
Responses from ptmconsulting

Questioning a/c isolation for digital.?
I found that basic conditioning, using chokes and caps, helped inexpensive players with inexpensive switching power supplies to a degree, but just sucked the life out of better built players and DAC's with more advanced power supplies. Using isola... 
Ayre Cx-7e issue
I had my transport replaced by Ayre about a month or two ago because of a similar problem. Only reading every other disk.They turned it around in about 2 weeks time and I have not had another problem since. Sounds great. They are now using a new t... 
Which: $1000 MM or Transformer and $400 MC?
yup, that would be my initial suggestion, but include the following also, because they are good even though some are MM:- Dynavector 20X-H- Clearaudio Virtuoso 2 (but the Maestro Wood would be worth the stretch)- Sumiko Blackbird 
Name 3 under appreciated pop/rock drummers
Pop/Rock drummers are always going to play second fiddle to drummers in the jazz and prog/metal genre's. Those drummers play a more up front role in the sound of the band, where in pop the percussion tends to be more behind the scenes backing the ... 
What is the Phono stage you have finished with?
Hagerman Trumpet.Nice to see he is making them again, plus the new reference. 
What do you expect a reviewers system to be
Lets face it, a review article is going to net the reviewer maybe something in the $2000 neighborhood. Perhaps more for a regular senior contributor. I doubt that many a reviewer can subsist on those payouts, let alone amass an expensive state of ... 
What's the sonic advantage of bi-wiring
I biwire my Apogees, but that's no surprise because they pretty much HAVE to be biwired due to their low impedance. It's very noticeable, but maybe not so much on other speakers that present less of a load to the amp.That being said, I use the sam... 
Tube Preamp for McCormack DNA-0.5
If you've got a passive now then it's generally going to be hard to find ANY preamp, tubed or SS, that can match the transparency you are now hearing. Having said that, passives may lack the extra balls an active linestage will give you, and proba... 
Magico Comparison
I think that if you are looking to purchase any speaker at these price points you are one lucky audiophile. There's a lot of people out there who are just jealous of your committment to the hobby and the money you have to spend on it.Speakers are ... 
I'm studying MIT cables
Is there a white paper or some reasonable explanation of what those MIT boxes are trying to do, without getting overly technical? I would love to understand this better also. 
VPI TNT MkIII - pluses and minuses?
Another shout out for a silk thread to replace the rubber belt, but you will need an SDS or equivalent to make that work. The string diameter is very different from the rubber belt diameter and will result in a different speed. The old MK III plat... 
Transfiguration Proteus
I have an old Temper, the original version of it, and I would guess it probably needs a re-tip in the near future. But I am leery of sending it to Soundsmith due to its unique cantilever setup. Don't know what Transfiguration would charge me to do... 
Joseph Audio Pearls?
The Pearls have always shown well at shows, for the last 10-15 years. They should definitely be on anyone's short list (who can afford them). 
Parallel? How do you set the VTA?
VTA is incorrect. It is SRA that you should be adjusting for. VTA is just a gross estimation of a starting point using the armwand as a guide, but the stylus rake angle is the rake of the stylus in the groove so the sides of the stylus that intera... 
Simple & Cheap Way to Cut Turntable Vibrations
Yup squash balls under my VPI too. However I did it a little differently. Put the TT on a maple butcher block cutting board, then put about 9 squash balls between that board and the table top, making a cheap man's Ginko Cloud. You can rearrange th...