Preamp with lots of outputs?

What some recommendations for great preamps with LOTS of outputs. The more the better.

I felt compelled to chime in here. From what I read, it seems that the initial post started by Tripper further exacerbated by the humor in Jax2's posting had caused a whole lot of mess here. Looks like Doug really needs some outputs! Chill out guys. Oh and by the way, asking a question to a question is not a big deal at all in order for someone to fully understand the question that may or may not be clear. Hence Rwwear you need not take responsibility.
If it makes everyone feel better, I will take responsibilty. I admit I asked a question. But I don't admit answering a question with a question because I never answered the question.
You might want to mention the small detail that you were looking to use that many recording devices, all of which are sources as well (other than the equalizer). You had the ample opportunity to do so, but instead posted a rather abrasive retort in all-caps, as a response to what were simply helpful suggestions. You are just getting back what you put out, Your Highness.

Folks in an audiophile forum aren't likely to make the leap that you are wanting to plug in that many recording devices into a system without benefit of a tape-monitor loop. You might also want to pose the same question in a Home-theatre forum, and or a Pro-Audio forum. A possible solution might be to get a Line-Level splitter from a Pro-Audio supplier, such as those made by Behringer. The only further hurdle you may face, as you may already know if your equalizer is a pro-audio rig, is that the outlets are most likely balanced or 1/4" headphone plug size. Either can be adapted to RCA, but you would need the appropriate adapters. Beyond that, it seems like you've got a few good answers from folks already (ARC, McIntosh and various customizers - Dan Wright may modify his fine 9.0SE preamp to your specs at a reasonable cost).

You may get much more from these, and any other online forums, by spelling out as much information as you can right from the start. Besides omitting the obvious detail of using the outputs for recording devices, you might want to put a price range on your "great preamp", and add any preferences that you might have (tube or SS, what is the rest of your system - amp would be a pretty critical link here - the kind of music you listen to...all these details are somewhat helpful in recommending a component to fit into your system). And lay off that caps-lock key...people tend to take that as your yelling at them, and I suspect you are using to exactly that end.

Good luck with your pursuit.


Hi Doug,

Thanks for clearing up the actual need. Although you did specifically ask for "outputs", in the context of most people's systems (most people don't have 11 recording devices in their rig), that didn't make sense, hence the questions. Now that we know you intend to record to all of those devices, you might get some useful input (no pun intended).

I do have a couple of additional clarifying question: Do the outputs need to be typical preouts or do they need to be "tape monitor type" outputs? I don't use my system for any type of recording pass-though, so I just don't know. It would seem that they would need to be tape monitors because I wouldn't think you would want these outputs to be controlled by the pre-amp's volume control. I'm guessing you would need a pass-through output/input like used in a tape loop. Also, several of the devices would apprear to require digital inputs/outputs for maximum recording quality. Can you use digital outs to record to the digital devices? Lastly, do you require a 2-channel pre-amp or a multi-channel pre-amp processor (since you have some HT devices like TiVo and VCR on the list)?

I don't recall ever seeming a pre-amp that has this many outputs. Maybe some of the larger pre-amp processor will, but I don't shop in that market. Lastly, I think some of the custom builders can add about as many outputs/inputs as you could need. Space-Tech Labs comes to mind. They are 2-channel tube pre-amps and can be customized as needed. They have a website, so you can check them out.


I can tell you which really is the king idiot, and refer you to my source.

Don't worry, the king idiot is abundantly clear.

03-27-07: Phd
My vote is for every negative person to leave this thread, go home & sleep on it.

I concur. Doug, are you listening?
My vote is for every negative person to leave this thread, go home & sleep on it. That is my input to the question of outputs.
I think we now all know who the Dick is Jax2. FYI the following units from post 4 above--minidisc, cd burner, reel, tivo, vcr, eq, + 5 tape decks ALL RECORD, HENCE THE NEED FOR OUTPUTS FROM A PREAMP MR. DIPSTICK. Additionally, I have received unsolicited feedback regarding the further misdoings of one among you in this post, which is no surprise to me. So if you have any business dealings with any of the above, contact me, so I can tell you which really is the king idiot, and refer you to my source.
Doug, look at the first 2 replies. I see 2 sincere and polite attempts to answer your question. Your response is to blast both of them. It's a great way to provoke the reaction you received.

Whether your question was stated correctly or not, it's very unusual, and probably most everyone thought it worth clarifiying.

You really need to chill man!

I, like several others here, didn't really imagine using all those devices as recording devices, which is apparently what you intend?

I can't think of any preamps with more than 4 outputs. You will probably need some "professional" switching device to avoid unplugging and re-plugging cables from an "audiophile" preamp. And do you want your outputs to go through the preamps volume control or not? That will potentially reduce the number of outputs that are suitable for your need on many preamps.

My apologies.
03-26-07: Doug_kraz
I have a great sense of humor generally.

Who told you this? Your mother?

