
Responses from ptmconsulting

How to isolate a refrigerator?
Electrically I would suggest putting an Audio Prism Quiet Line filter on the fridge outlet. That does help keep the grunge from the fridge off the house line.As for mechanical isolation I would suggest looking at the same things that you use in an... 
What Amp to drive Apogee Centaur Majors?
Using a McCormack DNA 500 with my Apogee Calipers. Plenty of current to drive any Apogee load and the sound is very nice. Maybe not as bloomy as a high powered tube amp, but then that wouldn;t controll the bass so well, and I really can't complain... 
Should I keep around my NAD 3155?
I have an old 3155 integrated as well, in a secondary system for casual listening. No, it was never a contender for transparency but it is a nice integrated for a beginners system and you will pay much more for new equipment to beat it. After all,... 
Acoustic Zen Crescendo or Sony SS-AR1
Heard the Crescendo's and didn't think very much of them. There are a lot of people who agreed with me. There is definitely no consensus on this. 
What defines a good tonearm
It's a "system" with tradeoffs for any current design. No tonearm does everything perfectly for every cartridge. But that's been said several times already in thie thread.There are obvious "winners" in the tonearm wars, each with unique characteri... 
Is the most efficient speaker the best speaker?
I've heard amazing systems with 3 watt flea amps + Klipshornsand I've heard amazing systems with 1000 watt monster amps and 83db inefficient Apogeesit's all about synergies but how you get to the sound you like can take multiple paths 
How Much Difference Does a More Powerful Amp Make?
But there are some very good high powered amps that compete with and beat their lower powered siblings, like the Mccormack DNA 500. But it's always about synergy with your speakers and using the power that THEY need, not that your ego needs. 
How Much Difference Does a More Powerful Amp Make?
For inefficient speakers with low impedance drops a more powerful amp can make a dramatic difference. For your average speaker you may perceive better or tighter bass and more "ease" at louder volumes. But then again you may perceive nothing diffe... 
What are your favorite phono cartridges?
Been through some of the Grado's and the Dynavectors. Grado's are great if you need a high output and like that extra warmth they bring to the table. Dynavectors have some truly great MC designs that are high output as well. But miving up the line... 
Mccormack DNA-1 describe the sound characteristics
When I was considering having my old DNA .5 modded many, many years ago the most common reply to my inquery as to benefits was "Just Do It! You'll see".How right they were. So "Just do It" (or find one already done on the used market and make a si... 
Moerch Tonearm Users... alignment question.
I have a regular red dot arm on my DP6. I have to admit that my stylus is pretty damn close to the end of the arm, so even if that is not a "perfect" alignment per a prottractor it is a good place to start. 
A $300-$400 turntable tweak
I also tried a few different center weights for my VPI (with and without the rubber washer). I found that none of them improved on the sound of the original one piece Delrin VPI clamp and washer. Most sounded worse.I have not tried a ring because ... 
Who was the best jazz guitarist ever?
Don't forget Egberto Gismonte everyone. Also an awesome composer as well as an incredible guitarist and pianist. 
Power Cord Recommendations
I've used both Kaplan Cables and Triode Wire Labs on my McCormack amp. The Kaplan is a little warmer sounding, but could be a bit much depending on the tubes in your Modwright. The TWL cable is clean, transparent and works well if you are using wa... 
Who was the best jazz guitarist ever?
Don't forget those guys who can play in almost any style, like Lee Ritenour or Larry Carlton. Granted, there are true originals out there so why do we need these copies? Because they are current.But I digress, I think the originals deserve more re...