
Responses from rcprince

Stand mounts for VAC 160i? (Nola Boxers?)
Nola is a nice match with VAC electronics.  I have Nola Micro References with a Phi 200, and had also listened to the Boxers with the amp.  The combination sounded very good.. 
Preamp for Vac phi 200
I agree with ebm.  I have a Phi 200 and am using a Shindo Monbrisson, which is a great sounding combination along the lines you're looking for.  However, the gain from the Shindo is so high that I have to use 12 db attenuators at the amp to be abl... 
Buying tubes...do they vary???
I too would suggest either CJ (if you want the same sound you had when you bought the amps) or, if you want to try vintage tubes, Andy at Vintage Tube Services.  Andy would certainly be able to suggest tubes that would suit your tastes, as he's ve... 
Thiel Owners
jafant:  No, but I sold them to a neighbor in NJ who has since moved here in Williamsburg, so I get to visit them from time to time.  Still nice speakers, though had I the money at the time I would have gotten the 3.5s.It's nice to see Tom Thiel o... 
Thiel Owners
My CS3s had dual binding posts. 
TO BE OR NOT TO BE the user of a record clamp
Some manufacturers do not want you using a clamp (Linn, for example).  You did answer your question with the theory of making the record and the platter be one unit (Basis adheres to that, and has a clamp that will tighten around the spindle), but... 
Actually, Jerry Ozment, the late digital designer, told me that most designers who have multiple digital inputs on their DACs will have optimized their design for one of those inputs, so while mattmiller may be correct as a general matter, it can ... 
Think of a transport as a CD player without an analog output.  A transport will only output a digital signal, for which you will need a digital to analog converter (DAC) in order to get your music.  A CD player with a digital output can serve as a... 
Amp Flashing "Warning"
Nothing in the owner's manual about that warning display and what it might mean?  If not, I second the suggestion of contacting the manufacturer. 
Where do I start-amp or speakers ?
Did you like the Thiel/Krell sound from before?  If so, why not go back to that?  Your room size would dictate the speakers you'd get (I think 2.4s would work better in there than CS6s, for example), and used they'd meet your budget  If you want a... 
The Jadis JA200Mk2 review---or slam!
Well, I think we now know why the amps were strapped for one ohm.  I had heard an earlier version of the mbl 101s driven quite well by the original version of the JA500s years ago (6550 output tubes), but I still thought it would be hard to imagin... 
Finding source of sibilance
First question, as slaw is saying, does your system have sibilance problems when using sources other than the turntable?  If so, more information is needed.  If not, you might check the alignmentor VTA of your cartridge, that could be a cause of t... 
Did you know....?
...that the Beach Boys were supposed to be called The Pendletones after the Pendletone woolen shirts that were fashionable at the time?  And that the only Beach Boy who actually surfed was Dennis Wilson? 
Tube or Trasistor
I'd side with Reubent on this one; my recollection of Shahinian speakers was that they would sound less bright than traditional speakers due to their omni-directional design.  I agree with the suggestions about speaker placement and room treatment... 
What’s in your system today that you also had 10 years ago?
My Basis Ovation turntable, my VPI HW16.5 record cleaning machine, my Merrill Stable Table and my Seakay Line Rover.  I had to downsize when I moved 4-1/2 years ago or there would be more that stayed the same.