
Responses from ptmconsulting

The old MKIII platter is "pressed" onto the spindle. Once you break it free using the method above you will neet to reseat it if you want to use it again. Use your 2 piece clamp to do this. It should give you enough torque to pull the spindle up a... 
Changing from an XV1-S
Have you looked into the Transfiguration cartridges. Very nice and musical, but not too far off from the Dynavector sound to be totally different. I heard and Orpheus next to an XV1-S and I have to say the Orpheus just sounded so much more real an... 
rumble issues - see old thread update
I agree that the first thing you should try to ascertain is the pumping caused by airborne or mechanical anomalies. So ...- move the speakers- put up some kind of baffle between the TT and the speakers- move the TT off the rack onto the floor or i... 
Ayre CX7-E vs Rega Saturn; your thoughts please
The difference between the CX7-e and the CX7-eMP is quite remarkable. It would be foolish to not look at an MP upgraded player, or plan to get it done for the small charge if you buy an older CX7-e. 
why aren't ribbon tweeters more popular?
Ribbons can sound clear and transparent if you are there in the sweet spot. However, stand up above the ribbon location and your top end disappears quite a lot. They also don't seem to have the naturalness of a silk dome tweeter and, although fast... 
When does analog compete with digital?
The problem is the cost of getting even reasonably decent analogue components (yes, plural) just has to exceed the cost of getting decent digital. Lets face it, you can get very good digital for less that $1000, and actually can get reasonably goo... 
Tweaks to Add A Little Treble Emphasis...
Do you want to play with your crossover at all? If yes, you can reduce the series tweeter resistor value by .5 or 1.0 ohm. That will result in increasing the output of the tweeter by a bit.Enjoy,Bob 
Parasound Halo JC-1 factory capacitor change
From copnversations I had with Bob Crump, his voicing of the JC-1 was specifically around the Nichicon caps. In fact you should also see some bypass caps at the end of the rails. These used to be Relcap RT's and Nichicon KZ's, I believe.Chanking o... 
Travel headphones need to be...
Koss Porta-Pro or Sporta-ProInexpensive, small, foldable and very good sound for their size. Plus, if they break you can send them back to Koss with a check for $6 and they'll send you a new pair. Lifetime warantee.Enjoy 
Tidal Speakers owners
There is so much gushing over this brand that I am hugely interested in hearing them. However their presence in and around NYC is nill, providing little access. Because of this I can't help but be leery that this is a "speaker of the month" type o... 
Why three motors?
Sorry - hit send too soon.However I'm not certain that you would get adequate "gription" with either silk thread or taps in a 3 motor version. There's just not enough surface area on them for such a small contact area on the platter. 
Why three motors?
With a rubberized O-Ring you could have more of an issue with motor vibration (and belt "boinging") being transmitted to he platter. This becomes minimized significantly whn you use a silk string, or tape to drive the platter. There is a noticeabl... 
Subsonic Rumble Solutions
This solved the problem on all the LP's that I have played since I upgraded. There is still some little movement on my woofers, but not the "huffing" that I was getting before very audibly on my Rel subwoofer.And believe me, I tried everything mec... 
Subsonic Rumble Solutions
My rumble went away when I decided to change out my cartridge, which on paper looked to be a great fit with on resonance issues. I went from a Dynavector XX-1 HO to a Transfiguration Temper LO. I didn;t change anything else, but I can now safely t... 
Acoustic Zen Crescendos- Any Owners Out There?
Hey Gopher, I was there too. The Crescendo's in that room certainly had a bass problem. It may be the dreaded one note bass that I usually find typical with transmission line enclosures. The overall speaker just didn't sound coherent to me either....