
Responses from schubert

Classical Music for Aficionados
That's why I buy BIS Cd's and now buy only old Vanguard LP's from the 50-60"s , the sound is always good because these companies never madea bad sounding one .Vanguard was run by audiophiles and has most natural sound I ever heard . 
It really comes to something when a brand as iconic as Gibson Guitars cant stay afloat!
American workers are OK .American management is world's worse. 
Moving from MM to MC
I own both , can vary from system to system . I thing i know for SURE (pun-intended) is the Nagoka is FAR better built ! 
Latest Oppo"s selling for twice retail
Like Market goes up as dollar goes down .  
Allnic H-3000 hum when mute button engaged.
I found , more than once . that a different cable often takes 2 weeks or moreto "settle" in a system .  Even an old one you move around for that matter . 
Herron NOS Tubes
Most Bugle Boys on sale are fake . 
Full-Range to Monitors
A big advantage with stand mounts is you can take the room out of the equation to a large degree . 
High End is Dead?
Mom and Dad were right . 
Is a GREAT turntable under $2000 possible???
I've owned at least a hundred TT's for an tricked out Linn LP-12  to a AR-xa ..Right now I am listening to a Pioneer PLX-1000 with a Soundsmith Ottelo  cartridge at a total cost of 1k + tax . And yes , it IS great . It was very good but a 700 $ Pr... 
Anyone else a big fan of Norman Grantz' Pablo Label form the 70's/80's
Scored yesterday , Lester Young "Pres" PABLO 2308 219     1956 Mono Live in D.C . Hearing "Tea For Two" as I type this . 8 bucks 
Your last concert was to see who and when?
Joshua Bell , Wieniawski Violin Concerto. Orchestra Hall in Minneapolis . 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Rarely, you will get a recording that has a composer, a soloist , a conductorand a orchestra all of whom are both Great and at the very peak of their artistry .One of these is Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto, played by Kyung Wha Chung with Charles D... 
Thoughts on the most difficult instruments for speakers to reproduce?
Easily , massed symphonic strings . 
Confused about Rega and VTA....
Seems foolish to me to buy a TT that  needs upgrades from the cottage industry that exists because of Rega .  
Is the Merill "Gem Dandy" turntable far superior in sound than the Project RPM-3 TT??
One thing is for sure , most bang for the buck is Project .