
Responses from ptmconsulting

Hadcock on VPI Aries?
I think the Hadcock's, because they are semi-unipivots, are better suitable for non-suspended decks. So from that standpoint the Aries is perfect.I think its more a question of what type of cartridge do you own. The Hadcock needs a high compliance... 
Samsung Hd841 or Toshiba 4960 modifications
Well I can break the news now. Here's a link to an article I was contracted to write for IEE Spectrum magazine. details the modification steps for the Toshiba 4960 and/or Samung 84... 
Best caps for speaker crossover?
Don't forget Sonicaps. Some of the most natural and musical caps I've heard in a crossover (for my drivers - Scanspeak's).But it all depends on the speakers and drivers that are being used. Each cap has a "style" or "sound" to it, as does each dri... 
I know you said "Please for the sake of time and space please only respond about the SAMSUNG HD841, thanks", but the 841 is the exact same unit as the Toshiba SD4960.Here's a link to the mods thread (for both) over at Audio circle: 
Need some advise on DAC's please....
Apart from the EMM (Meitner) DAC ($@10,000) and the new, one piece DCS DAC (@ $17,000), which sound superbly analogue, I would also recommend the Dodson DA-218 (@$7,000). These are the one's that I've actually heard, and not just read about.Enjoy,Bob 
Mid-priced warm sounding DAC?
Here's a link to another NOS DAC.'s a kit, sort of. You buy the completed board for about $140, shipped, then purchase a 12V rechargeable, sealed lead acid battery from here for about $25 shipped... 
McCormack Amp question
They work excellently with both tubed and passive preamps. They were designed for use with Steve's passives, but have a certain magic combined with tubes, actually.Enjoy,Bob 
Samsung Hd841 or Toshiba 4960 modifications
I started the mods thread over at AudioCircle. Check it out on the Multichannel and Digital forum.The mods smooth out any residual digital harshness and improve the palpability of the player. The presentation and PRAT and dynamics are improved dra... 
High End Audio in Cancun
I'll be in Cancun in mid May, but the last thing I will be doing is looking for audio. I'll be diving, beaching, snorkling, cenote/cave diving, drinking tequila, pooling, sunning ... and such. :-)Enjoy,Bob 
Should you use cleaner on your stylus?
Haaaaa! I even found a link where you can have a free sample sent to you. Don't even have to go to the supermarket anymore, and no cash out of your pocket. This may be the most effective, cheapest tweak yet! It should be posted on Enjoy the Music.... 
New journey - Samsung HD841 Universal Player
Sean - Here's a link to (what I believe is) the original Swenson mod thread at Audio Asylum. There's lots of info there about this output stage mod, as well as other power supply mods that were made to the Toshiba 3950/3960 machines. The 4960 is a... 
New journey - Samsung HD841 Universal Player
Sean - if you read a little more carefully you will notice that the AudioCircle comparison of the 4960 to the modded DI/O used the 4960 as a transport for the DI/O. Yes, the sound of the two was very similar with the same transport.However, using ... 
New journey - Samsung HD841 Universal Player
Welcome to the club.Here's a link to the 4960 mods thread over at www.AudioCircle.com finally seems to be a group interested in this little player, now that the price went below $100. Do... 
Does anyone out there have a liquid system
There are lots of proponents of smoother, more liquid sound. They all seem to share a couple of traits - tubes, vinyl, copper wire, and staying away from metal dome tweeters.I also have found smooth bliss with my tubed Audio Prism Mantissa preamp ... 
How does Red Rose compare to older Levinson stuff?
The tubed Red Rose components were formerly built and distributed by Audio Prism. ML bought the line from them, and they supported the manufacturing and development efforts. They have now parted ways, which is why ML went with the Korsun stuff (IM...