Why the switch from Kharma/Tenor to DarTZeel/VSA

Perhaps, its like that old joke that Woody talks about in the beginning of Annie Hall:

"And it goes like this-I'm paraphrasing: Uh ...
"I would never wanna belong to any club
that would have someone like me for a
member." "

But, why does it seem that some of the original Kharma/Tenor/emm labs club members are switching over to DarTZeel amps and Von Schweikert speakers. On the other hand, it doesn't seem like there are many Tenor hybrids or Kharma speakers going up for sale ... yet
Rwd: The VR-7's are coming out in a few months as the new VR-7SE. The speaker will have a lot of the technology of the VR-11 and VR-9 without the powered woofer and a ported cabinet. If I am not mistaken, they will have a front and rear firing 3" ribbon super tweeter, the new (incredibly expensive) dual ring concentric tweeter, a 7" carbon/ceramic composite midrange driver and two 10" woofers. The speakers will weigh approximately 400 lbs each and deliver huge dynamics, incredible soundstaging, great refinement, bass down to around 18Hz and finally the speaker is also designed to take advantage of the high resolution formats. It will extend to well over 45kHz.

There are two Audiogon members who should recieve their VR-7's in early September. The speakers will be remarkable. They are priced at $30k and expected to better the Wilson Alexandria's in musicality, cohesiveness and soundstaging. They should be comparable in dynamics and depth of bass. The will definitely extend further in the highs. Based on what I heard in the VR-11 and my knowledge of the similarities in the VR-7's, it will probably better anything else on the market other than the VR-9 and VR-11.

Efficiency is expected to be 93-94db senistivity and a very easy load (OTL friendly). You can also expect approximately 120+ db SPL's.

I am proudly a Von Schweikert dealer and I say this all to you knowing that I am sure you have a dealer in your area, and I have no hope of making a sale to you. I urge you to audition them when they are available. I am sure you and your dealer will agree with my assessment.

Many of my customers who are waiting for their VR-9's and VR-7's, have VR-4jr's to hold them over until their new speakers arrive. I am sure they will chime in with their thoughts on what Von Schweikert is capable of.

Brian (Essentialaudio): You are totally unprofessional and I feel a disgrace to the industry. Your negativity and condescending nature disgusts me.
Discounts of that magnitude certainly are not standard, but you didn't give your source of information. A manufacturer that gets 50 percent or less of retail list price for his product sets the price higher to compensate. Consumers don't always know.
Let's get back to the VSA's. How come we have not heard much about the VR-7's? Are they custom made also? How do they compare to the Wilson WP 7's or the Aerial 20's?
I believe that,within the industry,50% discounts are available.Manufacturers usually accomidate each other ,when purchases are made.
Brian , I'm sorry, but statements like that shed no positive light on you as an individual. Let alone as a dealer.
Indihka was waiting for a set of VSA speakers about a month ago.VR-7s with ribbon tweeter and subs.What model is this?Lost touch with him and don't know if he received them.According to his schedule,they should be in-house.Maybe he will comment.
I'm also enjoying this thread albeit from a somewhat vicarious view. It seems to be Kharma vs. von Schweikert and Tenor vs. Dartzeel. The participants appear to have the wherewithall and willingness to pursue the absolute best available (or soon to be available). So, I wonder if there were any other contenders such as the Wilson Alexandria or Grande Utopia Be for example? How do the von Scweikert's stack up against these or any others?
This is a great thread....but I am a bit troubled by the comments made by Tpsonic regarding the V-6 switch-a-rue and no one else commenting one way or the other. I am not taking any sides...only wondering if anyone else knows of this?
Hi Mark,
How would you compare the Von Sweikerts to the Piega p10's you used to own? That's what i have now and just curious....
Hey Mark, again great post.

I need to call you so send me an email again with your number as I misplaced it.

