"God Bless the Child" on Idol?

Anyone catch Jacob Lusk's performance of this Billie Holiday classic last night on American Idol?

It was truly one of the most earth shattering performances I've ever seen on the show.

BH herself would have been proud.

Can't wait to hear what this guy does next.

There seems to be a fair abundance of real musical talent on Idol this year so far it seems!
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Initially I liked the more positive attitude of the new judges, but ultimately I think they did the more talented singers a disservice because they were too easy on poor performances and in some cases more critical of the more talented singers that they had higher expectations of. The judges were lame ducks in my view and clearly responsible for more talent getting lost earlier due to lack of direction for the public. As for Lopez, big ass and chook legs, looked like a wobbly jelly on stage.
Also I gotta mention that I thought Haley's duet with Tony Bennett was one of the high points of the grand finale for me. That came off extremely well, the older legendary crooner and the hot young bluesy siren interacting beautifully in perfect harmony. Really good stuff!
I think the show did a better job overall coaching the rookie contestants in a more consistent manner week to week that yielded better results in the end, ie a large group of talented rookie singers delivering at a pretty high and consistent level towards the end. That as opposed to changing coaches week to week and stronger but diverging and often conflicting comments from the judges confusing things more. Yes, the judges were fairly easy this year and seemed satisfied with some lesser performances, but I think constructive criticism and its net effects were at a max for idol this year, and that is a good thing, regardless of the genre or specific appeal of the individual performers. Each performer was mostly coached and lead in a direction that elicited progress. That's the way these kinds of things are supposed to work.

PLus I found the judges entertaining for the most part, which under this new formula this year, woudl seem to be their main purpose, ie do your thing, be entertaining, and do your part to get more people to watch accordingly.

Plus I think all the judges, even Tyler, helped the contestants more this way by picking their opportunities for constructive criticism more carefully to add value. There was little negative criticism this year, and when it did come about it was not well received, which is how it should be.

Yes, Tube, you about hit that one on all counts. My gripe is about weak, often annoying judging and the show's authenticity .. at least for this way-post-teen viewer. Oh, and the group sing-alongs and Ford commercials? The girls hide the remote so I can't fast-forward them.

Samuel, after the 1st year I watched, the year Jordan Sparks won, I was disappointed because I really loved Melinda Dillon who I thought had the most talent. I quickly learned it isn't about the most talented. Other than David Cook the last two were real yawners for me. This year any of the top four were worthy in my estimation. I thought it would ultimately come down to James, Scotty and Lauren but all along Haley was my favorite. I really didn't think she would go as far as she did but she kept improving each week and in addition she definitely has the "It" factor. All of them have the talent and presence to have successful careers in the music industry. I firmly believe the voters really got it right this time. But don't they always get what they want? I have this vision of thousands of these 12 year old girls fast and furious on their phones voting for their favorites and competing with each other, via text messages on how many times they voted for their favorite (Scotty or Lauren). You have an 11 year old, is it my imagination working overtime or does it go something along those lines?
I know, just sayin he is a player for real. Sure its mostly pop but its more then the other 2 ... a front man and studio created diva.

I know, I am sure he's brilliant...secretly. And "Journey Is the greatest Rock and Roll band in history." RJ :o)

I'm aware of what his resume is, just commenting on his, uh, performance as a judge.
Jacksons no dope just is one on tv. His resume is about as solid as any in the music industry.

Sure Tube, you make good points. I agree, talent was up, Ivine especially, and other coaches were great. I did sit through most all the episodes with my girls and laughed at some, ok, many of Tylers quips. As always our favorite episodes were the auditions --for their comedic value.

Lopez however, started grating on me right away and Randy? That guy is a dope, pure and simple. Sure, Cowell was too caustic at times and yes, chemistry last year was awful, but this was the other extreme--sugar plum valley. If Tyler could have conjured even a little insight with his feedback I'd give him a pass but instead he just rubber-stamp raved about everyone.

For what the show tries to be, it was fine. Yes it was something we watched together and debated, made fun of and at times enjoyed. The young singers were (mostly) entertaining to watch develop and seeing Haley find a groove and stay in it was good entertainment. There was a lot to like, but Lopez and Jackson were hard to take and my daughters comment about it being Teen Idol rang very true.

Several better singers went home and bland milk toast sailed through with judges raving about what at times looked to us like mediocre performances. That ultimately, defined the show. Llooking back, it was set up to play out that way from the beginning.
I can't agree with all your observations Samuel except one thing for sure, we both loved Haley. While I agree that the judges were certainly less critical I really felt that somehow this year showed a marked improvement week to week with all the contestants whatever the reasons, Jimmy Ivine and all the producers involved in prepping these kids were certainly doing something right. In addition it seems the talent level was MUCH better than any previous year I've watched, 5 seasons. I was really getting tired of Cowell and his random caustic negative comments, it seemed more for effect than anything constructive. It also seemed to rub off on Karen last year. By the end of last season I was glad to see it end I was really tired of ALL the judges, it didn't work, the chemistry was wrong.

