
Responses from schubert

Memorial Day
People who are never been in combat seem to be a lot more fond of war then those who have . I served over a decade and my memories are of walking through Vietnamese villages where children had been burned to a crisp by napalm for no real reason .R... 
Contemplating DEVORE SPEAKERS (and others)....LONG audition report of many speakers
prof(or anyone else), I grew up 4 miles from Canadian border south of Montreal and have always had a "thing" for things Canadian .I’ve owned several small PSB monitors and liked the house sound on Classical which is about 90%of my listening .Any t... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
That is true of any decent speaker . The speaker is not the most important thing . 
Notable very small loudspeaker companies (other than Tekton!)
IMO Totem makes the best speakers on the market for Classical music available at reasonable prices . But it is not a small company . 
NOS Tung Sol 6550 VS Tung Sol 6550 New Production
Never listen to Sylvania 6550's from the 1950's  , you will never be satisfied with new anything tube !  
"Bookshelf" speakers designed to be placed near the wall behind them?
Rega  RS1 is very natural sounding and one of the all time best value in audio . 
"Super Rectifier"
Yes, usually the rectifier is the most important tube . 
Classical Music for Aficionados
From Bluesound I don't know, but Classical Minnesota is very good as is Wisconsin Public Radio  out of Madison . 
The 1970's Infinity QLS 1...How would it compare?
They wouldn't . 
Vandersteen 2CE Signature Speakers
Many speakers that do well with rock do not do so with classical .  
Classical composers, symphonies
It's been recommended already by jtuba but the Schumann symphonies are very underplayed  for as good as they are ! 
Vandersteen Sub woofers v Rythmik Subs
KLH 17 is a very good speaker ! 
Fading Display on NAD M3
There is no there there in nearly all the old firms . Just names owned by marketers .  
Need recommendation for CD transport (not Cambridge)
CXC  is tight so it clicks on lousy CD 's . 
Classical Music for Aficionados
I am sorely tempted to throw away all my CD’s anyway and just keep about500 LP’s . With old age and small condo + one of better classical FM stations that’s all I really need , if that .I believe one of the most important things I have learned ove...