
Responses from ptmconsulting

Direct drive/rim drive/idler drive vs. belt drive?
A belt creep is someone who has a size 54 waist, but still uses a size 34 belt, hung WAY low over the grossly protruding beer belly :-)Belt slip is when he reaches for something over his head and his pants fall down :-)) 
Pat Metheny Fans, Great Suggestions Please ??
short answer - yes, ECM has historically released very good quality vinyl. 
Direct drive/rim drive/idler drive vs. belt drive?
I don't know about the benefits of achieving maximum "deadness". I've run some informal experiments using different damping materials on my TT's plinth. I definitely found thet there is a point where there is too much deadening which sucks the lif... 
Upgrading wall outlets
Speaking of dryers and improvements made, there are other appliances in your home that will definitely affect the deliver of electricity in your home. Generally anything that has a big draw on it will do this. Most notable the washer, since that b... 
I built my own Turntable and here are the results
Did you actually "build it", like machining and such, or did you combine pre-made parts into this completed package, or some combination of the two?It is a stunning looking TT. Congratulations ona job well done, but you definitely need to give us ... 
New Aluminum Platter from VPI
I've come to the same conclusion about the thread tension. Too tight and it doesn't sound right. It needs to be just tight enough to grip, but still loose enough for the weight and mass of the platter to do its speed stability thing without being ... 
New Aluminum Platter from VPI
And I can personally vouch for Dave's suggestion to get a speed controller and change to a thread drive over the VPI rubber O ring drive belt. Much better PRAT by removing the wobbly and vibration generating rubber drive belt.Enjoy,Bob 
How to tell if Acoustic Treatment is Needed?
Definitely try alternative placement ideas before you spend $$$ on the problem. If nothing else, it will help optomize what you already have.Then get some coush cushions or quilts and oth4er dampening things (borrow some from other audiophiles if ... 
Any Derek Trucks Band fans?
Songlines was a very good and eclectic album. His last one though didn't do it for me. It sounds like he's just noodling along and the songs weren't as diverse or as well composed as the previous album.It's gotten a lot of praise, but perhaps just... 
How to Increase Turntable Height on High WAF Rack
Build a nice sandbox and sit the TT on top of that. Or get a nice thick maple board and float it on a bunch of squash balls. Any extra isolation will pay off sonically and you will be able to raise the height at the same time.Enjoy,Bob 
Establishing a common analog listening bias
Is this list limited to common album pressings, or are Reference Recordings or Acoustic Sound and other "premiere" labels also to be included? Same question for 45RPM vs 33RPM?I ask because some of my premiere/specialty recording disks are just ab... 
Establishing a common analog listening bias
So, is someone going to actually pull together a demo CD of the tracks and make it available? (ha, ha ... that was supposed to be a joke for all you analogue nuts)Bob 
What Printed Magazine do you prefer?
It seems like every year I drop one and pick up another. It generally takes me about a year to become bored with a magazine and begin looking for some fresh perspective, and each has its + and -'s. This year it was drop the Absolute Sound and pick... 
New vinyl's noisy little secret
I read something, somewhere that discussed the new vs old pressing plants. In the old days they wer running full stream every day. The presses were making thousands of records a day. These days the plants are making only hundreds of records in sma... 
Seeking Ten Years After song
Albert (ha, ha) - I meant Alvin