This year was a major turnaround and the most entertaining year to me. The judges were a hell of a lot more fun, after all, they're performers too, and the kids seemed to benefit, less of that wall between the judging and contestants. So far as demographics, I think adding Tyler and Lopez was a stroke of genius on someone's part, viewership up, thats what its all about. Call me dumb if you will but I throughly enjoyed the ride! Its the teens and prepubescents that always do the voting, git it?:)
Atleast for the most part its still a positive family show , I did think the Judas Priest set was disturbing but its better then 70% of the hide your kids eyes garbage on the tube these days.
Now on to Simon's new show this fall.
"content that makes it difficult to watch for 20 and ups"

Not so much for women or even men with wives and kids.

I probably would not watch if not for them, but I enjoy watching it with them. Its one of the only shows we all sit down and watch together.

My 11 year old put it very succinctly as she watched the finale. "This isn't American Idol, its American Teen Idol".

That is the show's viewer demographic and they play to it. Randy's simplistic, moronic feedback (In It to win it"). Jennifer's cloying personality, her um, music video's ....and Steven's placating "I loved it" blurbs are not just teen friendly, they are intended to appeal to that crowd. Haley was fun to watch because she improved so dramatically, but listening to the three stooges (judges) was excruciating this year so I opted out once she was shown the door.

The show was already headed to "Teen Idol" status before Simon left. After last year's down ratings they finished the transformation. They dumbed down the feedback, lowered the age of entry and got what they wanted... Young viewers, young winners and content that makes it difficult to watch for 20 and ups.
More talent and diversity than any other seaason. Consider the voters and it's totally understandable why the last 2 standing are Lauren and Scotty. I'm not the biggest country fan and I'm turned off by Scotty's at times kitchy style, but his voice is really extraordinary (at 17 years old no less).
If cuteness is a factor not only should Hailey be there but her voice, attitude and presence should have had her in finale. These two in finals are vanilla voiced with no where near the vocal range and talent you would think merits a true "American Idol". But sadly they are about as much of a joke as the music industry as a whole.
I thought Tyler's comment about Lauren winning a round because she was prettier was hilarious but also quite insightful perhaps in that it really is mostly a popularity contest at this point more so than who is better or the best.

Or as Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson would say in his infinite wisdom:

"It doesn't matter who the best singer is!"
I agree. This season started with a lot of promise but went out with a whimper. May be the show is just getting old. Judges were/are as boring as the contestants. I predict Lauren will win and Scotty will have a far more succesful career.
That show was just too aww shucks for me and this is least talented finale I can remember.
Sheesh, Lauren really got to lay it on thick to close yesterday's show with that song about mothers (the GOOD kind).

I thought Scotty had it locked up with the Idol demographic, but maybe not now....
I'm not ready to write of long time commercial success for any of these three quite yet.

Scotty may be the perfect storm in terms of name recognition (resulting from "Idol"), talent, niche, and commercial appeal for the country music genre. And he's only what, 16?, for God's sake.

I could see Lauren achieving Carrie Underwood level success, which is nothing to sneeze at.

I might very well buy a Haley album or at least download a few cuts when it comes out.
I am ready to buy the first release from Haley. Have been sinve the top "8". She could cut an album tomorrow and and sell 100,000 copies before the end of the year!

I think Scotty and Lauren will become 'also rans' in the Country genre after their initial releases.

Having said the above I agree that I am completely happy with whomever wins this year. All were great!!!!
How about Haley throw caution to the wind if she makes it to next week and do Clarkson's "My Life Would S--- Without You".

I bet she would kill it!
Haley is a fighter and is the remaining one who has improved the most during the season.

Kelly Clarkson is the only Idol winner I have taken to to any great degree over the years and Haley is not too far removed from KC.

I will not object to whoever wins this year though which is a change from most years past.
I always liked Haley, and she is getting better every week. Her problem is identity - she has been all over the map and this week completely out of the blue she does a rocker chick act. Although it worked out very well, my take is she is so obsessed with winning this whatever it takes, she deliberately went after the James Durbin votes this week. Does not hurt she is kinda cute and has an attitude either ....
Artistically, Haley is in the zone I relate to best but practically I think she will have a tough time beating out the other two who are more mainstream. We'll see...

I enjoyed all the performances last night and think all three are worthy of stardom.
haley has got "it" as far as i am concerned. can you imagine anyone else on the show singing led zepplin and alanis morrisette songs so well? and to try rhiannon could have really backfired. but it didn,t. she has star quality which is the point of the show i think. but the ballot stuffing kiddoes will have their say....and she got to experience the showbiz saying "break a leg" haha
I'm surprised that James is gone and The Bumpkin is still in it. "In It to Win It". Randy, please drop that phrase. I would rather hear "Dog" a thousand times...
Anyway, "The Voice" has some interesting talent, think I'll be watching more of that show.
Pops, I am not calling him out an anything. In fact, I never even made the connection between his autism, Tourette, and emotional stability, and certainly never looked at him as "disabled" (like apparently you do, and may be I should have). I am just making the objective observation that having an emotional break-down ever other song is not helpfull if you aspire to a professional career in showbusiness.
That kid made his issues well known...even IMO trying to gain some fans or sympathy because of it. If he made it public happily then by all means it can be talked about both as a positive and negative. Its fine to suggest it may be an issue.....because it may indeed be one, while we can hope not........its still possible.
Edorr, his emotional stability issues as you state would be a deterrent in a pro career, well that's what a high functioning autistic individual has been hearing his whole life so you fit in with most unfortunately.