And for all you that encouraged Tripper and/or further exaserbated the stupidity-- Bdgregory, Jax2, Jmcgrogan2
go watch the movie JACKASS, and don't ever comment on my threads again.

Who died and made you boss? Why don't you just leave your own thread while we continue to laugh at your perpetual indignance and ignorance. Once you display your lack of character in a public forum, you cannot tell everyone just to 'shut up'.
It's an open forum, if you don't like it you are welcome to leave. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Next, I have no RESPECT for Rwwear!!!!!!!! Do not answer a question with a question!!!!! You screwed up my serious question on this tread, with your inane question. Rwwear I suggest you go to IRAQ and look for those WMD's. You seem to have the intellect for it as well the the ability to distract, obfiscate, confuse, and not take responsibility.

1. Why this lack of respect for Rwwear? Am I missing something. He addressed your question succinctly and without malice. He only suggested you may have made a mistake, which it seems that you did.

2. Your question did not need anyone else to screw it up. It started out that way when you mis-stated what it was you were looking for. Or are you actually looking for many outputs to plug your source devices into? If so, can you explain why you might want to do that? I can tell you for certain you will not be happy with the results, assumin you are expecting music to come from the speakers attached to this system.

I have a great sense of humor generally.

You have thus far not displayed it.

...either Tripper is dsylexic or just plain stupid.

dsylexic? Is that the great sense of humor kicking in?

FURTHERMORE, if you dont have something intelligent to say, DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL.

That seems hypocritical in the light of your original question. This suggestion, had it been considered by yourself, might obviate the need to have posted the question you did in the first place.

And for all you that encouraged Tripper and/or further exaserbated the stupidity-- Bdgregory, Jax2, Jmcgrogan2
go watch the movie JACKASS, and don't ever comment on my threads again.

So, let me get this straight, a comment like this would fall under "an intelligent thing for you to say," along with the previous, 'go to Iraq to find WMD' suggestion? Or is this, once again, a display of your great sense of humor?

As for the movie, "Jackass"; From that title, I'm guessing you play the starring roll in what undoubtedly must be a cinematic gem .... so I think I'll pass since we obviously don't share the same sense of humor. I will, however, take your suggestion and, heretofore restrain myself from even viewing any of your subsequent threads, much less commenting on them.

I'll leave you with a suggestion: Lighten up! Anyone could make such a mistake, and we were just having a bit of fun. You just made it worse when folks already pointed out your error, yet you were adamant that you'd asked correctly. Develop a bit of humility with that great sense of humor...and for god's sake, take your meds and watch that caps-lock key. You're beginning to sound like Owen Meany.

You an idiot Doug_kraz. I was merely trying to help and asked a serious question. I figured you meant inputs and simply asked if you did. You may not have any respect for me but at least I know the difference between inputs and outputs. If anyone should go anywhere perhaps it should be you. At the least you should get back on your meds or apply for some.
I have a great sense of humor generally. This thread has turned into potty humor because either Tripper is dsylexic or just plain stupid. FURTHERMORE, if you dont have something intelligent to say, DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL.

Next, I have no RESPECT for Rwwear!!!!!!!! Do not answer a question with a question!!!!! You screwed up my serious question on this tread, with your inane question. Rwwear I suggest you go to IRAQ and look for those WMD's. You seem to have the intellect for it as well the the ability to distract, obfiscate, confuse, and not take responsibility.

And for all you that encouraged Tripper and/or further exaserbated the stupidity-- Bdgregory, Jax2, Jmcgrogan2
go watch the movie JACKASS, and don't ever comment on my threads again.
Doug, I think you're going to need at least TWO input/output switchers, not a preamp.
Is Doug a Dick, or a Doug? I hope you weren't calling Doug a dick! Does Doug want input on ouputs? Or, does Dick really need more outputs for his inputs? If Doug is really Dick, that might explain why he's looking for outputs when he really needs inputs...if he can't keep his name straight how's he supposed to keep track of all those outlets on the back of his components?! He certainly needs a new user ID! My brain hurts!



03-26-07: Doug_kraz

Hey Dick, why don't you just head back to and grab yerself a nice shiny reciever.
Hey Dick, Those sound like sources for which one would need inputz, eh?

Is Doug a Dick, or a Doug? I hope you weren't calling Doug a dick! Does Doug want input on ouputs? Or, does Dick really need more outputs for his inputs? If Doug is really Dick, that might explain why he's looking for outputs when he really needs inputs...if he can't keep his name straight how's he supposed to keep track of all those outlets on the back of his components?! He certainly needs a new user ID! My brain hurts!

Have minidisc, cd burner, reel, tivo, vcr, eq, + 5 tape decks.

All the McIntosh preamps have 4 sets of outputs, two of which can be switched independently. Great feature, especially for biamping.

The ARC Ref 3 has 4 sets of Main outputs and 2 sets of Record outputs. Do you need more than that?

In case you meant inputs, the Ref 3 has 14 sets of inputs.
