Picking a Tube integrated amp

Hey all. Trying to figure out my amp situation and am looking at a few integrated to upgrade to. 

I currently have a McIntosh integrated and want to move to tubes. I have the vivid v1.5speakers and a Clearaudio Concept. Looking at the following:

—Primaluna Dialogue premium or HP.
—Audio Research VSi60
—Octave v40SE

Question...does the AR still hold up? It’s likely it will be a used model, but curious if it’s still competing with the others I listed. Any others to consider?  


bit late to the party, but Zanden 6000 is perfect match for the VIvid 1.5 speakers...it uses KT120 for like 100W on 8 Ohms.
VTL IT 85.  Rock solid and does not swoon like other tube gear that is not so well power regulated.  I owned the VTL TT-25 mono blocks and regret selling them as they did everything right.  And tube roll to your heart's content.

Also USA built and repaired if necessary.
The Jolida 3502 might be a great choice for less than 1500 bucks. I had a 502P for years that had tube slam for days...great amps.
Hi, just purchased a Octave v40se and am likely to take the plunge for the Super Black Box which adds 10X the capacitance of the model -- out of the box it was a bit bright with the sovtek 6550's and my Audio Physic Tempo+ but I switched to some Gold Lion KT88's and classic amperex in the preamp section and the sound is super rich and satisfying.  Crazy amount of power for my 89 db speakers, I usually don't get above 3 and that is some fullsome sound.  Love the ecomode function where if there isn't an active signal for 8 minutes it shuts down to sleep mode using only 20 watts. Never heard PrimaLuna though the writeups are really nice.  My LAD (Goodwin's High End in Boston) doesn't sell them, swears by Octave and the SBB.  Doubt you can really go wrong with either.  
One of the best (and worst) addictive habits one can acquire is the new old stock NOS tube search. I like old Sylvania military grade tubes and old RCAs. But there are so many with Telefunken and Mullard as favorites with many tube fans. Have fun!
Received the Rogue today, all hooked up ready to go. Initial impression is positive but not conclusive. Gonna let it burn in for next couple of days before some serious listening. I'll post results when I have a better feel/ear for its good and bad points.
gillatgh- Let us all know how you like the Rogue. Tubes are addictive IMO. 
Keithtexas- Good question. From my experience good deals can come from used gear, but good quality customer service is from a reputable dealer. In my case, my dealer assured me he would handle problems with my amp, if they occured. He was good for his word and so was Line Magnetic Audio. They are a small company.
From all I've read, the Pharaoh is not the most forgiving/"tube-like" of hybrids; I'd be very inclined to drop some NOS Mullards in there to give it every advantage.
Perhaps a bit off topic, but can anyone detail whether there are any real issues with buying a Chinese made amp (Line Magnetic, Cayin, etc.) - which were build for 220v ?  Can you just purchase a 220/110v converter [box] and be done?  Or is it more complicated? And will it always be a little sonically different than a made-for-110v product ? TIA
I'll let you know in a month or so. I'm also just starting the tube craze to see what all the teletubies are raving about. My approach is a little impure I might say. I am combining tube with SS. Ordered a Rogue Pharaoh integrated to start my journey thru the rabbit hole. It combines a tube preamp with a solid state amplifier section. The Rogue is made entirely in the US of A but uses electronics from Europe. Hand assembled piece by piece so they say. Cant wait to start the journey which may end in short order.................or not. We shall see. Took me 40 years to where I am, jeeez I'm to old for this hobby but darn I cant seem to live without good sound and music.
I bought a Line Magnetic 216 integrated amp from a dealer. It blew a transformer and the company DID NOT give me any problem. It was shipped to a repair center and they replaced the transformer. I really like the LM Audio amp and it beat out a Primaluna, Rogue and Cary I had considered buying. My two top choices would be Audio Research and Line Magnetic SET amps.
BTW my amp might have had a problem with the heavy load I placed upon it by driving planar speakers. I think the more current a speaker demands should dictate how much current your potential amp can provide.
I'll toss in another vote for PrimaLuna.  I have the Dialogue HP.  A very solid and well engineered amp.  I have all the stock tubes and am very happy with the sound.  Really like the ability to switch from triode to ultralinear.  UL sounds more spacious,  dynamic, and extended on both ends. To me this is clearly the default mode (don't know what the Stereophile reviewer was thinking when he suggested the opposite--and then suggests his $$ separates has a touch more clarity.  Brother.  Just push the button man!) But sometimes like now, I enjoy triode when playing music in the background while I work.  The point is this is a very versatile amp.  The tube rolling options are crazy.  The one disadvantage of the HP is it's $$$ to roll in 8 power tubes!!  So if you don't need the power I would probably get the Dialogue Premium. 
Another vote for the PrimaLuna Dialogue HP Integrated, I have back to backed the PL against various amps, Plinius Haetonga, Music Fidelity M6i, Vincent SP-994 with Sa-94 pre and various Yamaha amps all in my system and the PL just makes the rest sound very ordinary.
I have various sets of el34’s and the standard KT88’s but it’s the KT150’s that really make this amp sound at its best for my ears. Once you settle on what main tubes you like then you can fine tune the sound in with a couple of NOS 12au7’s, my favourite pair of 12au7’s fitted with the KT150’s at present are the LA RADIOTECHNIQUE RT 6189/12AU7WA, I also have about ten other sets of NOS 12au7's and they all make the PL sound quite different. Bang for your dollar it’s hard to go past the PrimaLuna HP Integrated in my humble opinion and the fact they are so tuneable for a relatively small amount of money is such a bonus.
I have also auditioned quiet a number of other much more expensive amps with the same Vienna Acoustic speakers that I own in various Hifi outlets in the last year and I keep coming back to the PL as it is the most pleasing amp to listen to that I have heard so far. ... Cheers Terry
What don't you like about your McIntosh? Why do you want to move to tubes?  The Vivid 1.5's have been characterized as clean-sounding speakers delivering masses of detail.  If you are looking to inject a little warmth by introducing tubes then the Octave may not be what you are looking for, as it has often been characterized as having a more up-front sound that is vivid.  Could be a little bright depending on your room and phono cartridge. In any case, would help to know what you are looking for when switching to a tube amp.
Not sure what the buzz is surrounding the KT 150. The question I would ask is how do they sound? Not how much power they put out.
I’m intrigued by the Octave.  What do those who’ve recommended it like about it?  I’m thinking about the 110. Oh and by the way, I ended up selling the Vivid’s and bought the Focal Kanta No2 for speakers. My room was too big for the Vivid’s.  The Kanta is amazing. 
You might look at Quicksilver Audio's integrated amp. If 20 watts per channel is enough. Their amps sound really nice. They have been around for more than 30 years, and are made in the U.S. And the price is very reasonable


