Polite Rules for discussing Audio related things

The polite rules for discussing audio:
Folks post three types of messages:      
Questions ,about audio function, method, what to buy..  
Answers to other folks questions..  
And blogging. I bought this, I did this, here is my experience                        
Allow others to say and describe what they experience and hear.   Allow then to offer reasons without arguing.   If it is a blog, stop telling them what to do! They don't want you arguing, just wanted to say I did this.
Offer POSITIVE responses. If you disagree with them, do so in a polite and friendly way.        
Offer alternatives without aggressive language.And above all, stop tit for tat aggression. Turn the other cheek dudes, turn the other cheek.
What do you think would help create a friendly happy place to discuss audio?

Lightening up never been one of my strengths. I've been a curmudgeon since, man I forgot that long ago.

Then again, I've forgotten many things...
Here's some role modelling:

One Stereophile review showed sensitivity and impedance quotes off by significant amounts


The stereophile review does mention the impedance sweep, but also says that there is no issue with it ,as the actual magnitude is low, and thus the speaker can be driven well by any competent amplifier. IE, no significant current is needed to drive them. They sensitivity, well, that's an issue you have to take up with the designer. Nevertheless, if a guy is driving them with an 8 watt SET and is filling a room on orchestral peaks, the speaker is doing just fine.

I appreciate your polite and well reasoned explanation to [ ]. With regard to audio it is imperative to view the entire picture rather than focus on a few measurements in isolation.  ..... Measurements are what they are, however actually listening and directly interacting with an audio product is far more meaningful and definitive.

+1 @fetguy @charles1dad
Politeness is always good!  You just have to figure how to sdvise a guy promoting spending $900 on as specialty recepticle (a plug) for his CD player; that after thirty days "burn in" using his refrigerator that it will not provide a dramatic, jawdroppimg improvement in clarity, soundstage and transparency!  These small tweeks actually either do nothing or provide a change to he programe that would be so subtle as to not be noticed by most...and a change not necessarily for the better.
At 67, I guess I'm an official member of the Old-Timers Audio Club.
Back in the late 70s, early 80s, the DQ-10s were among some of the first speakers I took an interest in. Since then it's been a long and fun journey.
I understand where Elizabeth is coming from, with this thread. While differences in opinion are good and can sometimes give us new perspectives - there is no call to slander or insult each other. Also, it's not a bad idea stay, at least vaguely, on topic.
Since most of us don't want this site to be monitored  to the point of having every disagreement, personal opinion or questionable remark censored, we should all try being a little bit like adults....Well, except for Geoff, maybe...Jim
Elizabeth, almost 70? here I was thinking you were just a very well informed youngster - maybe 40ish or so...lol.
From what I’ve read on your posts, you have some wonderful audio gear...enjoy the ride.....Jim


This is about the moment you'd better stop responding. Otherwise, you get sucked into purposeless arguments and end up wondering what is wrong with all of us. Maybe try a different thread or take a walk outside? I promise you, you will lose nothing.

>>>>>That’s weird. He was the only one here I was having a serious conversation with. 
At 67, I guess I’m an official member of the Old-Timers Audio Club.

Since most of us don’t want this site to be monitored to the point of having every disagreement, personal opinion or questionable remark censored, we should all try being a little bit like adults....Well, except for Geoff, maybe...Jim

>>>>>Gosh, I can’t wait until I’m an old timer, too...Geoff

Sorry Geoff, I am pretty sure your mind will always be that of a mischievous but bored 17 year old.
I have largely stopped reading the forums for many of the reasons people have noted.  I happened on to this one from Audiogon's weekly feed.  I will however ask a question about audio every now and then if I do not know the answer and often get excellent responses.  
What I find  annoying about the forums is that many posters promote the equipment they own over and over again simply because they own it and enjoy it. There are some posters who do this for years on end. This is often accompanied by deriding another brand.  Magico is great and Vandersteen stinks!! Then the inevitable reply: Vandersteen is great  and Magico stinks!! 
It is so boring. If you are that insecure that you have to deride the choices of others to feel good about yourself, then stay off the keyboard. There really isn't this kind of debate in enthusiast automobile sites.  People can seem to agree that Porsches and Benzes are both good.
"This is about the moment you'd better stop responding. Otherwise, you get sucked into purposeless arguments and end up wondering what is wrong with all of us. Maybe try a different thread or take a walk outside? I promise you, you will lose nothing".

Well sometimes if you want to make a point you can't be too subtle.
It's important to have everyone paying attention.

To quote the old saying:

You can take a horse to water but you can't faucet.

