
Responses from abstract7

Help w/ beginner s room treatment
Dekay--looks like Sean beat me to answering your question--and I agree with his comments. I have used fiberglass in a built in bass trap, and it works well. Since it's built in, I have less of a problem with fibers getting into the room. 
Help w/ beginner s room treatment
Well, your not that much of a beginner to recognize the room's effect on the system. There are a few good books on this subject that can answer far more than anyone can in a post. One is Robert Harleys "Complete Guide to High End Audio" and the ot... 
Placement of Martin Logan s
Placement is very sensitive, but it's not nearly as simple as Musicnut put it. It depends on several factors including: size of panel, separation of speakers, distance of listener to speakers, and distance of speakers to sidewalls (probably in tha... 
Cable assist needed Krell Amp Thiel CS6
I would recommend that you call the cable company and ask their opinion(s). Then check out a couple (or several) cables and listen for yourself. They have a huge library of cables just for this purpose--I've used them in the past and found them to... 
DC-1 Vs. Proceed AVP
The AVP definitely sounds better. I auditioned the DC-1, DC-2, AVP and EAD. I ultimately went with the EAD Ovation, but it has some caveats. Everything is done in the digital domain and the video switching does not have component and is not that g... 
"Tweaks" vs. Audiophiles
It doesn't sound like you've really gone over the deep end yet--if you stay in this hobby long enough you probably will--the disease manifests itself slowly in some subjects. I'm sure you will get some responses that have gone complete bizerko in ... 
DVD s reading CD-R s and CD-RW s
Kthomas: Could you let us know what brand of media you are using. In my post--that's what I meant--it does work for some brands--but not all. Any that you have tried and found it to work--please let us know. 
What is a "Redbook" CD player?
Rackon's explaination is correct, I would add to that: Redbook is a format for 16 bits 44.1kHz sample rate. (That doesn't mean you can't over sample it--it's just that is the native format) Redbook is a single layer format (unlike SACD and DVDs) A... 
DVD s reading CD-R s and CD-RW s
This is a known problem. Your Sony will read some media--but not most. It won't even read the Sony media. At least that's for the 9000ES. I have not gotten mine to read any CD-Rs but I understand it does better with CD-RW. I have yet to try those,... 
DLP Projectors...which one to buy?
I have seen the Runco (mid line 17k) it's very good as well. The Seleco--you want to top model and wait for the built in Faroudja. While I haven't seen this unit yet, I think it's going to be one of the best values out there. It is a long throw pr... 
Best Pre-amp for Bi-amping?
You are probably better off sticking with your pre-amp and getting an active cross-over. This does depend on your speakers and how they are set up, but the best bi-amping works with an active cross over and the internal (speaker) cross over bipass... 
Order of importance
Price is a big issue, and your overall budget on where you expect to go is another issue. For me, I started by buying great speakers. They were a great deal, but it was the most expensive $2000 I ever spent. I had to constantly upgrade to get the ... 
Awsome Remote??
I'm told that Phillips Pronto will release a remote that has a color display and do RF. It's expected to be released in June. I don't know the price, but I have been told it's not a lot higher than the current version ($400). If this is true--it's... 
Levinson upgrades vs factory original
I've wondered the same thing. The 360S is a new board--so I really can't see why it would matter there. I upgraded by 38S to a 380S and am very happy with it--but that still doesn't answer your question. One issue could be warrantee--the upgraded ... 
To REWIRE or LET BE: a speakers question
I would contact the manufacturer rather than the dealer. Some speakers take into account the resistance of the wire and that is part of the circuit. By changing the wire you change the circuit design and could have disasterous results--or in some ...