
Responses from schubert

Some of the Worst Offenders in Bad Audio Forum Behavior Are Not Regular Forum Members
Very true, in this part of it anyway .Sorry , I shouldn't have been so flippant . 
Beogram 3000 linear tracking worth resurecting?
No . 
Some of the Worst Offenders in Bad Audio Forum Behavior Are Not Regular Forum Members
If business is your God you are correct .If music is you are not . 
Golden ear Technology reference
If they excel on rock I'll wager 90% of those who listen to 90% Classical would be not care much for them .  
Who is the best singer of the world ?
Beyond any doubt. the greatest female singer alive , Emmy Kirkby ! 
Sunday Morning Suggestions?
J.S. Bach Cantata  82 sung by Emma Kirkby , the greatest female singer alive .Or any other Bach Cantata sung by her ! 
Classical Music for Aficionados
P.S .  I payed 10 bucks for this fantastic DVD on Amazon . bought 2 just in case . 
Classical Music for Aficionados
. I’ll look to the Melartin newbee , The Tampere. like the other "minor"Finnish bands, are very good , like everything else in Finland . During Holy Week, as is my custom , I listen exclusively to religious music ,about half early music . Dufay, ... 
Oppo to cease production -- Announced yesterday...
They thought Americans are ignorant and would believe any thing they said . 
Oppo to cease production -- Announced yesterday...
Money moves around the world .The fact that US $ has declined 25% against the Euro in past year has a bearing on prices of  many  things .Outside the EU as well as in it .I was privy to a conversation in German at Berlin Audio show .Several big-wi... 
Vandersteen 3A Sigs vs Klipsch Forte III
I only listen to classical music and a bit of jazz .Once upon a time i worked for one of the biggest Klipsch dealers in the USA . The only place I would listen to them was from another room , they were that bright .SOLE exception was the Forte , t... 
Gonna have to ditch the Soundsmith Carmen II
You might and you might not , takes all of 5 minutes to see . 
Internet Radio: Good music that sounds good, who do you like?
I'm elderly and don't even know how to link .A friend of mine set it up for  me . If you google  classical mpr choral streamis on there . 
Gonna have to ditch the Soundsmith Carmen II
Try  tracking at 2.0  
Anyone else a big fan of Norman Grantz' Pablo Label form the 70's/80's
Anyone who knows squat about Jazz  knows that a Grantz /Pablo LP is among the best .