooms?
It is a well-established fact that, for most people most of the time, louder sounds better. Apparently, the people doing demos have misinterpreted this fact to mean, "Much louder sounds much better." 
Speaker cable length for L/R channels critical?
Slappy: Neither. It's a horse apiece, as they used to say. 
what is a redbook cd player?
You are confused. "Redbook CD" is redundant. All CDs conform to the Redbook standard. That's what makes them CDs. 
In Dash CD Players R.I.P.?
I don't think car CD players will be eliminated anytime soon. Lots of people have lots of CDs, and it'll be a long while before everybody's ripped their entire music collection onto an iPod or equivalent. You still need a radio (satellite or stand... 
Jefferson Airplane
Spencer Dryden, the group's second drummer, did indeed die last month. He replaced Skip Spence in 1966, after "JA Takes Off," and appeared on the albums from "Surrealistic Pillow" through "Blows Against the Empire" in 1970. 
hilary hahn..violinist
To each his own. I'd take Hahn over Bell any day. He's florid and affected, where she is straightforward and direct. Both characterizations are gross oversimplifications, by the way, but that gives you some idea of what makes them distinct--and di... 
Blind Power Cord Test & results
Also, in future threads, subjective discussions should not be interrupted by contrarian physical explanations and vice-versa.This is a misconception. These threads get onto the question of "what's real/what's in our heads" because people begin off... 
Why do intelligent people deny audio differences?
Now, the scientific response should be that since existing electrical testing methodology has only shown minor differences,and that A/B/X testing has not determined anything sufficient, that there must be some other testing methodology found to ei...