
Responses from kingrex

Rega Planar 3 upgrades help.
This is pretty much a dead string, but I though I would throw in my 2 cents.  Yesterday I got a bug and modified my RP6.  I have always had the table on a 3/4" piece of quality birch plywood.  The plywood is sitting on pink bubble pack.  That was ... 
Isotek Evo3 Aquarius
I have tried a few conditions now, with different amplifiers.  I can say with absolute conviction, they all add some sort of change to the tone of the system.  There is definitely a synergy to what type of amp you are using and what you are trying... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Well recently I upgraded my Mate to a Premate.  What a world of difference.  The loss of harmonic warmth and fullness with the Mate is no longer and issue.  When I received my Premate, I actually pulled my DAC out of the signal chain and utilized ... 
New level of ridiculousness
Have you ever considered the 200 units sold for $200,000 may only break even the cost of research and development, plus the cost of doing business.  Maybe its the only way an audio business can stay on the cutting edge and trickle down the technol... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Kingrex here again.  Some more insight if I may ask.  I am interested in experiences with people using their unit as SPDIF in and SPDIF out to the DAC.  For a very reasonable price I can get my Mate upgraded to process the signal in the digital do... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Update, I just spoke with Larry Owens.  He calibrates the DEQX, and modifies them.  He said my unit does have a potentially noisy SMPS.  The 4 is Linear, the 5 is a high end SMPS that does not have the same issues.  Other hardware in my unit is no... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Hello all.  I have been reading this thread and have a question.  I just purchased a Mate.  Good deal on dealer demo as it is discontinued.  I have not had any calibration done, but I inserted it into my system in bypass.  There is some noticeable... 
Looking for a power cable upgrade
This is how I get my end attached to my plugs.  Dont try and do all 3 at once.   Land the hot.  Next land the ground.  Make sure the leads have a little room for this next move.  Now spin the plug so that the hot wraps over the ground and allows y... 
Preamp recommendation please..
Hello K302.  As a question, not a challenge, what do you mean by the compromise on transparency?  I though the FS was transparent, but my basis for experience is limited.  I have only had the McIntosh and Airtight preamps.  I have also had the int... 
Tom Tutay Transition Audio Design Preamp
I just bought and installed a pair of the 1570.  Mine is # 19 of 28 produced.  Holly Cow.  They just keep asking you to turn them up, and the higher you go, the better they sound.  Don't take that wrong.  They are amazing at low volume, their is j... 
Maker G9
Jpepper, glad to hear you like the Maker.  I just sold my Conrad Johnson Premier 140 with the teflon upgrades to purchase a Maker Ref2 stereo amp.  I have not received it yet.  Comes in the mail on Monday.  I am all butterflies now.  I gave up a h... 
Preamp recommendation please..
Hands down "First Sound".  I have the Mark 3.  It fronts a Conrad Johnson Premier 140 with Teflon upgrade.  I had listeners over last weekend.  I actually sold one my CJ amp.  I have the Sonus Faber Luito 3 way floor standing speakers ($5,000).  T... 
Looking for a power cable upgrade
I fully agree with AKG.  If there is any way you can upgrade the feed from your panel to the wall socket, you will gain immense sonic improvement at all your equipment.  I had a Rega Osiris too.  I had a lot of mechanical hum out of the toroid coi... 
Passive Preamp Recommendations?
I have a re-capped Conrad Johnson Premier 140 amp. I use the KT120 tubes and have a nice Amperex in the 6922 position. I have been driving it with an Airtight ACT3 ($7550) I have tried all sorts of tube from Brent Jesse. In finally landed on a gre... 
Most Quiet TUBE Preamp. Linestage. $ 12K or less
Noise on your power line. Have you considered the source of power to your equipment. Toroid transformer can hum like the dickens with any DC or other pollution on the line. If this question arises because your equipment sometimes hums and sometime...