How Much Time do You Surf on Audiogon?

I found myself spending a half hour on my lunch break at work, and an additional two hours at home !!
I won't mention weekends.
My system sounds great.
Anyone else out there have this habit ?
LOL Dean...yeah...I'd be willing to bet that I spend more time on the Gon than any other member...I'll even bet a buck on it. Operas are going great...saw Don Giovanni last night...pretty impressive...3 more operas to go & then back to L.A....and ultimately Misery..ooops...I mean Missourah (don't want to offend any Missourians)

Beleive it or not, one of the funnest cars to drive, that I owned, was a 91 Honda CRX. I modified the suspension, put on performance tires and wheels, and bumped the HP up to about 120-125. It wasn't the fastest car, but it was sooo smooth, nibble and tossable. You could hang the tail out through the corners and bring it back in line by getting back on the throttle.

I'm a grad of the Skip Barber school of driving and racing. Actually raced in a open wheel race car one. Biggest adrenalin rush!!!! I got clocked doing 172 in a Porsche 911 C4 turbo in Canada once. They flagged me down with those airplane guidance flashlights. That was a pretty hefty ticket. Actually, between me and my co-driver we got 11 tickets in 5 days. Ah, to be young again. Other cars I've driven: Lambo Countach 5000s, numerous porsche 911's and a 928, Acura NSX, Ferrari 512TR and 355F1, an AMG hammer and BMW M3, M5 and 750il.
As I sit here writing this post, I have my monitor turned away from the door, because my partners know that familiar yellow screen by now, and I get way too much flak for the time I spend on Audiogon, when I should be working.
Isn't concealing your habit from others one of the telltale signs of addiction?
If I spent as much time studying for a degree as I do on Audiogon.................................................
I'd be either a Rocket Scientist or Nuclear Physicist by now..............................................
I had to get my teeth drilled at the DENTIST right after work, the whole side of my left face is numb.
I came home, kissed my wife, went (ran) upstairs.
Here I am AGAIN, in PAIN, on you-know-where.
RX8man, I feel ya buddy. i had a root canal and a deep-cleaning on tuesday, they had to numb my whole face.

the worst part is the dental assistants are always hotties. Cant help but feel like a chump when they ask you when to schedule yer next appointment and yet sitting there saying "blu bluuhhd bub baludadub" while drooling blood all over yer chin.

Prpixel, all I have to say is DAMN!!!!! 11 tickets in 5 days! A friend of mine got ticketed on vacation in near Whistler a couple weeks ago. The cop told him he could pay the ticket once he returned to the US or he could just blow it off and wait two years before returning to Canada, because by then the ticket and the warranty for his arrest would be wiped from his record.

I live in Los Angeles and have thought many times of driving up the coast so I could attend one of Skip Barber's one or two-day driving clinics at Laguna Seca. The only thing that worries me is on the drive back I may think I'm Racer X and drive my car off one those beautiful cliffs on Highway One. I almost did that in 1986. I spun out and wound up backwards in the middle of the road. Hopefully, an older and wiser[?] Green-man will realize that those driving schools will also make me a safer driver, one that will react correctly in emergency situations.

I can definitely believe the CRX was that much fun. Small and light make a VERY fun drive. The only thing I've experienced close to that was my '96 Integra GSR. I had H&R springs in that and it felt like a go-kart in comparison to my then new in '99 M3.

A lot of fine cars you've owned and driven. The only one from that list I've driven is the NSX. I love that car. It was like a 168mph Accord. Easy to drive and a great high speed cruiser. I did drive one of those 493HP SL55 AMGs last summer on a blind date. I meet the gal at a resturant and she jumps out and says she wants me to drive because she hates driving. And she owns a $150,000 car? All that power and all those creature comforts made for a very isolated and numb feeling car. Not fun.

Czapp, I can dig it. My coworkers recognize the yellow glow from my monitor that suddenly flashes to a different color when I hear approaching foot steps, heheh. Concealing an audio addiction ain't so bad, at least we're not hiding 47 jars of dried barf in our closets like some of those young gals that suffer from bulimia. Yuck!
Yeah, but if you got smothered by some dental assistant bossom, it was well worth it. "Ged dad tib ouba ma fasth!"
Slappy, I hear ya, the deeeeeeep cleaning was my "previous" visit to this one !
"She" said they didn't want to "torture" me all-at-once !
I know I'm married, but my hygenist (Wendy) is a real sexy fox, with the most beautiful pearly-whites that ever smiled above my open mouth ! (as I'm fully reclined)
I'm sure she has the same feeling as she looks into yer decayed grill and pulls a rusty nail out of yer yellowish-brown bleeding molar.
Just kiddin bud!
While i'd like to respond to comments directed back at my previous statements, my 15 minutes per day is just about up : )

Slappy: what a beautiful job you did of describing someone's mouth. YECH.... : ) PS... It CRACKED me up : ) Sean
Yeah, I went to have my teeth cleaned a few months ago. 15 minutes into the cleaning they realized I had fallen asleep face down in the chair.................

Always wanted to buy an Integra GSR type R. That little rice burner engine revs like a cycle engine. Problem is that all the dealers in this area were selling them for $5-8K over sticker. I don't pay the sticker price for any car. Since I lost the ability to drive I've lost most interest in cars. It's just to depressing. I used to wax my car once a month. I waxed my wifes SUV for the first time this week; she's had the thing for 18 months. Enough said.
I check in here once a day, usually in the eve.Most stuff I read here is way over my head or outside my experience, so I do not make a habit of posting. Still, I read quite a bit.
I'm on here about an hour a day. Interesting to me is that I have reduced reading the paper, working in my woodshop and other activities to make time to be here. Last winter was the first winter I didn't build any furniture in my shop because I spent time listening to my system and being on Agon. As with most, my life is packed full, to spend time on anything else, something has to go away. If my wife would only let me move my shop tools into our living room, I'd be all set!

