
Not much talk about Rowland. Why is that? For example, Pass is all over the place.
All, it looks like the new Rowland M925 monoblock amp will be shown making music at CES 2013. Hopefully it will also be released soon. So I have created a thread dedicated to M925. Here is the URL:

See you there! Guido

If you don't already have them, try to hear the JR PFC1 with your 201 ...

I have the 501, the day I tried them I couldn't believe it
i own a pair of 201 monoblocks and synergy IIi pre driving vienna acoustics mahlers. absolutely love the rowland gear. i've always received superb service from jrdg. i recently contacted them in the past two weeks via email and each time someone responded the same day or the next day. i had similar experiences in all previous contacts over the years.

jeff rowland, the man, is bit eccentric -combination scientist and artist. he definitely does not play the politics of magazine reviewers. he thinks most of them are idiots and prostitutes. he's probably right. so, you'll find more reviews of his products in overseas publications in asia and europe. from what i know from my dealer and other indirect interactions with jeff -his factory is 45 minutes away from me- jrdg sells more product in asia than anywhere else including the usa. jeff doesn't always make decisions based on business logic. e.g., though few probably know it, his model 201 and 501 amps were probably his best selling products ever and he discontinued them at the height of their popularity! why?? "because it was time for a change". really?? that's jeff. he refuses to compromise integrity for profit. if jrdg invested more on marketing and played the politics, he could sell more product. he's a wonderful unassuming human being. he personally delivered my synergy IIi to my local retailer -pretty humble. he takes a zen approach to life that i think comes through in the design of his products -timelessly sophisticated and simultaneously simple. always musical and easy on the eyes. you will struggle to find the slight hint of harshness in any jrdg product. a wholistic approach to design. jeff abhors grain and harshness. it's about more than technology. his products perform their duty with little fanfare and draw no attention to themselves. they simply get out of the way of the music without doing any harm and for many that's not very exciting. there's nothing to discuss. no signature. boring for some. works for me.

also, i expect that jrdg gear attracts a certain kind of music lover. i find it likely that a higher percentage of jrdg owners enjoy music first and fiddling with the gear second. personally, i have little desire to own anything else. from my dealer, i know that a lot of the sales of 201 and 501 amps went to music lovers who have never heard of audiogon or stereophile.

recently, i sought a phono stage and have found it a challenge to overlook the aesthestics of most all the items that i've considered. so, now i'd like to find a jrdg cadence phono stage -ideally with a separate power supply. so, if anyone wants to part with a cadence phono stage or know someone with one collecting dust, i'll buy it. seriously. as you've gathered, i'm jrdg fan -both of the company and the man.

finally, since jrdg gear tend to be utterly transparent, changes to the peripherals become apparent. i.e., you will hear your speaker cables and interconnects. you will clearly hear the differences in isolation and vibration applications to your turntable or cd player -at least i do. i run all analysis plus solo crystals throughout for speaker cables and ICs and i've have been super pleased with the sound -detailed, revealing, musical, devoid of harshness, sweet, open, dynamic, extended from top to bottom -four 10" woofers on mahlers help. the setup invites me to listen to music for hours. only area that i could use improvement is probably low bass definition. i expect a cadence phono stage will resolve this perception. btw, anyone criticizing the model 201 or 501 class d amps has probably never listened to them. find someone who owns a pair and ask their opinion. this is the typical outcome after one listens to them:

ok, enough rambling. be joy!
I've been using Rowland for my preamp and phono stages for 8 years now. A Synergy IIi and a Cadence phonostage.

The last two years I have been upticking the system and now have the Classe Cam 600's, the new B & W 802 Diamonds and a heavily modified VPI Aries and Sony 5400 SACD player with all the VSE mods you can throw at it. Cardas golden reference for the cables.

Pretty damn good system. But still maybe (and somewhat hard to believe) just a bit polite.

Enter the Rowland Criterion to replace the Synergy. Really amazing. Dynamics both large and small. Huge and deep soundstage. Deep controlled bass. The B&W's sparkle when the recording so provides and rock it when that's what fed. And I keep coming back to the dynamics. Not the polite Rowland sound I associate with my Synergy. Also, the Synergy was always mercilessly revealing. The Criterion keeps it musical regardless of what you feed it.

