
Responses from ptmconsulting

Need Recommendations for SS amp for 2 ohm load
McCormack's might come closest to your need for a "tube" sound while still being able to control and drive a speaker at a 2 ohm load. I'm using a DNA 500 with my Apogees and there is no strain on the amp from these beasts of a load. 
Dynavector DV 20X-L -- which MM will better it?
I can't say I've tried the NOS MM's that have been discussed elsewhere, but I did have a Grado Platinum at one point. It got replaced by a 20X-H, and there was definitely more resolution and texture present. That got replaced with an XX1, again mo... 
Add small pigtail wire off negative out of amp.WOW
I used the commercially available inexpensive pigtails. On my speakers they definitely made a sonic difference. Very expended soundstage, but they diffused the focus a bit and souonded overall somewhat phasey. The initial reaction was WOW, but aft... 
Why Doesn't Contemporary Jazz Get Any Respect?
The funny thing is that if you ever go to see any of these "contemporary" jazz musicians live you are probably goin gto be treated to some good playing. There are always exceptions, of course.The bad thing is, as good and as full of fun and life a... 
Reel to Reel decks
I would open up the back and try to get some oil on anything in there that moves, especially capstans and such. Blow out all the dust, clean whatever contacts and surfaces you can. Then try out a tape.I was playing my old Teac 2340SX this past wee... 
Top resistors
I built my Hagerman step up using basic bulk Vishays. There are only 2 resistor locations directly in the signal path. With the basic Vishays the sound was good, but not as transparent as I had hoped. I tried the (very expensive) nude Vishays in t... 
Speakers to hang on to for LIFE
I think many Apogee owners have voted already, keeping their speakers running for the past 20 years with no need to buy anything else. The only issue with Apogees is the need to fix the ribbons as the foam surrounds degrade over time. So in that s... 
NAD 3020A Integrated Amp
I owned a 3155 that I bought a lifetime ago when new. About 3-4 years ago I went in an inventoried all the caps, then placed an order with Digikey for Panasonic FC's and replaced them all. It was fairly simple to do and the results were that I hav... 
Cartridge upgrade
Can the Moon phono accommodate LOMC's? If it can then I would suggest looking in that direction. But there are so many different types, with their individual sound that it would be impossible to recommend something without knowing more about your ... 
Need Blues Rec--burn the house down guitar stuff
Audioquest has a really nice blues sampler. You should check that out. Lee Ritenour's 6 string theory CD also has some good blues guitar with several guest stars.There's always Stevie Ray and Albert King. 
Nearfield Acoustics Pipedreams
The biggest problem with large line arrays is the image size. You can easily experience a 3 foot wide nose on a singer whose head is the size of your room. Tapered response from the drivers helps alleviate this, but not all line arrays have that.H... 
Your favourite cartridge
I second the Transfigurations. I used to love Dynavectors until I heard the Orpheus. Along the same lines sound wise but oh so much more to my ears. A bit expensive for my pocket so I would up with a used Temper. 
Phono-pre: subsonic filter on or off ?
It also depends on what frequency the cut off is omplemented. If at 70Hz, then you are definitely losing something with it on. In which case I would leave it off unless your woofers are pumping hard from rumble.If it cuts off at 30Hz or below then... 
Why the obsession with the lowest octave
I agree, it's not possible in a crossover. I'd need a cap as big as a house. I'm going to implemnt a line level high pass filter and see how that experiment works out for me.Thanks 
Why the obsession with the lowest octave
I'm actually trying to find an answer to a technical problem along these same lines (please don;t ask why, it's complicated). I need to apply a change to my passive crossover to begin rolling off my speakers at 40Hz so that they are down quite a b...