If you guys think you have it bad. I sometimes get up in the middle of the night and log on. It's the first thing I do when I wake up and the last before I go to bed. That is if I can stay in bed long enough LOL.

Holy mackeral Freakygreek !!
I've done the same thing too !!
Middle-of-the-night syndrome, like raiding the fridge !!
There are lots of better things to do with my time than spending it on Audiogon, I just don't know what they are.
I told people I only log on to "check my e-mails" but that excuse wore thin. Now I usually log on late at night so I don't have people asking me stupid questions about what I'm doing on the internet.
If new revolutionary products didn't keep coming out weekly, maybe I could stop hanging out at A-gon and devote my time to other things - like sleep.
Sometimes I can't stop responding to threads. I think I have diarrhea of the hands. Help!

This would rank in the top five. I had my internet acess revoked at work for being on instead of working. Due to that I called in sick just to follow my thread. I love working in a union enviroment.

Same thing happened at my work !!
Some guy was on a porno site during his lunch break in the "inspection room" and management (well, one guy) had the acess revoked for EVERYONE instead of telling the inspector to chill on the naughty stuff.
Well, eventually our company ($$9.3 billion corporation) had to crack loose with a few bucks to upgrade our "pre-historic" computers with new ones !
I was able to convince the (well,one guy) that Mr. inspector would behave for the be-half of "us others" so we could cruise the internet on our lunch breaks, and we're back on !
I meant to say "almost same thing happened" !
The fact of the internet being revoked for "whatever reason", no offense there Freakygreek.

None taken,

To say I was visting questionable websites then okay, but I was researching stereo's at times when the department was slow. I personally think he over reacted anyways I now use the hospital's libary connection.

Freakygreek, it's a shame we can't do our normal job without some jealous, two-face, brown noser spying down our backs, esp. when it does not affect our job, nor is it really of any major importance to them or anyone else.
I'm an operator / job coordinator in a distribution warehouse.
I was backing out of a high level location watching for pedestrians when I "accidentally" clipped a four way plastic mirror globe (recently hung by maintenance)
Before I even finished picking the pieces off the floor, a little rat sneaked over to the bosses office to tell him about my malicious, wreckless driving habits !

I hear and sympathize with you. I try not to debase myself by stooping down to their level, but once in a while I let my evil self come out to play heheheh .

Well,let's see.Out of the seven day week,I am on Audiogon every evening untill well into 2:00 in the morning.Starting at about 10:30 pm (before that I hit the weights at the gym,and before that I work to save money to buy used gear)
Last week I took my computer to a local shop for repair.I didn't have it for three days and ate my nails down to the roots.My wife calls me Audio-nerd.I need help!!!
Cheers guys.
Thought you *surfers* would get "another kick" outta one of my older threads.
I'm still spending more time here after the last August post !!

How bout it, you guys still here ?? (I know you are) caught me...I had better create a new account here on Agon so I can once again be a wallflower...hmmmmm....Ellery912...yeah...that's it...nobody would ever guess.
No longer an emergency Ellery, 912 will put you incognito, I won't tell anyone, promise !
If anyone criticizes my time here I just tell them that God does not count the hours a man spends on Audiogon against his allotted time on earth.
I feel the time spent on here everyday as valueable to me. I keep current on the ads just in case I see something, case in point the other day made a great purchase.

I also like the forums as it can be a great learning experience. I would say up to 1 hour each day.
I just cut off my big toe trying to mow the lawn and surf the forums. I'd go to the hospital but I might miss that special amp when it pops up in the classifieds.

How long does a toe keep in a jar?
All the time at work. All the time at home. Even if I don't have $$. Or just to read the forums. It's obsessive, and being single, I have all the time in the world.
This is my home page, where else am I to go?
There's no place like home. I will get a life someday.
God love you guys (and girls). I know I'm not alone in my compulsive tendencies. Have you ever really thought about what we do? When I think about how my wife must really feel about “my little hobby” I just have to laugh! It truly is a compulsive beast isn’t it…

Keep in mind, there’s more to the proverbial picture than obsession with all things audio/music. This is communication. It’s what we humans do. It’s a pretty neat network we have here. Cheers to all of you!
I check the 'gon about 10 times a day. Even though I'm not looking to buy anything, I'm always interested in whether anything "good" is up for sale.

There is so much good stuff here about audio purists actually can hear it...with zero distortion!

When a hard to find piece goes up for sale here, hits on ebay decline....totally!

The average sound quality of the systems posted here have been compared favorably to the wild Hugh Hefner!

Some devices sold here have been known to immerse their owners in an aura so beautiful they can no longer survive without it, or snake oil.

It doesn't matter that actually you hear no music on this still sounds great!

Keep looking, friends of Audiogon.......
Woreking thr table saw whulke surfung the tite. i newd to find aniorher hobbt.
Unemployment affords me more time, still.

This thread's come back to haunt me.
Funny thread Pat. OCD drives this site. One little blue pill and maybe it would all go away? My wife has been conditioned negatively by my Audiogon habit. She stated the other day that she gets irritated when she sees on the Audiogon yellow on my screen from the across the