
Responses from ptmconsulting

Fourplay Foreplay...
Their first 2-3 albums were truly nice to listen to, musically and sound wise. Perfect to put on after a nice dinner out with the wife, and an after dinner drink on the couch with some "snuggling". They weren't pure "jazz" but they did put a bit m... 
Vinyl. Is it me? the producer? cartridge? Record?
I agree, especially within the "Contemporary Jazz" ("smooth jazz) category. The studio albums are too clean and the playing and sound are sterile. However, if you hear many of these artists live you may change your mind about them. Many of them ca... 
Optimizing TNT, Triplanar, Transfiguration Temper
Glad to hear it is all working out. This is a finicky cartridge, to be sure, but it is well worth the effort to get it right.Merry Christmas. 
Analysis Paralysis on Phone Stage and MC Cartridge
All cartridge companies have a house "sound" that seems to run through their line, for the most part. I think the first step is to determine what type of sound you like and see which manufacturers are more likely to please your ears and preferance... 
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
I've heard the Qol on several different systems now, including Maggie 3.6, Apogees, small Gallo's and Pipedreams. I can say, in general, I didn't like what it did to the panel speakers. They are already capable of producing wide open sound. The QO... 
REL subwoofer crossover question
The Neutrik connectors from the amp assume a common ground plane, that's why there are only 3 wires (R+, L+, either -) and not 4. A balanced amp does not have a common ground plane. So you can only get one channel into the sub with the Neutrik, at... 
Optimizing TNT, Triplanar, Transfiguration Temper
Here's a write up by Jon Risch on VTA/SRA. I only wish I could find the picture that makes this all obvious. Basically the pointy sidewall of the Shibata stylus as to align perfectly with the angle of the cut in the record groove. Listen to high f... 
Optimizing TNT, Triplanar, Transfiguration Temper
Glad to hear that your changes moved things in the right direction. I agree with removing the damping trough, that just seemed to kill the dynamics on my arm.Keep playing and adjusting. This is a top notch cartridge and, as such, it is very finick... 
Anti Skating adjustment
Hence, with a sensitive higher end cartridge you should be able to hear a difference as skating force is removed and applied, and you can optomize it by ear (as I stated above), which is all that really matters anyway regardless of the math.Droppi... 
Optimizing TNT, Triplanar, Transfiguration Temper
I was always told to start at the high end (e.g. 44k unloaded) and work my way down in values (loaded) until things snap into place. I found this balance to be between 220 and 470 for me (I have a switch on my Hagerman Piccolo step up that allows ... 
Anti Skating adjustment
Anti skate can be set by ear. Find a record with some vocals and some decent dynamics. Then set the force to zero. This works best with someone helping you, but you can do it yourself if you're patient. Listen to the right channel and you should h... 
DIY acoustic panels for planars.
It has become a tradition to get a photo with Chris posing next to them. Hell, he even has a t-shirt montage with many of these speakers.Plus, he was a rock-star back in the day (hence the obligatory pony tail) :) 
Optimizing TNT, Triplanar, Transfiguration Temper
I have a Moerch DP6, not a Triplaner. Can;t speak to the TP arm, but my Moerch sounded best with very little or no damping goo. Far more lively and much better to my ears. I would suggest using damping sparingly on any arm - it seems to suck the l... 
Optimizing TNT, Triplanar, Transfiguration Temper
I also have a Temper, on a Moerch DP6 arm and a VPI based table. Here's what I can suggest.1) Table isolation is paramount. I made a DIY Ginko by placing the table on a 1" maple butcher block and putting 8-10 squash balls between it and the shelf.... 
JM Labs original utopia speakers
Personally I think the older models were more musical than the newer ones. The tweeter could be a little hard sounding though so pairing with the right amp is critical.