
Responses from ptmconsulting

Prog Rock
Actually Spocks Beard is very much alive and producing music. However, they are not producing the same quality of music that they were when Neal Morse was leading them, back in the 90's. In fact, many people really liked Neal Morse's solo albums t... 
Prog Rock
Methinks you need to sign in and hang out atwww.progressiveears.comThe best "newer" bands that I have found and enjoy are:- Porcupine Tree (and Steve Wilson's solo projects)- RPWL- Anathema- Moth Vellum- Mars Hollow- Big Big Train- Brother Ape- Iz... 
Best tube-based phono stage?
In that price point you might want to also check out the Hagerman Coronet II. You can also save a bunch and have some fun if you are somewhat handy and can build it yourself from the half kit Jim Hagerman sells. There are several "mods - parts sub... 
Anti-Skate dial-How to set it? + a bonus question
Anti skate can be set by ear. Find a recore with some vocals and some decent dynamics. Then set the force to zero. This works best with someone helping you, but you can do it yourself if you're patient. Listen to the right channel and you should h... 
Hansen Prince: Dartzeel, Soulution or Boulder
The Hansen's are truly a transparent speaker, so they will take on the character of whatever amp you go with. The bass does need some control so I suggest SS, but then you will probably need tubes somewhere in the chain so the top end can shione, ... 
Best integrated Amp for Hansen Prince V2
IMO the Hansens need tubes somewhere in the chain. I would look for an integrated that has that hybrid thing going on. 
NYC Axpona Audio Show report
There's another thread on the show already started 
Here's my notes - taken on my phone from Friday, so short and brief.YG Acoustics (big ones) - pa speakers! Forward and not nuancedSony - veiledWilson Sasha/vVTL- nice, dynamic, open , diacordant, not well integratedScaena- not integratwd, hole in ... 
EE MiniMax Tube Dac
I think one of the biggest tweaks for this player is to remove the tube and play the SS section with the tube out. 
Why do planars have poor bass extension?
Not all planers have poor bass. My Apogees have plenty of bass, but it is different bass than a cone speaker. It is tight and defined and tuneful and goes deep, but it just doesn't have that hit you in the chest slam of a good cone woofer. 
Which cost more: your system or your car?
My car was more expensive when new, but now after 5 years it has depreciated below what I could sell my system for. Seems like audio equipment is probably a better long term investment! :) 
Plinth mass vs. Foundation mass
In my mind (totally un-scientifically validated though) there needs to be mass it the interface of the stylus and the record (e.g. the platter) to minimize any micro resonances that could distort that tiny signal.Next, mass or non-resonant chacter... 
Do Thiel dealers discount?
I was trying to be kind. These speakers actually sound like a big AM radio is playing. 
How will you split $3000 between phono and cart ?
I would definitely get a phonostage that is the best I could afford. In your price range that could be the new Manley Chinook at $2200. Then use what I have on hand and save up for a great cartridge to use with it. 
Do Thiel dealers discount?
Have you actually heard them yet? They are definitely not a speaker to everyone's liking.