
Responses from ptmconsulting

Transfiguration Phoenix S or Grado Statement 1?
The Transfigurations have always been one of the more "musical" MC cartridges available. I've got an old Temper and it's just beautiful to listen to. Just foot tapping good, with plenty of detail but none of that over hyped hyper detail that some ... 
Review: ayre cx-7e mp CD Player
The CX7 player always seemed to have problems reading some CD's, and for no apparent reason. As my CX7 aged it wanted to read fewer and fewer. I recently sent it back to Ayre for a transport replacement. They ahve changed to a different transport ... 
VPI is Introducing a high-end Direct Drive Table
I was there also and heard the arm demo, using the same cartridge (Grado Gold) on the same table - just swapped out the arm wands with no other changes. The improvements with the new arm were not subtle. Much better separation and soundstaging and... 
Best MC step up transformer
If you're on a budget then the Hagerman Piccolo is hard to bear, but it's not a transformer. It's a head amp using op-amps to boost the signal. Have you seen Dave Slagle's transformers? Very nice. Custom wound to match your cartridge. 
Replacement for Maggie's?
Harri - I think the black sock with Cherry sides is the nicest look. Why not just replace the sock on them and please your wife while you are at it? 
Replacement for Maggie's?
I've heard the GT Audio speakers twice now at different shows. Yes, they definitely do something special, and at a great price too. They are a wee bit smaller than a Maggie, but not by much. 
Replacement for Maggie's?
If you like Maggies, you will love Apogees. The problem is finding a pair. (PM me - I have a paair of Calipers for sale).They are a bit more cohesive than a Maggie, being all ribbon. They have the same kind of power requirements but are more dynam... 
Mapleshade Silclear
Actually, Silclear doesn't come off very easily. I found that nail polish remover worked best. Then alcohol the contacts afterwards.I tried it on RCA's and speaker connections, and would up cleaning it off them. I then tried it on AC connections, ... 
Can a $3K table be among the best out there?
Vinyl; can be pricy, and in a nutshell, the more you spend the better it gets. Not always the case with digital.Lets work this through, a $3000 TT, a comperable arm would be @ $1000 - 1500, a comperable cartridge would be @$1000-1500, a comperable... 
Let's Talk Reel to Reel Tape Decks & Music
I still have my Teac 4 track lying around. I used it a lot back then for home studion work.I rarely use it now, even though I have some nice tapes, both home recorded and commercially produced. In general it sounds a bit hissy and rolled off compa... 
upgrading Apogee Duetta speakers
About 2 years ago I got a pair of Calipers and restored them. I replaced the inductors with ERSE Air Cores and the caps with Auricaps and the resistors with Mills. Those changes significantly improved the speaker. I would keep them forever, but ..... 
Listening Room Art Work
We sent my daughter to a local Art center to build her high school fine art portfolio for college. Well, she drew some really amazing stuff and got into a great school and a great program. I've now got her art hung around my listening space.Never ... 
Direct drive vs belt vs rim vs idler arm
Here's an interesting test for those of you who have belt drives, especially those with rubber belts like the VPI's. Place your finger lightly on the belt where it leaves the motor capstan and is being pushed to the platter. Feel that vibrational ... 
2012 Jazz cd compilation: Down Beat magazine
Anyone care to actually post the list here? 
Anyone hear of the Black Cable Tie tweak?
Most downspouts are white, or at least light, in color. A black cable tie would be ugly on them. What we need is a white cable tie for the WAF.Anyone know of a source for those?