Back to the question from Thom: I had the opportunity to A/B the DartTzeel side by side with the Tenor 300's, for an extended period. I purchased the DartTzeel, not out of any problems with the Tenors but because in my system the Dart sounded better. Quieter, more dynamic, equally if not more adept at staging, and the sweetest amp I have heard. No ss amp, or tube for that matter renders instruments and voice with such lifelike realism. The extremes are beautifully represented with deep powerful bass and shimmering highs without any brightness or etching. The Tenor is an outstanding amp, but in my system the DarTzeel sounds better. I know Mike feels differently, and that's OK. I'm OK with agreeing to disagree. I also have ordered a pair of Von Schweikert VR-9's after having heard some of the other speakers in the line, although obviously I haven't heard the 9 since none have been finished yet. I have the jr's as an interim while the 9's are being built, and if I hadn't paid for the 9's already, might have just kept the jr's. Dynamic, musical, very good bass for the size, and imaging demons. I also heard them in NY at the show, and although quite impressive, that demo didn't really exploit what the speaker can do. I was in the fortunate position to have the Tenors and DarTzeel still in my possesion as well as the jr's and Kharma Midi Grands, and had a lot fun playing. The Kharma's are a beautiful speaker, but to my ear other than being slightly more refined, had nothing on the jr's, which frankly was quite a surprise. This isn't comparing the $120K 11's to the Midi Grand, this is the $3995 jr. This is a killer little speaker and continues to knock my socks off. So to answer your question Thom, I changed because I had the opportunity to demo various combinations between 2 amps and 2 pairs of speakers, and found unequivicaly I preferred the DarTzeel/VS combo.Which is not to take anything from the Tenors or Mids's, both extraordinary in their own right, and those owning them may well disagree with me and prefer what they have. And that's OK too. Good on ya. And other than lugging heavy gear up and down steps to my listening room, it was fun as hell.
Thanks, Mark. What you heard at CES '03 was but a rough snapshot. Any time you're in the Chicago area, please be my guest and come by for a listen.

Brian, I can certainly see your POV and don't necessarily disagree. As I stated earlier, the ideal would be to hit it right the first time and listen blissfully everafter. And I too would feel badly for someone who struggles and comes up short. But I do think some changes aren't out of frustation that ones system sounds like excrement, but that even though happy with the sound, something that sounds/mates better becomes an option. Then obviously the pecunia is the rate limiting factor. How many changes is too much? I guess that's up to the individual, but I certainly am not going to judge or criticize them. I've read that you call someone who has lived through many mistakes experienced. So at least I've got that going for me. Which is nice. Enjoy your system, I've heard the SL's and JC's and thought they were outstanding. You perhaps have reached the last stop. I think I'll go and enjoy mine now also. Cheers, Mark
Mark, if someone is happy changing his system every six months or so, there's no point of further discussion, cost not being an issue. Some people go through cars, boats, whatever often enough to make your head spin. Auto nervosa? Not much different from audio nervosa, and many go through that. But it's nice to get off that bus once you find a great lasting solution that really works.

Some years ago a guy around here with pretty good gear ranted about having gone through tens of thousands of dollars' worth of cables and whined that his system "still sounds like sh--." What he spent was his business, but I felt sorry for him.

But have you been allowed to touch it? Remember: Lancelot was only allowed to see it, not grasp it.
Gladstone, you are quite correct my amative and discerning friend - I believe that I have found the Holy Grail!
My guess is that the DartZeel is a little more melliflous, for better and for worse, than many amps--I believe there was a review in Positive Feedback, or one of the on-line zines, that expressed admiration along with some reservations about the sound and price.
I think the combination of transparency and slam with the V.S.'s is quite intoxicating, but the Kharmas may--I'm not sure--be a bit more refined.
One more thing: the corollary of your statement, Frank, would be that you, and you alone, have the perfect system!
As you said, the best solution is to listen for yourself. If you can, try out lots of different speakers, in, below, and above your price range, including of course VSA and Kharma. That way you'll be absolutely sure when it comes decision time.

