
Responses from tfkaudio

Advice: My first SACD?
If you're open to trying some classical, here are two of the best known works in the classical repertoire: (these are also excellent recordings that will show off the SACD format admirably) 
Advice: My first SACD?
What kind of music do you like? The advantages of SACD appear most obvious if you listen to something you're already familiar with. I remember being amazed by Ziggy Stardust even though I wouldn't rate it as one of the great SACD releases, but I ... 
Transparent Phono Cable
I don't know if Transparent makes a special cable specifically for phono. If they do, great. I, however, once used a Transparent IC between my table and phono amp, and it hummed loudly. I replaced it with an Audioquest Jaguar, which didn't hum. Ch... 
Are there any GOOD Dylan SACD remasters?
I'd recommend adding Nashville Skyline, Oh Mercy, and Planet Waves to your collection of SACDs. These are the 3 that I like most in the SACD format. Cheers. 
Best Rock Drummers
Keith Moon. 
Are there any GOOD Dylan SACD remasters?
From what reference recording of yours are they a letdown? I am curious because I think the SACD re-issues are, for the most part, very good. If your reference recordings are original vinyl pressings, then the SACD probably is a letdown. I didn't ... 
Which KT88s for Cary SLI-80?
I use the JJ Tesla KT88 and like them a lot. I would suggest trying the EH KT88. I have not tried them, but all the other EH tubes I've tried (12AX7, 6922) have been over-achievers. The 6922 gold pin was better than my Siemens NOS tubes that they ... 
High Efficiency Monitors - List
Check out this model by Coincident: 
Home Entertainment Show in Los Angeles
Just got back, too. I agree pretty much absolutely with Ckorody's comments. The Channel Island / Von Schweikert room and the Legend room were the best I heard. The Vivid Audio speakers sounded horrible in the totally untreated room, but I got the ... 
Loudness of TV Commercials
The rule, as I remember it, is that a commercial can be no louder than the loudest MOMENT of the sponsored broadcast. This means, if you are watching an NBA basketball game and somebody hits a game winning shot, the commercials that come afterward... 
This should be controversial....hearing tests...
I think Bingo is the farmer's dog. 
Best spot for my rack.
The best place for your rack is in another room. If you have an adjacent room that could be used, run the speaker cables through the wall. Of course, I'm a luddite who doesn't use remotes. If you use your remote all the time, another room probabl... 
MC vs MM - phono cartridge
The conventional wisdom is that MC is better if you've got the $$$ to invest in a high quality phono stage and tonearm. MC cartridges are also generally more expensive. If you're not thinking about getting into super-duper phono amps and space-ag... 
Two channel, SACD or DVD?
Both formats offer great sound. I'd recommend SACD, if you are primarily a 2 channel listener. The reason is that all SACDs have a discrete 2 channel layer. Some DVDAs do not, and that means that the 2 channel output is created in the DVDA player ... 
I think it is time to retire
The church bell tolls 12 times in Greenwich Village and it's May 24th, which means Bob Dylan is now officially at the "retirement age" of 65.