I am very very satisfied. Good for 8 more years.
Complete M725 monoblock amp features and specs have been posted to the Rowland Knowledge base at:


* Ceramic circuit boards.
* Composite class A/B circuit with separate gain stages for voltage and current, no overall feedback.
* Balanced from input to output.
* Copper Bus bars.
* Surface mounted componentry.
* Transformer coupled I/O.
* SMPS prefixed by 1500W PFC unit.
* Parallel binding posts for bi-wiring.
* Power: 330W at 8 Ohms, 650 at 4 Ohms.
* Input Impedance: 40K Ohms.
* Damping factor: 200.
* Common mode rejection ratio: 90dB
* Inputs: Balanced XLR.
* Power consumption idle: 85W.
* Power consumption standby: 1W.
* Weight: 54 Lbs each.

Just heard from JRDG.... M725 monos have been released and are shipping. US price is approximately $28K. Production level units should be listenable at CES 2012. G.
I believe that the M725 pair shown at the Osaka show consisted of operational prototypes... Which means that they were sonically active, but were not yet production-level devices. G.
Opposite to Jymc I have personally had 2 very positives experiences with Jeff Rowland's customer service:
1) they replaced me free of charge the control remote which falling on the floor was damaged
2) Jeff Rowland answered me personally an email with question about seeing up my system

concerning the 725 it has been just showed in Japan with Avalon Time
have a look here
Gents, there exists a remarkably detailed and growing amount of operational information on Rowland products stored on the JRDG Knoledge Base at:
I consult the knowledge base when I have any questions about JRDG products, before attempting anything else... and in most cases, I find a ready answer posted there. G.
with a weak economy and somewhat expensive gear (comparatively) i would imagine that their ability and/or willingness to answer a lot of questions is limited. if they could sell a bunch of their amps and pre's based on word of mouth and their pretty new web site (i don't like the lack of information about older equipment however) they might hire a pleasant voiced person to field questions in the future.
the dealer in my area is somewhat aloof and has been for years. but every time i used to go there i heard glorious MUSIC. and along with that i get the "do you have enough money to buy this?" treatment. Sucks, but what can you do?
send Jeff a handwritten letter and tell him you like his gear but can't seem to get information and/or the kind of service you really need. but understand
this company caters specifically to the "ONE PERCENT" if you know what i mean...
My 2 cents on JRDG customer kinda sucks. I left many voice mails and emails over the last couple of years. Once I recd a call back. It's a small operation and direct customer support is not Jeff's priority. IF you find a long time retailer, you'll be in good hands because these guys are on the "inside track" into the company. Otherwise, don't hold your breath for support from JRDG.
Just returned from RMAF. Rowland M725 were not shown. However, I have learned that M725 will not be bridgeable amps, but will operate as pure monoblocks. The power rating has not been announced.
I have a 625. Most people can't or don't want to believe how much better this amp is than ANYTHING Jeff has ever built before. Yes the 8 & 9 amps will swing more current, but holly smokes is this thing way way great!With the right cabling and source components.....It is super transparent, quiet and has that elusive quality most solid state amps can't recreate. Images with mass ans precise outlines. His phase correctness must be spot on tho achieve the sort of imaging you hear from this amp. If you have inefficient speakers, you'll want his M725 or also yet to be released, M925 mono amps.I have a Rowland Criterion as my pre-amp.Silent Source cables (except for speaker)
Zabiaud, Rowland newest M625 clas a/b amp, as well as ICEpower-based amps in the 300 series like M312, M301, and the older M302 have a special current rectification system based on a technology called active Power Factor Rectification (PFC). This gives them a very significant amount of advantage in overall musical subtlety of the output, compared to M501 and M201. There exists an external PFC-based rectifier by Rowland called PC-1 that can be applied to M501 and M201.... and should bring those amps closer to the performance of the higher end ICEpower based 300 series.

Model 7 is a 25 year old class a/b design..... It is very sweet and has an enormous power reserve, but has neither the transparency nor the musical resolution of newer Rowland amplifiers.

Hope this helps.

rowland model 501, 201
they are 'class D'(chip amp) mono blocks using 'ice power' technology from jeff rowland.
any big differences from analogue amps like model 7 or 302
in sound quality?
some said no problem but must be difference btw them.
need your words.
As recommended above, I finally connected with Matt Aikawa. He works for the The New Audible Difference in Palo Alto, CA. It is strange his name is listed as the Jeff Rowland Retailer and the name The New Audible Difference is not listed. I asked him about the possibility of a new Jeff Rowland Integrated amplifier using the Class A/B design similar to the Model 625. He said he would check with Jeff Rowland and let me know. Most likely, he said, a new integrated could be 6+ months away (and maybe more).

