
Responses from rwwear

Sony XA-5400es VS Oppo 83SE
I haven't heard the 5400 but owning a 707es I know how good Sony can be.A friend of mine and I compared my Oppo 83se to his PWD and we could hear no difference at all between the two on his system. His system is quite good and consists of Revel Sa... 
Favorite Bert Jansch solo CD
Then you should get this DVD. also performs on the new Crossroads DVD. 
What's better out from CD player: coax or optical?
The main difference is coax has a higher bandwidth. But they are both very high and you probably won't notice the difference. 
I have a PC, and I love iTunes. What next?
Use the digital out on your PC. 
Aesthetix Calypso or Pass Labs Preamp
I ended up with the PS Audio PCA-2 which I preferred over the Calypso and was in some ways better than the Pass and a lot less money. 
Favorite Bert Jansch solo CD
This compilation is a vey good place to start. It's three CD's of Pentangle, Bert Jansch and John Renbourne. 
Sony XA-5400es VS Oppo 83SE
The Sony lacks DVD, DVDA and Bluray playback if that's important to you. It is to me. 
How high the rears?
I like them up high but if you're using a system with room eq it doesn't really matter as long as they are not blocked by anything. 
Aesthetix Calypso or Pass Labs Preamp
I have compared the Calypso with the X-0 and the Pass was a good bit better in my system. The dynamics of the Pass and low level detail were superb. The Pass could be a little bright on some material though. 
Sonus Faber Guaneri Homage or Extremas?
Exciting Mal, let us know. 
Holes in back panel of speakers
It depends on how large they are and whether they go through the cabinet. If they are small enough you can just put screws in them if bigger wood dowels. Are you sure they aren't ports though? 
The most creative word for plywood you know.
Oriented strand board=OSB. 
The most creative word for plywood you know.
Chip board, OSB and Medium Density Fiberboard are not the same. 
Sonus Faber Guaneri Homage or Extremas? still you're puzzled by the heat sink. Then you notice below the 'Extrema' legend to the right of it a little logo which looks like an electronic component, bearing the wor... 
Does Aesthetix calypso match with Krell 200s pow?