
Responses from tfkaudio

Classic Records 200g Quiex Vinyl - Who's Next
not to go off on a tangerine, but I just listened to a 180g Sundazed Mono pressing of "The Times They Are a Changin'" by Bob Dylan and it was so good that it spooked me. On the last track, "Restless Farewell" you could tell instantly, of his picki... Classical Search Engine
Yeah, they blew it. I do all my searches on now, and then follow the link to Amazon to make the purchase. There's enough classical music on SACD that I can find most of what I'm looking for out there. 
Audiophiles and apartments: Oil and water?
I have had some recent experience here. I lived in an apartment (3 flat) where everyone blasted away and the agreement was simple. You can blast away. I can blast away. End of story. Very nice. Then I bought a condo and the downstairs neighbor cal... 
Your favorite song from a RECENT cd release?
Any of the songs on "Other People's Lives" by Ray Davies. "After The Fall", "All She Wrote", and "Over My Head" are particularly good.Cheers. 
Classic Records 200g Quiex Vinyl - Who's Next
Rushton, That's a great little guide! Thanks for pointing it out. 
Classic Records 200g Quiex Vinyl - Who's Next
I was playing with the VTA today and it did make a difference. I was able to get Roger out of the basement, but he's still down the hallway. Unfortunately, the VPI Scoutmaster VTA adjustment is hard to fine tune. Makes me wish I had the JMW 10.5 o... 
Music Hall Maverick, Is it any good
If you got the good unit, consider yourself very lucky. There aren't many of them, as I've found out. Shame, too, because it sounds terrific when it works. 
Music Hall Maverick, Is it any good
My experience with the Maverick is the same as that of Libertasdon. 1) White noise outbursts2) Can't read many SACDs3) Stops playing SACDs mid-trackMine is in the box in a closet and has been there for months. It's un-sellable (with a clear consci... 
Classic Records 200g Quiex Vinyl - Who's Next
Rushton, I did clean the record with RRL fluid. I didn't adjust the VTA. Do you think this could make a drastic difference? Because a drastic difference is what is needed here. I assume you're implying that my arm height needs to go up a little, ... 
Classic Records 200g Quiex Vinyl - Who's Next
I'll also say that I've been very pleased with records released on the 4 Men With Beards label. 
Classic Records 200g Quiex Vinyl - Who's Next
My experience with Classic Records mirrors yours, Jaybo. I haven't been impressed, overall. I was also disappointed with "In Through The Out Door" by Led Zeppelin. It seemed to have the same sound "quality" as Who's Next. Restricted, to say the le... 
Classic Records 200g Quiex Vinyl - Who's Next
Jaybo, are you referring to the 3 LP re-issue? The guys at Music Direct tried to talk me into buying that one, instead. I didn't take their advice. Maybe I should have? 
To all analogers: check this out
I'm holding off on buying one until the Stereophile review comes out. I think the moral of the story for us enthusiasts is this: The majority of people in the world who still own any vinyl consider it to be worthless junk and hold on to it probabl... 
VPI Scoutmaster - Anti-skate again..
Sberger, Once you got the azimuth dialed in, where was the counter-weight setscrew? Mine is a couple millimeters right of dead center on the arm tube (looking down on the arm, standing in front of the table). Just wondering if you and others arriv... 
VPI Scoutmaster - Anti-skate again..
Sberger, I've found setting the azimuth to be a challenge. What I notice is that, using the "coffee stirrer" method, I can get the stirrer parallel to the table, but when the stylus sets down on the record, it tips slightly away from the center. S...