I am still disappointed that the Jeff Rowland Deign Group never responded to my three email messages. In any case, I now have the name of someone who represents the JRDG and will keep me posted about any new Integrated amplifier. Thanks.
My experience with JRDG customer service has been extremely positive. Have a Rowland Pre and a Pass amp.
HGeifman, the Rowland SF dealer is:

Matt Aikawa
Moraga, CA
510 206-1766

Worth pointing out that Rowland has no/no/no current integrated amplifier based on a class A/B design. Any such hypothetical product at this point is no more than pure audiophilic speculation... Dealers will not have any hard information about such a mythical creature. G.
Maybe owning Pass amp would be worth changing the decor a little.
I am very surprised with Rowland's way of doing business. Very very strange and unexpected.
As noted above, I have been trying to contact the Jeff Rowland design Group for information on their future line of integrated amplifiers. Someone sent me their phone number, 719-473-1181, and I called it. The message said this mailbox has not been setup by this subscriber. Thanks to Sandstone above, I finally located a list of JRDG retailers. There are no retailers in the San Francisco Bay Area and the JRDG has not answered the three emails I sent them. I give up on the Jeff Rowland Design Group.

As Sandstone indicated above, I like my Ayre AX-7e Integrated amp very much and have decided to keep it. This is a hobby so it is fun looking around for something better. The Luxman integrated amplifiers sound great but I am trying to buy an American piece. I sold my McIntosh MA6900 integrated because my Ayre sounds much better. Many years ago I owned the Jeff Rowland Concenta but a friend wanted to buy it so I sold it.

I would really like to buy a Pass integrated INT-150 amp but these are 19" deep and that is too big for my shelf in my living room. I emailed Pass Labs and suggested they make a smaller size integrated. They very quickly responded that "there probably won't be a smaller integrated from Pass Labs since they like to bias their amps and you simply can't get the heat out without heat sinks". The GumuT integrated looks like a great amplifier but it is too expensive (for me). The Bel Canto integrated also looks interesting but it only has one balanced input (I need two).

Many of the integrated amplifiers I looked at were very good but not as good as my Ayre.
JRDG has a very good website. Here is the link to list(with phone numbers)of USA dealer/distributors:

I've found the JRDG reps in my area (southwest) to be incredibly responsive.

The 625 and 725 power amps mentioned by Guido have A/B blocks and zero feedback design, but I can find no integrated amps currently offered by JRDG in this configuration, yet. Have you heard differently?

IMO, with the Ayre you already own one of the better A/B, zero feedback-designed integrateds around.
I have emailed the Jeff Rowland Design Group (JRDG) three times asking for the name of my local JRDG retailer and for information on their new integrated amplifiers using the their A/B designs. They have not responded. Someone on Audiogon emailed me the name of a local Jeff Rowland retailer. I emailed him and got no response. I looked for their phone number but could not find it. It is strange that the JRDG would not provide information for a local retailer.

I would imagine the Synergy pre amp would work well with the model 8, but others who are familiar with Jeff's pre amps after the Synergy II can chime in. I heard the Corus preamplifier with Jeff's new AB stereo amp at the CES show last January in two different rooms, one with Vienna Acoustics and the other with a $140k speaker I wasn't familiar with. Also his new DAC was in use. Jeff's rooms were the best all solid state rooms I heard, so check out the new stuff too if you have the budget. The D'Agostino Momentums were the best solid state amps I have ever heard. But for a complete system my vote goes to Rowland.
Hgeifman, Rocky Mountain Audio Fest is the best time/place to pry rumors out of JRDG..... I'll try to find out if they have any plans for an integrated based on the current high bias A/B designs when I get there in mid October.

As discussed above, the new series of high bias class A/B amps from Rowland sounds interesting. When will a high bias class A/B integrated amplifier from the Jeff Rowland Design Group be available? I have emailed Jeff Rowland several times looking for a retailer in the San Francisco Bay Area. I have not received a response. If none in my area, I asked about other areas in California. I will try calling them on Monday.
Daveyf, M925 are still in the making.... If we are extremely lucky, they might start making music by CES 2012. In the meantime, there is hope that Rowland will release the M725 bridgeable amp by Rocky Mountain 2011 in October... I have heard that M725 may contain some of the internal innovations originally developed for M925.

