
Responses from ptmconsulting

Stoned Plinth
It is likely that Soapstone is denser and will ring less than granite would, and thereby make for a better plinth. I used Corian for my TT because of it's propensity to be well damped not ring at all. Here's a pic. 
Advantages of bi-wire?
I biwire because I had the extra cable available to do so, but I can't honestly say I heard that much of a difference. One thing to try before you spring for the extra cable ...Try hooking up your single wire cable as follows and see if you hear a... 
Fun Little Project for improving Dynamics
Well, I may lose all credibility for stating this but, here goes ...I picked upo some of the Alan Maher littel boxes as part of a local club "group buy". We got a really inexpensive price on them so I thought it would be worth a shot for experimen... 
Upgrade suggestions from McCormack w/SMC mods?
Well, I definitely found that going from my near Rev-A DNA .5 to a DNA 500 made a nice improvement overall. 
REL Strata III spikes
Forget the spikes and forget the rubber feet. You may get better sound with your Strata III by doing what I did.Turn it upside down and put a board on the now upturned rubber feet, with something weighty on top of that board. You may have to turn ... 
Upgrade suggestions from McCormack w/SMC mods?
Try a tube preamp on the McCormack amp before you do anything else. You may decide that's the ticket without having to buy a new amp. Just make sure you find a tube pre that is fairly transparent to the source though.Enjoy,Bob 
down firing or front firing sub?
Down firing, because I can simply turn it upside down and put a weighted board on top and achieve much better performance. With a front firing sub you would have to raise it up on blocks or something to get it off the ground. 
How important is Cartridge Overhang? Need help
The only point to overhang and pivot to spindle distance and offset and such is to help you get a starting point to better align the stylus to the appropriate null points on the curve (Lofgren or Baerwald and such). That's the purpose of these thi... 
hardwood floors, area rugs, and spiked feet
I used to use Nylon bolts instead of spikes when I had my speakers on the hardwood floor. No marks, easy levelling, and they slide without scratching if you need to reposition them. 
XV-1S and Antiskate
I found that the proper way to set anti-skate on my TT is by ear.Start out way low on the anti skate, after you have the cartridge alignment and VTA and tracking force dialed in. This is the last step. Listen to the dynamics of a piece od music yo... 
getting azimuth right
So what does the Fozz provide that a simple digital multimeter couldn't do for you? Just play a test tone in the right channel and measure the voltage in the left, then repeat the process the other way round. You want to minimize and balance the c... 
Review: AudioPrism Ground Control Tweak
I have a fully balanced amplifier (McCormack DNA 500) that I am using with my speakers. Since this amp is actually 4 separate amps (2 for each side, one pushing the other pulling) and not a simple + / - type of amp, I was wondering of the ground c... 
6922 tube recommendations
I've used a pair of Russian "Rocket" logo tubes in my preamp for a while now. I got them from Upscale Audio, but you can actually pick them up for about 1/4 of the UA price on e-bay (I recently picked up some back-ups). Just make sure they are the... 
Changing from an XV1-S
How about an older Transfiguration Temper? The Trans'fig's are very similar in sound to DV's, and with the Orpheus out in production now you may be able to pick up a Temper at a good price (I did). 
How do I improve a room with a low ceiling?
I run MTM's, so vertical dispersion is less of a problem for me. I'm in the basement with a 7' drop ceiling. I did stick some insulation above the drop ceiling at the speaker end of the room (dead end) and left it alone at the listening end (live ...