
Responses from ptmconsulting

Westchester County, NY
You might also want to check out meetings for the NY Audio Rave, posted here:'s not exclusively Westchester, with members from NJ, CT, LI and Westchester. All are welcome. 
The Audiophile's Wife
To me it sounds like you pissed her off royally, but it is probably not about the audio system. What else did you do or say to her? Given that you are separated it was probably a whole lot of other little things and maybe a few big things too. 
Any advantages to bi-wiring speakers vs. single
I used to bi-wire my old MTM speakers. Why? because I had 2 sets of wire and the speaker had 2 sets of binding posts. Was it better than a single wire? Slightly, but not enough to spend tons of money on if you don't already have the wire.Now I hav... 
Any advantages to bi-wiring speakers vs. single
If you get the bi-wire version you will have more flexibility down the road should you choose to go down that path, or to bi-amp also. No downside that I can see.No whether bi-wiring makes a difference on this particular speaker ... that I don't k... 
Importance of Power cords feeding Conditioners
Nsgarch - I stongly disagree with the absolutes in your statement. I have found in my own experimentation that what often seems to be logical when connecting systems, be it power cords or interconnects or supposedly complimentary components, is of... 
Best CD I've heard so far 2011.........
Tierney Sutton - American RoadJust heard this this morning. Amidst the plethora of female vocalists around this album just speaks to me. Great songs, great delivery, great voice, great backing band, great sound. I only wish it were available on vi... 
Kuzma 4Point Tri-Planar
I think this just about says it all, right here ... 
Importance of Power cords feeding Conditioners
Cords and equipment are all about synergies. The "best" PC you have might night be best with a source, but may be best with your amp, or visa versa. It's all about trial and error so there's no perfect answer unless you try it out yourself and exp... 
What is the best storage for cartridges?
... and that single phrase can be universally translated to mean just about anything. 
Kuzma 4Point Tri-Planar
That is one strange looking counterweight. It seems as though they are not only getting the center mass of the counterweight below the pivot point, but also putting it as close to the pivot point as possible, even next to it so to speak. That woul... 
Mccormack DNA-1 deluxe vs PASS X150.5 amps??
I had a DNA .5 Deluxe, then modded it up to near Rev A status. Please, please ... if you are going to buy a McCormack amp get one on the used market that is already modded to Rev A or Platinum levels, or expect to have it done afterwards and consi... 
What is the best storage for cartridges?
That's a lot of cartridges. I can see why you were concerned about storage. Nice solution. 
The search among the great ones - 20k+ speakers
From your initial list of speakers it seems that you are looking for cone drivers. Have you heard planers or better yet full range ribbon speakers before? They are genenrally less money for state of the art sound. I was not a believer before and l... 
Importance of Power cords feeding Conditioners
Well, if your source is plugged into the PC then I would suggest that both power cords are important. 
Anyone try Triode wire labs or Empirical Design
As with any cable, it's all about the synergy with your components, but the TWL cables are certainly a no brainer with regards to cost and the very positive results/reviews that have been reported so far. I know I have replaced some other very goo...