
Responses from ptmconsulting

Toshiba 4960 as a DVD-A transport
This player definitely has a history of not playing every DVD-A. I would definitely look elsewhere if that is a concern to you.If not, and you're looking for inexpensive and decent Redbook and SACD, then this player is worth considering, especiall... 
How much $ to "match" digital in my system?
read this thread at audio circle:,Bob 
Help with speaker system for billiards room?
Get some Gallo's. You know, the round ones. Then paint them to look like billiard balls. Fun and decent sounding to boot.Enjoy,Bob 
Has anyone compared the Joseph Audio Pearl Speaker
Heard it compared to Avantgarde Duo's and Uno's. All were pretty amazing but very different. Funny thing that - we're all shooting for that sonic perfection. That "you are there" kind of sound. You would think that with this goal in mind these top... 
DAC under $550?
Then there's the host of non-oversampling DAC's. They definitely have their own flavor but many, many consider them more musical overall. There's at least 10 I can think of for under $500. Do a search here, on Audio Circle and on Audio Asylum.Enjo... 
steps ahead
I think the best album by the group was one of the last -- Vibe. Some of the earlier stuff sounds dated today. All good, but still a bit long in the tooth.Bob 
Speaker Sugestions Wanted $1500 max
For $1500 I think your best bet is to look at several of the DIY kit speakers offered at madisound, Zalytron and several others. You will get much better sound for your $$$ than buying full retail or even used. Only problem is you can't hear them ... 
NYC area thrift shop vinyl
There is nothing "thrift" about NYC. QUite the opposite. You will need to travel to NJ, or CT or Long Island to find any vinyl stores with reasonable prices. For any "thrift" in NYC you need to find the Salvation Army stores and such and trust to ... 
Long Island, NY
Oops - I forgot to give you a link for the NY Audio Rave. You can find more info about them at to see you at one of the future meetings. And please let me know if you get a new club started up on LI.Bob 
NYC area thrift shop vinyl
There's a little shop not too far from you in New Paltz. Might be worth the ride there some weekend. Nice little town and great hiking up at Mohonk.Enjoy,Bob 
Given my AMP and DAC, which preamp?
How about a modded Squeezebox II directly into the Dodson (nice DAC BTW). No need for a preamp unless you have something else to plug in.Enjoy,Bob 
Long Island, NY
There's already a club on Long Island called Audio Syndrome. Please contact Andrew Dubitsky at 516-263-0296 or e-mail him at andrewdubitsky@pall.comThere's also a club called NY Audio Rave that meets in and around the city, with meetings in NYC, W... 
A brutal review of the Wilson Maxx
Perhaps he was turned down when he approached Wilson about advertising in his mag? Vitrolic? absolutely. Axe to grind? Perhaps.In either case I have also not been overly impressed with wilson speakers on the few occasions I've heard them. Certainl... 
Montana speakers, musical? Good Value????
You must hear them for yourself, just like any other speaker. In general I've found them to be very musical, with a softer top end than you will find on speakers having ribbons or metal tweeters. In that regard they are very enjoyable without fati... 
Best SS Amp with tight clean bass
Then there's always McCormack