How effective is the Onzow Zerodust?

Has anyone had good results with the Onzow Zerodust? Is it as effective at cleaning the stylus as liquid products?
I've been using the Magic Eraser since reading Dougdeacon's post. As so many others have said, it works very well. I follow the ME with brushing using a dry stylus cleaning brush (Disc Washer, I think). One modification that may help prevent snagging if the ME is dragged across the stylus, as I do, is to cut narrowly spaced slits all along the edges of the ME block. With a razor blade, cut the slits in the same direction as your cleaning motion will be. This provides very good contact with the sides of the diamond.
ME can also leave residue on the stylus, and the particles are microscopic and very abrasive.

Read my original how-to (linked in the post above). It's mandatory to brush or Zero-Dust after each use.

ME is highly effective but must be used with care and caution. I've used it after each LP side since 2004, with only good results.

Thanks for clarifying. I ordered ME from US. I have noticed on couple occasions that Scotch-Brite might leave something on the stylus, which is not good at all...
Salavat is correct, but Eric is MORE correct. :-)

A Scotch-Brite pad is made from the same chemical as a Magic Eraser, but the physical composition of the two products is quite different as to scale.

A Scotch-Brite pad's fibers are much thicker and the pad is less dense than a Magic Eraser. These widely spaced, fatter fibers wouldn't contact complex microscopic surfaces as thoroughly.

The SB pad would also be more dangerous. It's coarser fibers are much stronger than those in a Magic Eraser, making a snag more likely to do damage.

As the initial publicizer of the ME as stylus cleaner, I would not recommend Scotch-Brite pads for this purpose.

Thanks for response. Interesting... If I look in wiki or Basf website, sounds like exactly the same material (melamine), made for the same forumula, however BASF page for BASOTECT (that is original name) shows different types of material.

Did you have chance to compare them?

One caveat for using the 3M Scotch-Brite is this. I don't believe the matrix of the Scotch-Brite is woven as tight or is as "dense" as the Magic Eraser so I think much more care would need to be exercised to avoid "snagging" the stylus if one chooses the "dragging" method as opposed to the "dipping" method. Since is seems to be woven less tightly, the dipping method might not provide the same contact area as one would experience with the Magic Eraser.

Your mileage may vary . . .

I second ME efficiency on cleaning. I have got new cart which barely has 50 hours and I was using Zerodust. After applying ME the difference, even on new cart, was quite noticeable.
For those non from US, look for 3M product called Scotch-Brite cleaning pads, they use the same (as I understand and read from others comments) melamine material as ME.
Wow - thanks you guys!!! I was reading this thread, thinking about the Onzow. I thought Magic Eraser was some kind of audiophile tweak like tube dampers, until I googled it. Obviously, I don't do the cleaning in my house! A $2.79 household cleaning product that makes my stylus sparkle? Holy clean-stylus, Batman! I followed the coin-method and, using a magnifying mirror, my Ortofon OM-30 Super stylus looks totally clean after a few dunks in the ME. I can't thank T_bone and everyone else on this thread enough. You guys rock!
T_Bone, yes
It is the best and absolutely safe from handling and for the needle.
Go with Magic Eraser. It really works great. I strongly recommend adhering it to a coin(for weight and convenience)and lowering the arm into it a couple of times. Vs. the method mounted on a toothpick, it seems less likely to do any damage. Cheers,

My 2 bits :Careful use of the ME should be mandatory. No other stylus cleaning regimen comes even remotely close.IMHO the Zero is a useful adjunct to a ME based routine. I use the ME for every play and occasionally the Zero. What the Zero does is remove micro strands that otherwise remain. On a standalone basis would not recommend the Zero, YMMV. A small LED torch and a 10x glass are more than useful for gauging stylus cleanliness.
Zero-dust is good for taking schmutz off the stylus, but its not a substitute for a good periodic wet cleaning.
thanks for asking this, I was considering the zerodust after Disc Doctor liquid dissolved the finish on the front of my Grado wood-bodied cartridge.
I use it on every play, then once a month or so, I do the disk doctor liquid.
A ZeroDust will do no harm, but by itself it won't clean a stylus completely.

Liquid products work better, but they pose some risks and are not quite as effective as the Magic Eraser.

The ME also poses some risks (so does any stylus cleaning method) but many hundreds of users believe it's the most effective stylus maintenance technique, and it's virtually free. I've been using it regularly for six years, on cartridges costing up to $5K. All of them look as clean as the day I took them out of the box, even under 200X magnification.

This thread contains a sampling of happy users' recommendations, plus a link to my original post explaining how to use. There's also a link to a Wikipedia article on the material itself. A search here or on VA will turn up many more.
I am a convert to the Magic Eraser (the cleaning product) stylus cleaning method; there is an Audiogon thread by Dougdeacon describing the method and how it works. It works wonders on my carts. One needs to make sure not to be too zealous with it. Patience is key.

I have bought old gunked-up stylus carts which were cheap because they were so gunked-up, and made them look as if they were new, and thoroughly enjoyed them.

I use the Zerodust to clean the little 'bunnies' which sometimes end up at the end of the stylus. For any serious cleaning, I use the ME.
It is pretty good for its price. Well, I think, the main advantage compared to fluids is, it is safe. With fluid you should be careful, some (not all) can go into the cantilever with all negative aspects...and not to much pressure to the cantilever while cleaning...
I use the Onzow in combination with an Ultrasonic cleaner from audio Technica. That's the best combination for me. No force to any part of the cantilever and always a very clean needle for top reproduction.