Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
@ melkior, That sounds awsome!, You will need to show me the, what works and does not work with the usb on the Ayon, I have not gave that a spinn yet!, I have been useing the player as a cd-player to good effect!, I am going to tune the player from under neath it sometime this summer!, Right now, I am sending my Krell 700cx amp to krell to be renewed completly, should last 25 years after that, Its only 8 years old!, but what the hell, all new caps etc... should sound even better when that comes back, It will cost a pretty penny for sure!
@ melkior, Believe it or not, I am up to 435 hours of playing time!, I kid you not!This Ayon 2s improved more with 435 hrs over 350 hours!, what do you make of that?I told you this player acts like a 5 or 5s with burn-in time!, The foward sound is going away!, sounds better!, yaaa!,, cheers!
If anyone follows the video to change tubes - it is really easy 15 minute job. All I would add is that it is useful to have a penlight flashlight to view where the screws that are deep down under, with the flashlight it is easier to seat the wrench into the screw top compared to just going by feel.
Hi calvinj,,I will tell you that I am going to go with the 6h30p- DR 1986 nos tubes for all the extension of both bass and clarity and etc..., however, If you really want to go with a warmer tube!, The cryo- treated Harmonix 6h30PI gold pins tubes is the way to go, and they are not exspensive!, The tubes I will be getting are $275.00 a piece!, you get what you pay for!, The tubes mentioned that are warm sounding are alot cheaper!, All this is worth looking into!, cheers!
I tired the stock tubes first, the 1980 NOS Reflectors which I love and have used (2 different sets) for a few years, also have about 100 hours on EH 6H30pi gold pins which are much better than I expected and excellent for the price - I think about $30 a piece.
@ calvinj, Gammajo said, The same warm tubes as I did!Theres your price!Happy listening!
I'm gonna have the mit on trial next wed. I am going to try wireworld gold eclipse 7. I really like the mit matrix cables I heard on my system. I'm gonna demo stuff before I commit.
I'm gonna have the mit on trial next wed. I am going to try wireworld gold eclipse 7. I really like the mit matrix cables I heard on my system. I'm gonna demo stuff before I commit.
I can tell you to call u.s.a.tubes, thats where I bought my player!, They sell Taralabs cables, they also sell alot of other brands of cables, Guess what?, they use Taralabs cables on all the Ayon equipment they take to all the high-end shows all over the world!, I will also tell you that none of the cables you mentioned above are no where near the level of performance of Taralabs cables when you spend the aquired money to get top tier Taralabs cables! as a matter of fact, The Taralabs 0.8EX cables, 5 cables down from mine will literally blow the doors off any mit or wireworld cables, to each there own!, Good luck on your endeavor!cheers!
I've been thinking on upgrading. Right now I have a Triton I that has performed wonderfully for about 4 years. I'm thinking of moving to the Triton monoblocks. Has anybody made a similar move of Ayon integrated to monoblocks? If so, how much improvement did you get?

I have the AMR 777 DAC and don't need a pre for other sources. Using the pre section of the AMR is much better than the pre of the Triton, so I use the direct in on the Triton. My guess is removing the pre from my amp will help clean things up, and monoblocks should give me better channel separation. I'm happy with how things sound now, but have the itch to try something new.
@gammajo. Could you tell me how the warmer tubes changed the sound of your ayon. Did you lose transparency or detail when you made the change. We're voices affected by your change. Tell me was adding the warmth worth losing anything else to your ears. I like warmth in my system it is a must.
I bought it while I was in Hong Kong for a conference, and shipped it back to my wife. Why?
@ Doc77, No big deal, I thought maybe you bought it from u.s.a. tubes here in the states, u.s.a. tubes also goes by Ayon u.s.a.,,How is the reliability of the amr 777?,, cheers!
I had been talking to Charlie at Ayon about buying the AMR. I bought my Triton from him. I just found a really good deal on it while in Hong Kong, about 1/2 price. It was an authorized dealer so no problems with service. Reliability has been fine so far, no problems that require a return. It does need rebooted every once in awhile but I don't worry much about it.
@ Doc77,,Hi, I do not blame you one bit on saving money over there in Hong Kong!, As we well know, their is a 500% mark-up eany way!,, I asked about the reliability because some of the Ayon, AmR, etc.. I read here on the threads had problems, mostly the cheaper componets,, so far the Ayon 2s has not needed rebooted or any thing else, my problem is I really do not like the sound of the 6h30 tubes, I like the sound of the american type tubes better,, Do you know much about modwright modification company?, It would be nice to rid my self of the russian tubes without buying another player, I would have to rework the circuitry I am sure to be able to use different tubes than the 6h30 tubes!,If that is possible,LOL!,, cheers!
I own a Triton II, as well as the AMR DP-777. I have known 3 other people that have the 777 and two others that have had a Triton. No issues here or with them...and passing on two years...
Fabulous combo... but the itch is getting me to go SET for a while, so I am going to start fresh...