I have no experience with Line Magnetic's customer service, but you certainly have that discussion with the Dealer, should you decide to purchase.

I've heard both and the Octave with the SBB beats it handily. A friend just got the v40SE with the simple BB and its spectacular.  I have the SBB and its worth the price difference.  Have fun!

I’ll chime in... I have a Prima Luna Dialouge Premium... not the HP .. and drives Maggie’s 1.7s no problem. I also had prior to the PL a Rogue Cronus Magnum. IMO the PL far far outshines the CM. Zero loss of perceived power or dynamics, even though my PL with KT 88s is about 38wpc vs the Rogue 100wpc .. if anything the PL seems more robust. Just my experience.
best of luck! Curious what you decide & your opinions!
Hi Rubytuesday,

Although I am a Big Rouge Audio fan, I believe that you would get more bang for the buck with the Primaluna Dialog. It has all the benefits of what I like about the Rouge products, Plus more for about the same price. 
@rubytuesday I understated Turing off speakers after a short listen.  I did the same with some 7,500 B&W bookshelf’s.

i would urge you to listen to some Aerial Acoustic speakers. I have the 5t’s.   You won’t turn them off until around 2am.  
I have the PrimaLuna Dialog HP. Go for the HP.
Troublefree,  looks awesome, sounds spectacular.  If the EL34 power tubes ever die, which will be a long time,  I’ll think about maybe puttting in the KT150 Power Pickles. 

I put in 2 Millard cv4003 in the front 2 spots.

There is a thread with people having trouble with Line Magnetic customer service. At their price point, I would probably be buying used. Any thoughts?
Also pure class A is the Line Magnetic 518ia Integrated Vacuum Tube Amplifier .... 845 output tubes .... 22 wpc into 8 but your Vivid speakers with an 89 dB sensitivity should be fine ... and your speakers are closer to the 4 ohm load in the lower octaves (bass). Unless you listen to very load levels, this is a wonderful integrated but @ $4,500.
The Pathos Acoustics Inpol2 is in a totally different league than all the above integrateds mentioned.  Pure class A, balanced from input to output, uses tubes for input voltage gain, MOSFETS for output current gain. First introduced in 2006, it is still produced today and remains Pathos' flagship integrated amp!
I have owned 2 Primaluna integrated amps - the Prologue 2, then moved up to the Dialogue 2 - liked then both then moved to separates, the Dialogue Premium power amp (not hp) and Prologue Premium preamp. Right now I am running Spendor SP2/3s and loving it. Also have Martin Logan ESLs. I love the Triode mode. You can also really tweak your sound as desired with input and power tubes. It is teally like having 2 amps in one with various combos. Last night with the Spendors, and PL spinning Aimee Mann’s latest and running EL34s - it was great!
Far better than anything discussed above - Pathos Acoustics Inpol2 flagship integrated, pure class A, fully balanced.
Traded in my Cary sli80 for PL Dialogue HP and have never looked back. The KT 150's sound great in them. 
I recently traded in my Rogue M150’s and my Modwright KWA100SE for a pair of Primaluna HP Mono blocks. Also traded in my Modwright LS100 pre for the Dialogue Premmium Pre. I also spent a considerable amount of time listening to the HP integrated in Upscale’s room. Driving some Nola Viper R3 speakers. My system has never sounded this good by very wide margin. I have no doubt I didn’t need the extra power of the HP. The sound is amazing detail is great, sound stage and imagining much better than any previous amps I’ve owned. These things are dead quiet, the M150’s weren’t even close. I really liked my Rogue amps but they don’t compare to my ears and they burned through tubes pretty fast.

