
Responses from ptmconsulting

Why so few high end line arrays?
I agree with those micro dynamics at low SPL's. Line arrays tend to sound louder than the volume knob would seem to show. Maybe it's all those speakers (duh)?I think the one design issue with line arrays is the number of speakers themselves. They ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
I heard back from jim Hagerman. His thughts are that 100k loading will probably work well with old Shure and other semi-ancient MM cartridges, but he doubts that it will prove beneficial to modern day Mc's (high or low). He did suggest that removi... 
Why so few high end line arrays?
I've heard several line arrays. Like any design they seem to do some things wonderfully, but also seem to have issues of their own to contend with and overcome. It's always a trade off for what you consider important.In my experience and on the on... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Thanks Raul. I posted a question to Jim Hagerman to seek his opinion and resistor location (since I amusing his Trumpet phono stage). I am eagerly awaiting your test results.Thanks,Bob 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
I've read through most of this thread with a lot of interest. It's great that there has been some experimentation and challenging of the 47K wisdom for MM loadings.Now I wonder if this same logic might be applied to a HOMC? I have an older Dynavec... 
Rolling Stone top 100 Guitarists - Howe/Van Halen
I think these ratings are seriously tilted toward guitarists as "composers" of rock classics rather than players. John McLaughlin at #49 as an example. But that doesn't explain Pete Townsend at #50 or Richie Blackmore at #55. But why the hell is J... 
To mod or not to mod, dac is the question
If you're going to mod, then do it yourself. Otherwise you will spend a lot of money that will never be recoverable on resale. Plus you'll learn somethin gin the process and have that pride of accomplishment thing going on as well.Here's a link to... 
Which songs/albums take you back to college?
In college from '77 - '81 so there were several albums & songs:- Lots of friends were disco heads, but not me, so nothing in that camp- One Burbon, one scotch, one beer- UK - In the Dead of Night- Jean Luc Ponty - anything from Enigmatic Ocean... 
Black Sand Cable Power Cords How Good?
Here's a link to a shootout/review of various PC's that I did a while ago. The Black Sands cables are very nice indeed, but it also depends on where you use them, and the cleanliness of your power, and ... 
Ayre CX-7e vs. Bryston BCD-1
As good as my Ayre CX7e is, and it is definitely better in terms of the flow of music and the depth and spacial aspects, it just can't compete with good vinyl. But then not much (if anything) really can.I'm on the waiting list for the MP upgrade. ... 
Tube preamp and McCormack DNA-500
Try this one: works wonderfully with my DNA .5 Rev A, especially after upgrading the coupling caps to teflons.Enjoy,Bob 
What about Cardas Cord?
You can get extended lengths of the Kaplan cords over at www.tweekgeek.comVery nice cords for a reasonable price. 
Best Super-Tweek You Possibly Ever Did
Speaker placement and judiciously positioned room treatments. The speaker placement is essentially a free tweak that just takes a good amount of time and patiance. Room treatments do not have to be expensive, but if you can hang them without wifel... 
Best system you can assemble for peanuts ?
Well you can actually assemble almost any system on peanuts (i.e. packing peanuts). They might actually provide some nice isolation from external vibrations :-)But seriously, the used market is your friend, or if you are into it, the flea market a... 
Who has dumped the power conditioner?
I think you may be losing your audience due to the bickering. Please cease and continue with the original posters topic.I used power conditioners for years and found that using cascading power conditioners on my digital rig made a nice improvement...