Anyone have problems w/McIntosh warranty

I live in the middle of no where/ mid-west USA,no local dealers within 100s of miles from me.I bought a NEW McIntosh amp from dealer and had it shipped to me.The dealer first asked me to verify that I had no local dealer and told me over the phone that all paperwork would be in the crate, to send in the warranty info supplied which I did..McIntosh informed me via a letter that because it was purchased over the phone and shipped to me the warranty is invalid/void..Im posting half in protest to their policies and the other half to warn potential buyers..Last time I buy McIntosh!!!!
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Anyone that spends time on this website has the information in front of them for Warranty information from manufacturers listed. Most, if not all have their warranty info on their own website.
Mcintosh has taken care of my warranty issues pronto.

No, I have no affiliation with the dealer in question. I don't even know who we are talking about. But I do know the manufacturer and feel they are reputable and trust worthy. I don't like it when someone casts a sidelong glance at a company based on untrue information. As stated above, Mcintosh's policy states that a buyer must pay for the product at the retailer. If the dealer mislead whether intentionally or by accident, it is not Mcintosh's fault. Would it be pretty darn cool if Mac stepped up and made things right? Yeh, you bet. But taking your beef to a forum such as this and making the statement that you are through with a company based on this issue is being shortsighted and irrational.


No, no springs broken here. Just protecting a company that has treated me right. I would hope you would do the same, it's called loyalty. I know, I know, what a thing to say in this day and age.

As for the big 3, I felt that efforts to get a company to do what is right might be better directed toward them and the umpteen billion, with a "B" dollars that we Americans are gonna fork up to "bail them out" Yet again. *SIGH*. My bad for staying up on current events. I guess this is not the thread to do that with. My apologies.
I suggest you call McIntosh and review the facts of your purchase with them. McIntosh customer service is excellent and their policy of having to purchase McIntosh products over-the-counter or delivered and installed by an Authorized McIntosh Dealer has been in effect since day one. McIntosh products that are purchased over the Internet, by phone or mail order are presumed to be "used" and do not qualify for any McIntosh Warranty. The items you need to review with McIntosh are 1) How far are you from an authorized McIntosh dealer (exact number of miles)? 2) Is the dealer you purchased the unit from an authorized dealer and was this fact confirmed by McIntosh? 3) Did this particular dealer have a current McIntosh franchise when the unit was purchased? I am very confident that McIntosh will be happy to answer these questions and get the problem resolved.

you said "I don't like it when someone casts a sidelong glance at a company based on untrue information."


"But taking your beef to a forum such as this and making the statement that you are through with a company based on this issue is being shortsighted and irrational."

You really need to pay attention when you are reading prior to just throwing around accusations as such, just as your "big 3" comments. Who cares! and I don't agree with you.

I think it's pretty bad that Missioncoonery is having to deal with this.

I was chatting with someone today about this and it was recommended you should go a little further up the chain of command than just talking to someone in customer service. They will be nice but in essence will still have to speak to their boss so why wast your time and energy explaining a couple of times, let us know what the end results are.