I have found a pic from the recent Hong Kong Audio show that shows M925, and a pair of M725.... Note that M725 look like the M625 stereo.
Or if budget allows.... Jeff's new 925 mono amps....they promise to be something very special
thanks hifimaniac, i'm looking for model 8 but it's not on the list. i guess 250w @ 8 ohm - 400w @ 4 ohm will drive my
big dali 800(4 ohm) well enough.
what about model 5 ? not enough for big speaker?
and do you think rowland preamp synergyll goes well with
those old model power amps?
Zabiaud, I had the Model 6's on my MAXX 2's and they sounded good, but I felt the lowest octave of bass was missing. I use the Model 9 mono blocks now and the are perfect. The 6's, 8 and the 9's have been some of Jeff's most highly regarded amplifiers and if you can find an 8 I would go that route. The new 626 (I think) is excellent too; I heard it at a show and it sounded excellent.
i'm considering changing my power amp- 'mcintosh275' to rowland's power amp to drive my 'dali helicon 800' speakers. actually i'm not sure '275's capacity to drive 'em. but somebody said it's ok although they say dali need upto 400watt amp power to be driven.
my preamp is rowland 'synergy ll'
if i have to do,
i wonder if rowland model 5's power is enough to do it.
or model 10, model 8, model 7.
i need your experiences and advices.
Hi Cyrus, I usually pour over the various downloadable manuals, and refresh my memory with the Q&As in the JRDG Knowledge Base at:

While the facility seems to have some gaps, it is amazingly complete on some devices..... there are over 120 questions on Criterion alone..... and most of them apply to Corus, except for those that discuss the NiMH battery system.

Guido, Thanks for the info. Nobody seems to have the knowledge about Rowland gear like you.
Husk, the Corus manual contains the following statement regarding operating voltages:

"• Due to auto-ranging circuitry and dual-stage voltage regulation, the audio performance will not be affected by any voltage fluctuations within the operating voltage range. The CORUS PREAMPLIFIER can be operated at any mains voltage over the range of 85 to 265 VAC without any adjustments necessary. "

However, I have neither the technical nor the legal expertise to interpret the above and tell you if a unit destined to the European market can be operated safely in the US, or a unit destined to the US market can be operated in Europe. The only entities with such a technical and legal expertise are the JRDG factory and its registered distributors. G.
Guido, I assumme that means that the same Corus will work in both the US and Europe as regards to voltage?
Husk, Corus uses a universal auto-ranging power supply.... There is no 110 or 220 model per se. See the Corus manual at:
Hi Giarcwm, M725 in unbridged configuration is likely to yield somewhere in the general vicinity of 300W over 8 Ohms... But the amp has not yet been released, and JRDG seems to be keeping information about M725 "pretty close to the vest"... We might need to wait until the RMAF weekend in October to learn all details about it, including actual power ratings in both bridged and unbridged configurations. G.
I am a software developer of limited funds, but yet wanting Rowland equipment/sound. My approach to solving the problem has been to acquire a Bridgeable Model 1 (obviously not enough power yet), and am now looking for a second, bridgeable Model 1. As per Daveyf's comment - hard to come by - especially with the bridge switch. The sound of my current model 1 is glorious! When I get the second one I will have 240 watts on each channel - plenty for me. This approach allows me to make the purchase in incremental chunks. For me, this is the best approach. Regards, Craig.
Agree with the other posters. My model 8 with choke has been a central part of my system for many years now. This amp is still highly competitive with other ss amps that are far more costly today, IMHO. I still haven't heard any other ss amp that I would say is so superior that I would want to trade it any price point. I believe that the reason one sees so few used JR model 1,6,8 and 9's on the market speaks volumes.
Jeff is very low key, but his amps speak loudly to those in the know...IMHO..:0)
Thank you Gocubs999, please let us all know the results of your upcoming Capri/Synergy comparisons! G.
I trust Jeff as this will be an inexpensive experiment I will enjoy. You can pick up a used Capri for around $1,900. Once I get my 312 hooked up to a pair of Avalon Indras the listening session will begin.
Gocubs999, I have not personally compared Capri (which I have used extensively) against Synergy (which I have never used). Mr. Rowland has asserted that Capri sounds comfortably better than all Synergy models. However, I have not heard any confirmation from a 3rd party as yet. G.
2/3 years ago I switched from a Plinius 9200 integrated to Rowland C500. The Plinius is not bad, and I still have it in my bedroom and won't part with it, but the rowland was clearly a much higher sonic performance level. I know it is at a different price point, so no surprise. Can't be happier and both amps will probably stay with me till they stop working.
So one of the reasons why Rowlands are not talked much about is because they are simply great and there is not much to say. Another is perhaps that many Rowland owners are low key too, just like Jeff. I know that his amps are very popular in Asia. In fact, he probably sells more there than here. Not sure about Europe.
I own Rowland gear - beautiful, supremely built to last and sounds great. Doubt I will ever change things......