
Responses from abstract7

college kid needs help with budget amps
I had Klipsch Heresey's in college. I had a 35 watt receiver--more than enough with those Klipsch. Tubes aren't the most practical thing in a college environment--but if you can use tubes I like David suggestion. Another similar possiblity is Anti... 
why low impedance speakers?
I have heard it's a specmanship game. I 4 ohm speaker will be louder at 1 watt at 1 meter than a similar 8 ohm speaker. Some speaker designers feel pushed by the market to design at 4 ohms so they can compete in this spec game. I know to most A-go... 
Dealer Price "Wiggle" Room
I get good discounts at the stores I regularly do business with 10-15%--and continue to do business with them. I rarely pay list except for small ticket items and very rare items (like Camac connectors for Levinson amps--and they are ridiculously ... 
Sound deadening material behind painting
I've tried this. It depends on the canvas and how well treated and how much paint is on it. If the paint is very thick it doesn't work very well. I used loose unprimed duck canvas and used Acrylic paint that was fairly thin--almost like water colo... 
Jazz and the Hammond B
Thanks for the suggestions. I have more Hammond B stuff on order now than I currently own (great--now I have to find the time to listen to it). In particular--thank you Albert for making me salivate over something that is out of print: "I hate it ... 
BEST brand for Classical Recordings?
Reference Recordings is my favorite--but they are not all equal. I have a Mozart Concerto that is terrible, but then all of the Eiji Oui with Minnisota are exceptional--probably the best Classical I own on CD. Delos, Chesky, and Sony Classical are... 
CD players, one box or seperates?
I got into 2 box source when I tried a DAC with my old CD player. It sounded much better--so I bought it. Then the player completely died--so I bought a transport. Later I upgraded to a better DAC, and then again to a better transport. I now own a... 
Music to test systems
I’ve spent quite a bit of time considering this one. Limiting to only 5 is difficult. I also agree with many of the comments about how you would take what you had been listening to recently—it establishes a base line that you are familiar with at ... 
Audiophile spending
I guess I should answer this question as well. I’ve already answered the 1st question it’s about 2/3 equipment and 1/3 music. It turns out the value of the system is about the same ratio. My spending on music is definitely limited by time to liste... 
AC lines
I would run them back and fourth rather than coiling them. Coiling can create inductance in the lines. Also, as Njonker says, avoid putting them parrallel to the speaker or line level cables as your cables can then pick up RF from the power cable. 
music you cant live without
Janis Ian "Breaking Silence", Belafonte "Belafonte Sings the Blues", Charles Lloyd "Water is Wide", Patricia Barber "Companion", and Stravinsky "Firebird Suite" on Sheffield. There are many more--but these seem to keep coming back into "heavy rota... 
How to reduce CD Transport noise?
I have a 9000ES and find that it is noisy too. It's a little less noisy than the Pioneer DVD transport I had prior to owning the Sony. My CD transport (Levinson #37) has virtually no noise. Elgordo's suggestion of vibra pods is worth a try. I used... 
Good Stuff Cheap
The B&W 300s impress me. I own an older set--$250 retail. The new ones are supposed to be significantly better. These speakers have good clarity, are reasonably neutral, and have amazing bass for such a small package. The molded plastic cabine... 
Feedback on Magnum FT-11
I agree with Woodfield. I do own an FT-11. I have not owned any of the other Magnum Dynalab tuners. Most of the tuners I have owned prior to this one would be considered mid-fi. The FT-11 is excellent--at that price you can't go wrong. I bought mi... 
amp stands
I built an interesting pair of amp stands made from aluminum. They were two 1/8 inch pieces of aluminum with routed grooves in them. They were sandwiched together with marbles in the grooves. Then they were placed on top of tip toes. This is a ver...