I was hesitant to go with PL since all the marketing sounds too good to be true. I am now a believer. I am looking forward to some tube rolling soon. The variety of tubes you can use is intriguing but, may be the one drawback of the amp. I could really spend a lot on trying different tubes!!

The integrated and the monoblocks/pre share many of the same components. I can’t imagine you would be disapointed.
I had the AR VSi60 and it was a very good amp. I used it with more sensitive speakers, but I think it would be enough to power your vivids. My one nitpick is that the gradation of volume steps at low levels was not fine enough and I struggled with listening at low levels. So late night listening or having music on in the background with people over was not great. But when the timing was right for me to kick up the volume a few notches, it was clear and detailed and yet magically tubey.

If it's in your budget, take a look at the AR VSi75. More power (and more control if you're listening at low levels) and an upgraded volume control that is much finer than its little brother. 

The amp sings. Plus, it's made here in the US and customer service is pretty solid. 
Completely rebuilt Sansui 1000a. You’ll have 1100 into it and the sound is sublime. It blows my rogue away. The famous old Sansui iron is as good or better than today’s transformers. The level of detail and the amount of low end punch is stunning. 
PrimaLuna HP with KT 150 tubes in ultralinear mode puts out almost 100W.
Drives my Revel F206 (88dB sensitivity) no problem even in triode mode.
Haven't tried other suggested amps, but pretty happy with the PL. Especially with Mullard CV4003 and KT150s. :)
Another vote for the Rogue Audio Cronus 2...I’ve found that the additional power has substantially improved the lower mid and midrange dynamics of the music I hear through my system with fairly demanding speakers (Vandersteens). It’s not about volume but rather dynamics...
Listen to Mastersound integrated before making any final decision. I sold my separates costing three times as much for this amp.
Just a different level from all previously mentioned.
@crwindy I've heard the Synthesis integrated with the built in DAC twice its a fantastic sounding integrated and a very good value for what you get. My local dealer Deja Vu Audio imports Synthesis I heard it in one of their rooms driving a pair of Audio Note AN-K's. The sound was so good it convinced me to get AN speakers, I have an amp I love already. I also heard it in November at Capitol Audio Fest driving the brand new Harbeth 30.2, the sound was so good I stayed for the entire second side of Dark Side of the Moon.
I too am interested in an integrated change. I recently got the Vivid 1.5 as well. I have a Cary SLI-80 Sig F1 and I am wondering where to go for an upgrade without spending too much, so all thoughts are welcome. One possibility would be the Dialogue Premium without the HP but putting in the KT 150 tubes. Any thoughts? Has anyone head the synthesis 100 watt integrated with built in DAC? It sounded quite good to me but is not well known and is pricey. Thoughts on T+A would be appreciated.
I'm very familiar with the original VAC Avatar, which has four things going for it: 1) Switchable between triode/ultralinear, 2) great el34 tube sound for voice/midrange, 3) it's a VAC, which means great sound and good investment at used prices, 4) not really any advances in tube sound since it was made, and VAC still supports them.

The subsequent Avatar models might be better in some ways, but I've never heard them, and you lose 1) and 2) above.
Transformers are one of the keys ,if you have the funds Air tight has a excellent  anniversary integrated .  They used Tango          trans formers no linger made but available.  You didnot mention 
Speaker efficiency this will help determine  compared to integrated like Prima Luna, in another league for example. Ayon make some very good ones, border patrol,  Decware make Very nice custom 
Models you choose the options.  These are mainly under $10k 
AIRTIGHT is more.  This is a good start ,  also VAC, BAT.
@rpeluso   Good to know! PM sent, for specifics on your Lyric, so as not to go off on a tangent within the thread.
I have a Lyric KT150-based integrated in my smaller second system (Lux D05u with Von Schweikert UniField 3 MkII speakers) and cannot imagine be more satisfied with this set-up, very much worth your considering.