Calvinj - I did not lose anything in male and female voices. They (and everything else) became more natural and vinyl-like to my ears. That said my second choice after the 1980 NOS Reflectors has been the EH 6H30pi gold pins which I prefer over the stock Ayon tubes.
@gammajo. I like the analog warm sound so you are saying that the 1980 nos tubes are the way to go?
@ Gammajo, Hi, which tube sounded thicker on the voices to you?,fuller!???, and, which tube do you believe sounds better?, Thanks, cheers!
calvinj Yes in my opinion. They were quite good immediately and then improved from there so if you can get them on 14 day approval I think you could get a good idea of what they would sound like.
@ calvinj, Thats the tube I have told you that I was considering to buy!, a month ago, and I recommended those tubes to you as well!, never hurts to hear a second opinion that agrees with the first!, I understand!, Cheers!
@labyrinth @gammajo. I will be trying these tubes in my system soon. Thanks for the recommendation. I trust that they will work well. You guys as well as Paul @usa tube audio made these recommendations. I tried the cardas in my system it gave it warmth and weight and density like I like. I wonder how the golden cross sounds. I had the golden reference interconnects. I'm almost finished with my system I have an oracle ac 1 powercord coming next week and will get my matrix hd 36 interconnects next week as well. I need one more powercord a d one more interconnect. Would like to have warmth smoothness. I don't want something to open or revealing.
@ Calvinj, Hi, I have waited a very long time!, the wife gave her blessings!, I just bought the top of the line, the very best a/c power cord Taralabs makes!, The Taralabs The cobalt a/c power cord with the up-graded terminations, this is going on my Ayon 2s player!, The retail for this power cord is $5,000.00 for 6ft!, I bought the 1-meter size, thats all I needed!, eany other size would have been curlled up in a ball!,LOL!, I will be putting an extensive review on the power cord on the Tara 0.8 thead after my amp comes back from krell and the caps break-in, so it most likly will be in the fall before I do the review!, I will harp to all the people I know on the gon right before I do the review!, Tara all the way Baby!, Happy listening!
@ calvinj, your player has 4 6h30 tubes, thats all the tubes your player has period!, The 5s that Gammajo owns has 8 total tubes in it!, 4 out put tubes and 4 in the power suppy!, The out put tubes are 6h30 tubes, and in the power suppy, most people replace the stock tubes with 6c4p tubes that gammajo may have or have not done!,, oh, my correction on the Taralabs cobalt power cord, $5,450.00 retail for 6 ft with the up-graded oynade terminations, I am getting the up-graded terminations on my Taralabs the cobalt power cord!,, cheers!
@gammajo. Are the EH 6h30pi gold pins warmer and more musical than the stock tubes. I'm not spending 1000 bucks on tubes. At least not yet. Lol. I just got the mit ac1 I'm not happy with it at all. I like the oracle ziii power cord a lot better and it was a lot cheaper. I going to send it back and get the ziii. As far as tubes go how much better are the reflector 1980 nos 6h30dr tubes compared to the stock and the eh 6h30 pi gold pins. I just want a warmer sound. That power cord made it brighter and with my clarus cables already being detailed it was a big no no. Audiolabyriinth is going to tell me that tara labs fixes it all. I heard the ziii oracle mit and it was a lot better. I would like to know your input. No tara labs suggestions please lol.
@ calvinj, Did you see my post to you on 6-23-13?, that power cord will be here friday!,, LOL!, ok,I will leave Taralabs out of the conversation, only because Taralabs most certainly does not fix everything!, I agree, the 1980 nos reflector 6h30 tubes are exspensive!,, I am wondering if you have the non warm issue mistaken for the slight forward sound that I have complained about with the Ayon 2s? ,, My ayon here does not sound like it need eanything to make it warm sounding, thats why I believe the forward sound you are really hearing, you may believe you can fix that with tubes or cables?,, LOL!, I got it, Lets sell our ayon 2s players together and get something else all together!,, Just kidding!, Ha, Ha,!, I may do that later eany way!,, now you said you got a mit ac 1?, I am asumming that is a cheaper a/c power cord than the ziii oracle mit cable?, I thought you rented the ziii oracle and used it on your system?,, I believed you did!, If the oracle ziii mit sounds better but cost more, who cares, get the cable!, sometimes we have to spend more to get a great sound, this seems to be one of those times calvinj, go for it!,, cheers!
The oracle ziii was cheaper than the ac1 and it sounded better. Also Paul at usa tube audio told me to use RCA instead of xlr and to get tara labs. Lol. Y'all are on tara labs dope mainlining straight to the veins. Ha ha ha. I will get the ziii and send the ac 1 back.
Calvin I too am not sure whether it is warmer that you are after. To me my system sounds like live music (which has a natural warmth but also sharpness when called for), but things that made it seem bright and harsh needed to eliminated. I have very clean power, my amps are weighted and vibration controlled and each piece of equipment is isolated electrically from each other. And my speakers are very natural (not over bright like many brands) In this system the EH 6h30pi gold pins sound very good and at $30-$40 per why not try them? Also why don't you post about your whole system and room and perhaps we can figure out what might be stealing warmth?
