
Responses from schubert

Harmon Kardon ST-7 with Rabco Tonearm
Most troublesome TT ever made . 
Pros and cons of leaving your DAC on 24/7
I did not know tigers like music . 
Speakers for aging audiophiles - What's with today bass emphasis ?
Totem or Rega 
Schitt turntable anyone?
Try up to 2k$ , fine table . 
Audioquest Night Owl Headphones
Thanks for that post freediver, been wondering about the Pangea . 
Worst Rock Band Ever !!!!
Since that covers about 98% of them whats to choose ? 
Micro RX 5000 Renaissance?
What Chinese do BEST is to build what they want to whatever they standard they please to include World Class . 
Best audio companies and dealers
In 50 years in Audio ZU  has given me the best builder service . 
+ 1 for cleeds .If it will upset it's stasis you brain will make sure you hear no difference ! 
Jazz for aficionados
"Be not afraid " O-10 . Sing your own song and all will be well . 
Can someone explain to me why : Accupahse Equipment is that expensive ?
I have a 15 year old Casio that I bought for 15$ at an Army Exchange that loses 1 second a year , little less really . 
price of Oppo players threw the roof
You don't understand it because your standards are low . 
Art Dudley Calls B.S. but without naming names - PLEASE DO!
There is no such thing . 
Why is Oppo stopping products.
Asians think in terms of decades, Americans about 4-5 months tops . 
Why is Oppo stopping products.
Because their stupid phone business makes 1.000 times as much money .