
Responses from ptmconsulting

Ayre C-5xe vs Ayre C-7xe??
Yes, I've seen that thread. But I expect that as the mod gets out into the world we'll be hearing more about it. It sounds like the change is not at all subtle, so I'm sure there will be both good and bad reactions to that. 
The Better My System Gets....
I've been going to less live shows this year and last also, but that's mostly due to the economy tanking and ticket prices rising. My favorite place to see a show, IMAC in Huntington LI, also just closed. They were a non-profit and just couldn't f... 
Seeking Ten Years After song
That was Albert detuning his E string? I always thought that he just took a break and let the bass player have a solo. Damn, good old Al didn't let anyone else have the spotlight for a minute, did he?Bob 
Good $250 Power Cord
You are doind yourself a disservice if you are not considering the Kaplan cables, available at www.tweekgeek.comEnjoy,Bob 
New caps for preamp?
Caps each have their own sound. You will need to identify what kind of a resulting sound you are looking for before you go down the replacement path.If you're looking for open and airy and precise and clean and extended and textured, then teflons ... 
Ayre C-5xe vs Ayre C-7xe??
Just picked up a used CX7e and am expecting delivery later this week. I've contacted Ayre about the MP upgrades and they are apparently backlogged unti November right now. So I guess I'll get to know this player for a while and see what other's im... 
What is the affect of cd player?
The degree of difference between good digital, like your Cambridge, and top shelf digital is relatively small. And probably not a worthwhile upgrade at all unless the rest of your system is highly resolving and up to par with it.It's all about tha... 
Low-Profile Turntable
There's a used B&O Beogram for sale here for a very inexpensive price. That should fit your need. 
Has anyone listened to the new Dave Matthews CD?
I do see a CD, video and cassette copies of "Crowded Streets" available but never saw a vinyl copy. I did see one person claim to have a signed copy of this album, listed as a prized possession.If you're every in need of cash in a hurry you could ... 
Has anyone listened to the new Dave Matthews CD?
So, has anyone compared the vinyl to the CD yet? Which one should I get?Thanks,Bob 
Stylus Force Gauge
A digital scale is a digital scale is a digital scale. Just because it is an "audiophile approved" scale doesn't make it better. There are a number of websites that sell digital scales. Doa searcha dn find one that has increments of .01 of a gram ... 
I always do something stupid...
Rules for an aging audiophile tweaker:(1) It always pays to take your time.(2) Keep alcohol away when you are doing something with fragile equipment. (3) It very foolish to have an amp that pushes out 1000W of power, because someday, inevitably, y... 
The Next CD Player Recommendation
Even if you don't like the sound of these 2 CD players anymore you could still use them as transports. Have you considered trying out a DAC instead of a full CD player? There's quite a few very good ones in the used market for your budget, and if ... 
Phonostage Question
Whatever you decide to get, based on your budget, try to stretch a bit and truly get something special. I believe the phono stage is the most important piece of equipment in the analogue chain. You can't hear what the TT or cartridge are capable o... 
Dyna 20X?
I stepped up from a 20X-H to an older XX1-H (got a great deal since it was sitting unused in a drawer and hardly even broken in). The XX1 is the predecessor to the XX2.To backup Thom's statement, the XX1 is far more refined and nuanced, but I defi...