
Responses from rwwear

Does Aesthetix calypso match with Krell 200s pow?
My pricing was from the official Krell US price list from 1995. Also Krell's tech and sales rep at the time told me the 2 was a better preamp. 
Sonus Faber Guaneri Homage or Extremas?
Extremas. I was told by one Sonus Faber rep at CEDIA that the Extrema would probably be re-released. I'm not sure your amp will work well with the Extremas either though. 
Does Aesthetix calypso match with Krell 200s pow?
My Krell price list from 1995 shows:KRC HR $6900.00KRC-2 $3700.00KRC-3 $2950.00The 3 was a newer design but the 2 was still current and considered a better product at the time.US Dollars 
Preferred Audio Output, USB or 3.5mm?
They should have HDMI. I know you can get an adapter. But why should you have to? It needs to be connected to a TV at least. Does the mini display port pass audio? I'm sure Apple will catch up at some point. 
Does Aesthetix calypso match with Krell 200s pow?
The KRC-3 was never one of Krell's best models. The KRC-2 was better. But they are older designs and I would choose the Calypso over them. 
Preferred Audio Output, USB or 3.5mm?
HDMI would be the better way to go. 
I Was at a Funeral of An Audiophile...
Amen Chad. 
Cowboy Junkies on Cassic, not as good as orig CD
Classic Records are often poor quality. 
Does Aesthetix calypso match with Krell 200s pow?
I tried the Calypso with my 700cx. It sounded good but not as good as the PCA-2 by PS Audio which I bought. I preferred the dynamics of the PCA and the flexibility. 
Balanced or not for interconnect
I like balanced because of hum cancellation and the 6db increase in volume. 
I Was at a Funeral of An Audiophile...
It sounded to me like Doug felt superior because he didn't like the non traditional music played and his system is a real audiophile system.One man's sin may be another's gospel. 
Why do my HDCDs play lower on my HDCD machine?
It depends on whether the HDCD recording uses Peak Extend.[[When any HDCD Process Decoder recognizes an HDCD Peak Extended recording, it reduces the decoded average signal level of this recording only, to allow for the increased head room of the “... 
Adcom GFP 555II Preamp Opamp replacement
There is a nice article in the Sept 2006 issue of Audio Xpress by Charles Hansen on upgrading the Adcom GFP-555. 
I Was at a Funeral of An Audiophile...
Deluded in what way? At least he was deluded into spending large amounts of money on snake oil. 
Gary Moore RIP.
I read that earlier, sad.