FWIW, I switched from Tenor to Dartzeel based on a decision to get out of tubes--provided I could find a SS amp that rivalled, or exceeded, the very best tube units in my experience, including the Tenor 300 hybrids. Luckily enough, I found one, and that's why I switched. Can't speak for anyone else, though.
I am almost sorry I asked the question ... but it has been amusing seeing the responses.

It would seem as though some of those who switched from the Kharmas to VR-9 were efforts to improve the dynamics for playback of rock music. Which goes back to one of my previous questions regarding the Tenor/Kharma/emm lab combo for alternative rock and whether it was an appropriate consideration for this genre. I will have to answer that myself with serious listening.

In terms of the switch to DarTZeel from Tenor, I wonder how many people were anxious just to give up tubes. On the other hand, I also wonder whether some of the switchers have had equipment failure problems with their Tenor equipment. Are there any quality control issues with the Tenor equipment or is their any financial viability issues with Tenor Audio ?
You guys are ALL nuts, and you ALL have terrible systems, your speakers are ALL crap, your digital stinks, your decisions are ALL stupid, your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!! (or was I supposed to fart in your general direction?)

Doc, can you up my meds? Just gimme what you take from Stimpy!
Mark, Frank, and Jacob have all stated it very well. This hobby allows for so many different ways to the "top"--and "top" is such a subjective term anyway--that it's pointless in getting upset that someone has a different approach than you. Some people have more money, some less, some like to experiment, some don't--it's all relative. The point is, we all love music and love to hear it reproduced well. That commonality has allowed me to meet a lot of nice people in this hobby, and has allowed a lot of others to do the same, and I think that ultimately what counts. Can I get an amen?
Yes, Brian, it seems to me that since no system, however expensive, will achieve perfection (whatever that is), there is an understandable impulse on the part of some, not all, audiophiles to tinker, tweak, and experiment. You yourself have clearly not been immune to this impulse, though you may have settled (for now) on a system you find pleasing.
Great post Mark! Hey, I am happy too!!!!! Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!

How is it sounding?

Well Brian, ideally you're correct, but if one is fortunate enough to be exposed to different gear the chance of finding something that "seems" better presents itself. It's an individual choice that people make to the best of their ability. Such as going from Atmaspheres to JC-1's. And I'd hardly classify as guinea pigs anyone wanting to purchase a pair of Sound Labs and drive them with the JC-1's if they like it better than their previous amp/speaker combo. I've heard it and it sounds great. Happy for them. Or even moving up in a given product line. Even those at their ideal stopping point had to get there somehow. And those that never do? Well, if they've the disposable income to swap out gear ad infinitum, so what? What's the harm? Why are people seemingly insulted and take issue with that? If some have a problem with that, well that's exactly what it is: their problem. And somewhat petty at that. I really don't want to get into a pissing contest here. I have neither the energy, nor prostate, for it. I'm happy and enjoy this hobby, and don't begrudge anyone for whatever moves they make. I'm not personally offended by any change anyone makes, regardless of how many and seemingly ludicrous. If I was, it's time to look more closely at me than them.
Entertaining, yes, informative, uh...

I guess I'm silly for finding something that gets things right in the first place and leaving it alone. There is no perfect component or speaker, just different approaches and I guess I'm old school wanting proven solutions that work well together instead of chasing my tail, to focus on the music. More than one way to get down the road but I'm done being a guinea pig and imagine some of you are, too. Just my biased opinion...

Oh, I forgot to mention I went ultimate route of vinylphilia and got a mono Helikon.
Frank, either you or I, or both of us in tandem, have a special gift for stirring up the pot.
By way, did you really have to torture the rest of us with your AA thread? What if I told you the Keith Monks machine was even better?
Thanks Frank! Yes this thread has been very entertaining. LOL! I will always have special thoughts for both pairs of Kharma's I had the joy of owning.

