
Responses from ptmconsulting

Wood v. Metal for stands. Is there a clear winner?
If you're handy and have the time and inclination you could build something like these (sand filled "seismic sink" isolation shelves). I don't have any schematics or details, but you should be able to figure it out from the pictures - I did.http:/... 
Your Fav EL34 and why?
"Is good bottom end a given with EL 34s???"I found that the bottom end was effected mostly by using the correct speaker taps on the amp. With my speakers the 2 ohm taps worked best for the bottom end, but the 4 ohm taps sounded better in the mids.... 
joy killing refridgerator
Plug an AudioPrism Quietline filter into the same outlet that the fridge is plugged into and forget about it. Do the same with other noisy appliances that use standard voltages/current like the washing machine, dehumidifier, fluorescent lights, et... 
Pat Metheny Fans, Great Suggestions Please ??
Metheny has covered a lot of ground and a lot of styles, as you would expect from someone with such a long history and a well respected talent. I'll try to sum up the styles and best-of's within each period:Primarily acoustic & "mood" jazz- On... 
What is the best used sub-$500 DAC?
Don't forget about modded Art DI/O's, which can be had for a song these days. Still a very competative DAC. Lots of detail and resolution and dynamics and very musical. Able to handle soft, sweet stuff and complex music with ease.It is NOT an over... 
Any Audio Enthusiasts in Alabama?
There's a joke in here somewhere, I just know it.Enjoy,Bob 
Which 1080p plasma?
Try this site for some good, in depth reviews: an added bonus: when they do a review they give you the settings to standardize your picture (color, hue, etc.). The results are far better than the default sett... 
Best outdoor speaker
As much as I hate saying it, I have also had those white plastic Bose for about 10 years now. They do a fine job outdoors without distortion (which I've heard on many others when played above a whisper).However, I have also heard true audiophile o... 
Aside form the Human voice...
If only the piano had a wind controller on it ... In lieu of that I would say the voice, then most wind instruments like sax and oboe and such, then a tie between piano and other stringed instruments.It still takes a human touch to make real music... 
VPI record clamp
The trick to these clamps is not to overtighten. Gently flick your fingernail on the edge of the record. If you hear a ping, then adjust it a bit more until it sounds dead. With a little experimentation you can get a successful clamp on every reco... 
Need Cart Rec for Moerch DP-6
For any Moerch product it all depends on the type of arm you have (yellow, blue, red dot, etc.). This defines the mass of the arm, which dictates the compiance of the cartridge that will work with it. So, which color dot do you have on your DP-6?H... 
'Racks'. Important? Best bang for $$?
Here's what worked for me. Each shelf is filled with 50lbs of sand, making a seismic sink under each component.,Bob 
ventilation fan vibration isolation help needed
When I added a fan in my old cabinet I went through a bunch of different ideas. The best by far was to hang the fan from the shelf above with cord, so that it gently blows over the top of the ewuipment. Then get a dimmer switch and connect it to t... 
Have anyone replace VPI SSM belt with string?
I've experienced the up and down movement on the belt. Here's what I found out, and did to solve it.- No change by levelling the motor, but it SHOULD probably be level anyway, so no loss in making it so.- Take a toothpick and make sure the motor f... 
Moerch DP6 or UP 4
I agree that the UP4 is a unipivot, but I don't know if I would call the DP6 a regular pivited arm. I would more describe it as a unipivot with horizontal stabilization. Take a look at the technical details at the Moerch site. They explain it far ...