
Responses from abstract7

Best and Worst customer service?
Djjd, I'm not trying to discredit you. It's clear you had a very bad experience. My comment about mail order is to protect the dealer in your new location--not the one that you are doing business with--that's why they wouldn't drop ship to you. I ... 
Kimber Illuminations D-60, proper length
Sutts, have you compared the 0.5 and 1.0 meter. There are numerous sources that claim that digital cables under 1.0 meter have digital reflections that tranlate into jitter. If this is true, you should here harsher highs and poorer bass on the sho... 
My Mark Levinson system help
I have listened to the 39 run directly to levinson 27 amps to SL3s. It sounds excellent. The 39 keeps the volume control in the analog domain unlike many digital processors that do the volume control in the digital domain. In the digital domain bi... 
Best and Worst customer service?
Best: Martin Logan, Madrigal, Krell, and Faroudja. Martin Logan not only has supported panel replacements on my unit (not free--but very reasonable), they have even given me some engineering help for modifications. I really can't say enough about ... 
What Cables - Cleaner Bass
I probably shouldn't open this can of worms, but are you sure it's the cable that will give you better, tighter bass? Loubalch's recommendation for cones is a good one--I don't know if Mapleshade as the type that screws into the speaker, if so, th... 
Your Analog Front End
I wanted to state, that one of my primary purposes is the journey you've taken through analog--so that other a-goner's can learn from more experienced people's triumphs and mistakes (so include both). Anolog is a quirky thing--some combinations wo... 
why low impedance speakers?
Mborner is correct that a 90dB speaker is just that 90dB at 1 watt 1 meter. But that's not really what I was getting at. It is a combination of his last statement, but more importantly the speaker manufacturer/designer can implement a design on a ... 
best used 5.1 dd/dts pre/pro?
I auditioned quite a few processors. It came down to 2 processors the Proceed AVP and the EAD Ovation. There are a few things to note about the EAD. The video switching is not broadcast quality (I don't use it at all) and there is no component vid... 
Which "stand alone" processor ???
EAD has not been mentioned--I would recommend auditioning it. I auditioned quite a few processors. It came down to 2 processors the AVP and the Ovation. There are a few things to note about the EAD. The video switching is not broadcast quality (I ... 
Anyone ever read the listener magazine
I've read it. The reviews are very honest I believe--they seem to be less swayed by advertising dollars than many of the other magazines. But it is a "clicky" kind of a magazine. By that I mean they do gravitate to certain things, such as analog, ... 
Spikes under the Subwoofer?
I use spikes with my sub. It's a Genesis Servo 12 side firing. I also added weight to the interior of the cabinet. The more stable you can make the subwoofer--the better performance I've found. There are exceptions, as have been pointed out, some ... 
SACD feature of Sony DVP-S9000ES
I've been listening to it quite a bit. It is not better than a very high end CD playback system--but it is better than comparably priced CD playback systems for SACD (keep in mind--that would be less than $750, since 1/2 of this unit is for video ... 
Need good Component Video Cables
I have the same DVD player, connected to a Faroudja DVP2200 to an NEC 7" CRT projector. There are two that I can recommend. One is the Audioquest YIQ-4. I'm using it with this transport. I upgraded from BetterCables. It is surprising how close the... 
Best Martini s
If you're in Chicago, be sure to go to the Mashed Potatoe Club. They specialize in 2 things--Mashed Potatoes and Martinis. The Mashed Potatoes are good--but the Martinis are amazing. I would recommend taking a cab. 
Hanging Audio Rack?
This is too funny--I was writing my post while at the same time Albert posted his--when I submitted it--that's when his appeared. I like your ideas Albert--wish I had hit submit just a little faster.