@geoffkait Gosh, I can’t wait until I’m an old timer, too...Geoff
It's not all it's cracked up to be. Most of my old riding buddies are trading their two wheelers in on three wheelers. Every year it gets a little tougher to wrangle a big bike down the side roads - maybe 3 wheels isn't looking so bad. Also, after years of hard use and abuse, hearing isn't as sharp as it used to be and I definitely can't handle the loud stuff anymore...Jim
I just came back from a short ride on my TREK mountain bike. SMOOTH. Geez, I am not looking forward to a three wheeler. Too old to rock and roll, too young to die.
To all us old guys out there, stay away from the four wheelers. AKA: wheelchair.....
To both Geoff and mr_m: Wish I knew how to post a smile here, but just suffice to say "Well Put"...Jim
I just wanted to mention since I saw some posts earlier on Dairy Queen and ice cream cakes, nothing beats Carvel’s Fudgy the Whale! Please now continue with you’re madness kids!
@thecarpathian Nope in DC but grew up in MD there was one by my aunt's place in Randallstown way back in the day. And of course the tv commercials that gravelly voice!
Thank you Elizabeth, Geoff, and the rest of this merry/maddening gang. Your wit, insights on human behaviors and obvious love of all things audio, have rejuvenated my faith in humans and in this weird hobby.
Keep it up!
Btw, I liked Tom Carvel too.
I’ve been reading up on nucelons, beta decay and the nuclear shell model just to get a "breath of fresh air." It’s comforting to know that nucleons are considered to be point like, without any internal structure.
For your next assignment, check out quantum dots, I.e., artificial atoms - a bunch of electrons orbiting around an empty space in the middle instead of a nucleus. Whoa! 😳
Geoff: How did you know? I directly worked with quantum dots, or, semi-conductor nanocrystals, for several years in a variety of biological applications for the biotech industry. They are composed of a crystaline core and a shell of a few thousand atoms (as an insulator to protect the core from oxidative damage) and usually are about 5 to 10 nm in diameter. They are not easy to make as a bulk with a uniform, small-size distribution. But excite them with a voltage or by laser photonic energy, and they emit a bright beautiful band of fluorescence color that is highly photostable.
Wow! I’ve been working with quantum dots since 2005 when I got involved with the original Intelligent Chip imported by Golden Sound. I design and produce the Super Intelligent Chip. I also wrote the definitive explanation for how the Intelligent Chip works.

Isn't it strange that nobody in the audio world takes geoffkait's astonishing tweaks seriously? Why is that I wonder?
Gosh, I was wondering why sales have been down recently. Thanks for the heads up.
I’m looking forward to the day when audio electronics using quantum dots becomes a reality. Samsung is on the edge of making that breakthrough for Hi-def video screens. 
The first commercial use of quantum dots was for audio, for treating CDs. That was almost 15 years ago. That’s way before quantum dot Christmas tree lights or whatever. Jingle bells, jingle bells...
I have to say I was somewhat surprised to find the author of an OP on forum politeness was elizabeth.
Was this the turning over of a new leaf?  ;-)
prof, you know the story from "Alien" 'Acid for blood'.. I am nice to nice people, and mean to mean people. Someone cuts me, they get the acid. The one problem with this is Women are supposed to 'always be nice' to jerk Men. Sorry, I give what I get, 100% of the time. Suprises a lot of Men, And oddly, Men who do it are lust playing hard. Women who do it are just B......es. Double standard.           
Here and other sites (like car sites) where Men rule, I have told other Women NEVER allow anyone to know you are a Woman. Never. Women who do not disclose they are Women will discover Men treat them as an equal, they do not attack them for no reason, amazing really. If only I had known that back when the net started. Not one person here would know I am a Woman. And 90% of the attacking and harassment I got, and gave, would not have existed.And I am not just saying this, I can prove it from various sites, ones where I am known as a Woman, And others where I have remained anonymous. I am the exact same person, same writing, just on sites they do not know, I am treated with respect, minor arguments the other party does not 'get offended'.      
I do have to say, here, as Audiogon there is less hassle here than at other audio sites, I guess the jerks like those sites better?
Post removed 
d2girls sez: "a Xenomorph has no interest in music"And here I have been wasting 55 years of my life on a HOBBY I have no interest in... It must be this disgusting Earth atmosphere.. All this oxygen left me confused... Give me a nice chlorine atmosphere any day.
You see, you say you would like to hide the fact that you are a woman. That would be a deception, no good. Don't expect any respect if you do that, certainly not from me.
Your writing style is unmistakably feminine, by the way, and that is good. 
Discussing things politely is right out these days. It starts from the top.

Alien is probably my favourite movie ;)

You may have assessed that your replies have been snarky only to those who "deserve" it, but that’s your assessment. And it’s usually the justification anyone gives when doing so. I would not agree with your assessment. I have seen you many times quickly leap to acrimonious replies when they did not seem warranted, including to me. Which is why as I said I was surprised you’d made a thread calling for restraint and politeness in our replies.

I certainly don’t mean to claim I see this as your demeanour at all times. I join with others in lauding you for some great input in this forum.

As to your being a woman, I’m sorry to hear of your experience. It’s certainly not right for you to be treated differently that way. To me, your being a woman makes no difference in how I see your posts, with the exception that it’s just nice to see a woman even in this hobby :)

@d2girls totally true but sorry dude you're in your 20s so you can't say stuff like that about us yet! ;-)
The Engineers in Prometheus and Alien Covenant used a flute to activate the alien spacecraft. Maybe that’s how earthlings inherited the taste for music. Hmmmmm....