You may not like his vocals but calling out his disability is uncalled for.
"Every time I see the country crooner I think Alfred E. Newman sings country...LOL"

Me too now that you mention it LOL, but I really love that kid and how entertaining was the "Country Crooner" and Lady Gaga? I mean this year had some really memorable moments and that one will always stand out for me. I had a vision before I saw it but the reality was better than I ever could have imagined, great stuff!
The reality is James was a good showman, but his vocals just we not that good. Besides, his "emotional stability" issues may be charming on Idol, but won't do him any favors in a professional career. This is still and always has been Scotty's competition to loose. I got to say I love Haley more every week. Her contempt for the J-Lo and Randy is written all over her.
country music is not my favorite cup of tea but i do like scotty as a perfect fit for the mold.
James clearly had the most talent with the most professional level of stage presence. The others look scared to death and are not really believeable (save for Scotty doing country). Every time I see the country crooner I think Alfred E. Newman sings country...LOL
Right Tubegroover, we knew there was a problem when they had James sing a hillbilly duet with Scotty at the beginning of the show.
I was watching the NBA playoffs when my wife walks into the room and tells me you're not going to believe what happened. I taped it and told her to please not tell me as I wanted to see for myself but she was so distraught she had to so I asked if I might guess that James was booted?

Oh well, as stated above, never underestimate the voting power of the 12 year old female. I can't imagine that he would fit the mold of what would appeal to them.
Well, it's getting down to the nitty gritty.

Jacob never matched his version of GBTC during the early tryouts for me. Though I think he has a lot of potential especially if he develops as an entertainer as much as a pure singer, I had no qualms about him going last week.

Lady Gaga is a trip! Sho is so far out there but seems to know of what she speaks. She definitely helped the remaining 4 up their game from a performance perspective last night.

My favorite performances was Haley's I (Who Have Nothing) and Jame's Love Potion #9 (which was 200% over with my wife as well).

I also really like Scotty for what he is and think he is the most "ready" for stardom.

Lauren is probably the one who fits the Idol mold best and is a lovely performer and fine singer, but I'm not sure about the "it" factor.

Definitely a talented and also quite young group of finalists in what has been a very solid and entertaining year for Idol.

I thought the duet with Casey and Haley showcased what Haley does best. She should take note and find the right songs. Country boy Scotty is ok, but still don't get him as a front runner.(?)
he didn't fit at all. first, i think he is semi pro from the bar scene. second, he was a lot older than the undiscovered contestants. but he was very positive and somewhat entertaining. it is nice this year to see some of the cast play instruments.
Finally there is some justice, that Barry Gibb wannabe got the boot...........too bad he went after some much more promising talent.
I like Casey, but last night I thought he did a mediocre job on the wrong song. I suspect that he's gone. Sadly.

In my book, the guy in the rodeo costume can't get kicked off soon enough.

When Jacob finally learns that a little bit goes a long way, I think he might be terrific. Right now, it's still too much for my taste.

I like this group in general, but none have consistently nailed it.

Just one more opinion.

I feel Haley's vocals were not her best last night but my lord, her performance was her best yet, she sure pulled me in!

Loved Casey and James' performance the most but my feeling is nothing has changed since last week with James and Scotty still the ones to beat.

Bottom 3 guesses - Paul, Casey, Jacob
My take:
Top performer (by a mile): Casey
bottom three (three of these four): Paul, Stephano, Lauren and Haley.
Worst performance (by a mile) and hopefully going home: Paul
Frontrunner and guy to beat: Scotty

Interestingly, this season is evolaving into a competition between genres as much as performers (pop, jazz, hard-rock, gospel, country). Sadly missing is R&B.
Tonight may be the end for Jacob.

I see him, paul and Casey in the bottom three.

Paul would be my pick to go.

james, Casey or Scottie are my current picks to win though I doubt casey has a chance.

Srephano is not my cup of tea but gotta admit he has come on strong of late.

lauren and haley are both good but I don't see either winning unless the really pour it on from here out.
"Casey, the most talented overall, not the best singer. I admit I love this kid, love his bass, and his passion to go where music takes him. Unfortunately I doubt his stage appeal will not take him much further."

This guy blew it for me in that over the top performance, the one that turned off the rest of the country as well when the judges saved him. I admit he has talent but is missing the "it" factor. He still seems shaken after that night and has really pulled it back but I think the writing is on the wall, same with Jacob after that silly remark he made about "America looking in the mirror" if they didn't like his song choice. Rule 1, don't bite the hand that feeds you. btw, he is one of my favorite singers but I realize he is on borrowed time after that comment.