This hobby never ceases to be fun and now that these new VR's will be very heavy maybe I will be too lazy and old to move them for any others. LOL!!! Riigghhtt.....
Come on, Rich! We're all audiophiles. Anyway, a little birdie told me that you've been playing around with different equipment recently.
This has to be the best thread ever. Thank you for the entertainment.

Rich Maurin
Gladstone, at first I was going to drop from shock thinking you had turned into a dynamic guy (speakers that is). I bet your home theater will sound fabulous. If you liked the Dynavector tip, check out my post on AA Vinyl Asylum today on the Loricraft )"Doubting Thomas" heading) - it is incredible and easily worth the price with a vinyl collection like yours!

Mike, good luck with the VR-9s, I am sure they will be incredible. I hope to hear them at Andrew's soon!
yes, but I"ll be using them in a home theater set-up, not two-channel, with full Meitner 6-channel front end. I'm not prepared (gulp!) to say they're better than the Maggies. At least not yet...
Well, Gladstone you are the second person I know of in two days who has ordered the jr's. This other person went from Kharma's 3.2's to jr's. The world is getting smaller!
BEWARE of VSA show demonstrations.At the 97/98 CES,VSA furnished "us" with a pair of VR-6s.Everyone who heard them was in love with them {me too}.Several went out and bought them {me too}.Everyone we know who bought a set was disappointed and sold theirs {me too}.We found out that VSA had a "special" speaker built for the show {IE:different crossover parts,wire,cabinets and damping material}.Albert had offered to build this speaker for another manufacturer,but said it would cost $24,000.00 to reproduce.The original VR-6s listed at $12,500 with dealer cost of $6,250.No wonder we all got snoockered.Very untrustworthy,just a word to the wise.
Yes, I suppose you're right there, too, Frank, I wasn't thinking about it that closely. I should add that the Dynavector remains everything you said it was.
But I do hope you get a chance to hear the vr's. While the jrs, as I indicated, lacked the refinement of the Kharmas at the NY show, I did think they were more satisfying in almost every other way--and the Kharmas, of course, are much more expensive.
Now, if you'd only see the light, and get a pair of Magnepans...!
Frank, I see your point about comparing a speaker by the same company. So, yes, it is unfair to make any comparison to a speaker that has not been built yet.

I never listed my Kharma's for sale. They sold without listing like they did with you and the new owner is lusting over them like the both of us did. Mark has sold his without listing too. I can tell you they are reselling for a lot less than they did before and I had mine less than a year.

There are a few out there that want Kharma's and have stated to others to let them know they are selling theirs before listing. With the recent price increase hardly any are going new and many going used. :-)

Gladstone, I agree - that is exactly what I told my friend yesterday who asked this same question. If Albert can make a speaker like the VR-4 sound that good, it is frightening what he might be able to do with an all out assault like the 11s.

I have never heard a VS speaker I didn't enjoy. And, you're right it doesn't HAVE to sound better if it's more expensive, but why and the heck would anyone want to spend more and not expect the sound to be better.

My only MINOR concern with Mike's post is that it seemed a little unfair to say "I heard the $120,000 VR-11s, and in my book they were better than the $36,000 Midi Grands" - (as that is what they did retail for when Mike bought them).

I certainly have NO problem with Mike buying a speaker he is happy with - but the original post was asking why people were switching from Kharmas to VSs - so I thought one should be fair and at least look at that price differential in order to ascribe the proper weight to the response.

Nuf said, I'm done.

