
Responses from ptmconsulting

Good tube preamp for McCormack DNA 500???
I use mine with an Audioprism Mantissa. Unfortunately these are out of production for quite some time and rarely become available for resale, but if you see one I would jump on it. 
Fun Little Project for improving Dynamics
Believe it or don't believe it. Try it or don't try it. Open minded or closed minded. It's no skin off my nose. I can hear an effect, sometimes good, sometimes bad. Not an illusion at all.I performed a test for a fellow audiophile this weekend whe... 
Fun Little Project for improving Dynamics
Picked up some very small tumbled Amethyst, cleaned them and put them in small baggies and draped them over my power cords. There is a definite and distinct audible difference. If you are one of the ones making fun of this then you haven;t actuall... 
Melody Gardot - My one and only thrill
Yup - just got a copy over Christmas and it is one sonic splendor and very enjoyable music. 
What makes the Bloom around instruments . . .
Did you ever think that the "digital" Spectron amps, although very clean and detailed, are just not able to recreate the natural bloom of an instrument because of their digital nature? I know the good digital amps I've heard, and I've heard good a... 
Any news about the Magnepan MG 3.7?
There will probably be some really good deals on used 3.6's next year. 
the mccomack dna 750m can run revel salon2 ?
Who could think that those beasts wouldn't be able to drive anything? 
The Placement of Tonearm Counterweights
Someting like the new Moerch arm Dave, ith counterweights to both sides and one in the rear? 
What Do You Hear When You Adjust VTA?
For stylus that elliptical or non-fine lined, the VTA is less critical. Generally the description of tighter non-muddy bass and clean highs makes sense.But for a fin-line or Shibata stylus I think you need to listen a bit differently. The groove w... 
Best speaker in the US $ 30-45.000,00 range
I need a sugar-momma. 
how do you determine anti-skate settings?
check out this thread over at Vinyl Engine for some additional info and ideas{url][/url] 
McCormack vs. Bryston amps
... and those SMC Audio upgrades make a huge improvement in the amps, taking them to a level Bryston can only dream about. Or you can by an updated one on the used market. They do come up from time to time. 
Kaplan GS vs. Kubala Sosna Emtiions Speaker Cables
I know there's beena recent upgrade to the Kaplan cables to a Mk II status. It's supposed to make a significant improvement on an already very, very good power cord.There was a recent review on Positive Feedback. 
Need amp suggestion for PBN Montana EPS2.
Try one of these, if you can (McCormack DNA 500): 
Did anyone experience Audio Prism's Ground Control
According to Rick at EVS, sometimes tying the little buggers to the speaker cable with some soft cotton string at their top and bottom ends, or otherwise keeping them from resonating, has cured the "hardness" that some people are experiencing.Wort...