
Responses from ptmconsulting

Passive Pre - No Regrets?
I had a McCormack passive into my DNA .5 amp and loved it, but was missing the dynamics. I've moved to an Audio Prism Mantissa and haven't looked back.Yes, a passive is very alluring, and can be really great paired with the correct equipment, but ... 
Tuntable not working with wood floors..Help
You took the words right out of my moutn - try a wall mount, but make sure its a load bearing wall for best results.The other option, which worked fairly well for me in the past, is to put the TT on a maple butcher block and put rollerblocks under... 
Origin live Silver or VPI JMW-9 Signature
At those prices you would be remiss not looking at a Moerch also (UP4 or DP6).Enjoy,Bob 
Smooth Jazz Freak needs New Artists
I like a lot of the suggestions mentioned above. Lots of good stuff there. If you're looking to broaden your horizons over time I can suggest doing two things:(1) Sign up with BMG Music and look through their catalog. Or subscribe to 
Hagerman "Blue Cornet"
I also have a transformer "hummmmmm" coming from my Coronet. I contacted Jim Hagerman and he suggested that it might be due to my use of the original 270BX transformer. It is only rated for 210-215 volts. The 370BX transformer that is now used in ... 
Morph The Cat : Revisited
It sounds decent on the stereo - not as good as many small jazz combo CD's or albums, but decent for a rock album. Unfortunately I have to agree that the songs are forgettable. I guess I'm just fed up with the Fagan sound. It hasn't changed much o... 
MMF-5 vs. VPI HW-19 Jr - old school or new age?
It may be a lateral move right now, but you have the potential to upgrade the VPI as time and funds allow. It COULD be a much better table down the road.However, if I were in your shoes I would probably wait, save some additional cash, and get a b... 
Bill Evans The Village Vanguard Sessions
There is a definite mastering difference between the original LP's and the SACD reissue. The SACD sounds much better, IMHO. Don't know about the others though.Enjoy,Bob 
Analog vs. CDP: A fair comparison?
If you're into the sensual part of the hobby, then there's no doubt that a vinyl rig will suit your needs. Its far more tangible than a CD player or DAC. It's just the very mechanical nature of the whole thing. Once you're into it though you will ... 
Mapleshade Silclear
Well I guess I started this whole thing. I've got to say I'm not surprised at the variety of impressions and outcome. Over the past 2 years since this started, I have cleaned and reapplied Silclear several times. Usually because of wire changes or... 
AudioQuest PT tonearm mass?
Manufacturer Model: PT 6 Eff length: 229 O/H: 18 O/S: - Mounting distance: 211 Cartridge weight: - Arm mass: - VTA: Y MP: Linn HS: fix Null Points: 66.0 / 121.0 I can't find anything on the arm mass either, but I would assume it's probably a medi... 
Anti-cables vs CC89259
Thanks for the responses. That's what I kind of thought. The "raves" usually get posted easily and frequently. The less than stellar results sometimes don't get posted at all (i.e. if you don't have something nice to say ...).All in all, probably ... 
Shortlist of best cartridges with VPI
Dynavector 20X-H (for high output)20X-L or Karet for low outputAlthough the Grado's sound nice too, if not quite as fast as the DV's (Sonata and up)Enjoy,Bob 
What do you think of the DIY Cat 5 speaker cables
In my experience DIY CAT 5's caused a smearing of the sound. Probably due to the different twist ratios on the strand pairs. In any case, it effected the definition and leading edge transients badly.Enjoy,Bob 
Try treating the 1st reflection points, making sure you have a consistent speaker placement within the room (i.e. centered between the walls). That turned out to be my problem.Enjoy,Bob