To each his own and enjoy the music most of all!
I can't speak for anyone else here, but I went with the Von Schweikert VR-9s because I didn't think my Midi Exquisites conveyed the dynamics of rock music--the genre I listen to most frequently--to my satisfaction. In that respect I agree with Gladstone's assessment of the Midi Exquisites; they sound beautiful but a little lifeless and dynamically lacking. I've owned, and own, several Von Schweikert products, and I've been mightily impressed with all of them. If the VR-9 is indeed comparable to the VR-11--and I don't have any reason to doubt that it is--I should find what I didn't in the Kharmas. As for the Dartzeels, they're the only solid state amp I've heard that stands toe to toe with the world's VERY BEST tube amps. I've been wanting to go solid state for years, but haven't heard a SS amp that I've been truly satisfied with in EVERY parameter . . . until now. Of course, it's not for everyone and your mileage may vary.
Le me just add, Frank, that the reason I could understand why someone would order the VR-9s or 11s was based on the performance of the jrs. If he could extract that kind of performance for such little money... it seemed that the higher speakers would be even more alluring. But who knows? In any case, we'll soon find out.
Frank, of course you're right. I was just tweaking, pun intended, you about your initial statement concerning cost; it seemed to me that the rest of your post was rightly saying, "it's your money, spend it as you wish."
I wasn't trying to trash Kharmas, and perhaps I'm too dismissive of them. Nor to leap to Panorama's defense--I don't think I know him--but I did immensely enjoy the vr's, to an extent I have not with the highly regarded Kharmas. Maybe I was hallucinating, based on two brief exposures, but I was stunned by the performance of the vr's.
By way, guess who just ordered a Dynavector...
Mike, I know you are getting the 9s. But the way your post read, it stated that you heard the VR-11s and then you go on to state your comparison to the Midis. I have no doubt you liked the 11s. Just remember, not every speaker in any Manufacturer's family will necessarily sound the same even if they use the same type of drivers. Since there are no 9s even built yet, it seems unfair to post a comparison to a speaker nobody has ever heard. Since you DID love the 11s, that is the sound you are hoping to get from the 9s. I just caution you because I liked the Kharma Midi Grands but never warmed up to the Kharma Grands - even though it was almost the same speaker with just another woofer.

So, there is no need for anyone to get their undies in a bunch and come to anyone's defense here - as you will note in my post, I always state that it's personal preference in the end. So when Gladstone decides, as a Maggie owner, to come to his buddy's (and my buddy BTW) defense, by taking his wack at the Kharmas, that's OK too, not everybody's tastes are similar and nobody needs to own any speaker they don't like or want - that is what this hobby is all about.

People need not justify their purchase here - THAT is what I was saying in my post.


PS - to be fair, you could point out that many of those Kharmas here for sale are yours and others who have switched to the VR-9s and 11s - not exactly a fire sale.
Mike, I know you are getting the 9s. But the way your post read, it stated that you heard the VR-11s and then you go on to state your comparison to the Midis. I have no doubt you liked the 11s. Just remember, not every speaker in any Manufacturer's family will necessarily sound the same even if they use the same type of drivers. Since there are no 9s even built yet, it seems unfair to post a comparison to a speaker nobody has ever heard. Since you DID love the 11s, that is the sound you are hoping to get from the 9s. I just caution you because I liked the Kharma Midi Grands but never warmed up to the Kharma Grands - even though it was almost the same speaker with just another woofer.

So, there is no need for anyone to get their undies in a bunch and come to anyone's defense here - as you will note in my post, I always state that it's personal preference in the end. So when Gladstone decides, as a Maggie owner, to come to his buddy's (and my buddy BTW) defense, by taking his wack at the Kharmas, that's OK too, not everybody's tastes are similar and nobody needs to own any speaker they don't like or want - that is what this hobby is all about.

People need not justify their purchase here - THAT is what I was saying in my post.
Why do they have to be better just because they cost more? They just have to produce the sound the buyer is looking for. Regardless: From what I heard at the NY show, even the little vr 4, jrs exceed, and by not a small margin, the Kharmas midi-exquisites in realism, soundstaging, punch, slam, and dynamics. The Kharmas adjacent, with all the appurtenances of hi-end audio, including the Walker turntable, were, by contrast, delicate but lifeless.