
Responses from tfkaudio

VPI Scout damping fluid
Can anyone tell me the specifics of the problem being described here? 
Will a Full Page Ad Guarantee a Review?
There is probably some validity to the idea that it "looks like something is going on" because one of the published criteria (by Stereophile) for selecting review products is that the company be well-established. This is common sense because they ... 
Denon 3910 or theta Carmen 2
I owned a Theta Carmen II and it was the best redbook transport I ever heard. I still regret having sold it in an episode of upgrade fever. That said, I wouldn't make the switch you are proposing unless you a) don't really have much of an investme... 
just setting up for the FIRST time...
The speakers should ideally be at the "short" end of the room, meaning that they should be firing out along the rise of the ceiling, and hopefully you can position your listening seat in the part of the room where the ceiling is highest. You can g... 
Best phono stage balanced under $3000 used
The BAT VK-P10. I saw one just sold for $1675 here on the 'Gon. 
I think it is time to retire
Pete Townshend is 61 today. Much too young to retire from anything, especially the age-old trade of music making. Cheers.  
Are the Beatles the reason why modern music exists
Tvad, Brian Epstein is the one who made them change from Levis and leather jackets to a more "respectable" look (enter the famous "Beatle Suit"), so isn't HE the reason that modern music exists? :) Would music be the same today if not for the Beat... 
tube question
You might want to buy one of these: 
Are the Beatles the reason why modern music exists
Jaybo got it right. Little known fact: The Ramones were trying to be a New York version of the Bay City Rollers, but something went awry. And, for better or worse (worse, I think), more "modern" pop music sounds indebted to the Ramones than to the... 
What Happened to Neil Young's New Release ???
May 30 release on Classic Records 200g vinyl 
I think it is time to retire
No mean-spirit intended, none taken. I'm honestly fascinated by the subject. Had the Beatles made 3 or 4 more albums that weren't "Revolver" quality, how many people would be upset out there? Not me. I like the fact that there are still Stones alb... 
I think it is time to retire
Maybe they should get on steroids?Every time I see a post like this, I feel compelled to respond. How do you benefit from their retirement? Just wondering. If you don't benefit, why is it so important to you that they retire? If you are more conce... 
whats the best styus cleaner gel
Zerodust. I love it. Don't overclean it, though! The "goo" deposits are localized. Keep dipping the stylus into a "fresh" spot. You'll get long life that way. You - and your stylus.Keep smilin' and keep playin' vinyl. Classical Search Engine
But you gotta love a handle like "Bartokfan"! I heard the Dance Suite on WFMT today, while driving home. God blessed Bela Bartok in a prodigious way. The Amazon seach engine is still effective. I just thought it was better before.Cheers. 
Classic Records 200g Quiex Vinyl - Who's Next
You make a good point, Rushton. What has always bugged me about "Who's Next" (1971) is the fact that the earlier album "Tommy" (1968) was sonically much better. It never made sense to me that the best sounding Who album was the one they made when ...