@ Gammajo, Very well said my friend, I have tried to help calvinj, he is a good fella!,Please give him the recomendations he needs, I am not sure if he wants to listen to me, however, I can see you and me are on the same page!, so its the same!,I am going to put resonance control on the 2s player, I just pulled the trigger on the Taralabs cobalt power cord!, be here tomorrow!, this will add tons of body for the ayon 2s and fix, what I call, one of the worst voices of singing I have heard from a player of this cost point!, I am not sure if I want to keep this player, the jury is out right now!, I may need a Ayon 5s player, since the tubes in the power suppy color the sound to give a bigger sound stage and kills the forward sound that the 6h30 tubes are famous for!,, cheers!
@ calvinj, that is funny!, you got your turn to make me laugh out of my chair!, you know, paul telling you to use Taralabs!, If the mit oracle ziii appeals to you, get that cable, after all, It is your system that you are listening to!, LOL!, Like I said, no hard feelings, I enjoy talking to you, I would buy used!, I sent you a E-mail!, there is more mit cables on the used market than eany other brand period!, look for yourself!, you can get any mit cable you want, right here on the audiogon!, cheers!
Ok I give in. I might have to try tara labs. Lol. Fellas this is my system. Classe cp800. Classe ca2200. Ayon cd2s. Clarus crimson speaker cables. Mit matrix hd 36 interconnect. Clarus crimson power cords. I'm needing one more organic sounding smooth interconnect.
Hi calvinj, Hey, Do not feel funny! I feel like we are friends now!, You have got some awsome cables here!, Your whole fricken system is nice!, Forgive me, I am pumped!, I just recieved my Taralabs cobalt power cord!, To my supprise, It has serial numbers on it, I called Taralabs a.s.a.p., They told me the original owners full name, the same guy I bought from!, That it was made in january,2013 and it has the very top of the line oyaide plugs on it, up-graded their at the factory1, A $450.00 up-grade!, This fricken power cord is huge!, I have never seen a girth this big around!, Taralabs a while back authenticated my zero gold i/c the same way, All the rest of the Taralabs cables I own, Taralabs has me in their system as the original owner!, I am calling them back next week to register my name on the cobalt power cord and the zero gold i/c as me in their system as the second owner of these cables, that way, all my Taralabs cables will be authenticated with Taralabs and my name with them!, Their is alot of fakes out there calvinj, in all cable brands!, calvinj, do not buy a cheap model Taralabs power cable!, you would not like that!, Dude, I just got blessed with one of the best deals in high-end audio that i have ever got!, The cobalt with up-graded oyaide plugs 6 foot is $5,450.00 before taxes!, I bought this one-meter with the oyaide plugs for $1,000.00 free shipping, no pay-pal!, Go Audiogon!, Calvinj, this is why you should look into buying used, Foe crying out loud, My cobalt power cord turned out to be new!, If you have eany questions on Taralabs, I can be of service, I do not want to cram Taralabs down your throut!, what ever you would like to do calvinj, I am here to help you the best I can! Happy listening!
@ calvinj,Damn, This whole time I thought you wanted a power cord!,LOL!, My offer is the same, If I can be of eany help with cables in general, and Taralabs, I will do my best!, cheers!
Ok I will check with you when I'm ready. My dealer is a elrod statement dealer as well. He just let me demo the elrod statement gold I just put it in. It is the size of a muffler. Lol.
@ calvinj, Wow! Thats the size of the Taralabs cobalt power cord I got in yesterday!I have heard great things about Elrod cables!, Let me know your impressions please, I do not know nothing of them cables, and I would like to learn from you!, Thankyou calvinj!
Ayon does suck, mine blew up yesterday!,I do not even want to talk about it!, very unreliable!, u.s.a.tubes suck too!,My unit is defective from the factory!, Its not even 90 days old yet!, the right channel would not play on RCA input at all when we tried to use it saturday morning on a solid state reciever!, then, the next thing I know, the Ayon made a small pop sound where the right channel tubes are, and a small flash of light!, then no sound!, unit stayed on, but did no longer work!, unplugged the unit,we have never used this Ayon's Rca inputs ever!, then u.s.a. tubes saturday would not talk to me at all!, and they were open, so yeah, They both suck!
@ calvinj, hey man, I am very upset with my ayon and u.s.a.tubes, forgive me!, I am going to demand a new unit!, free shipping!, I am sorry, I do not want to elaborate on it alot right now calvin, latter, after I see what lousy u.s.a. tubes is going to do, Then I may talk to you about it thru e-mails!
You may have experienced an infant tube failure which happens. USA can take a few days to respond but I am confident that they will help you. They attempted a repair on my unit after about a year and when it did not work the first time send me an entirely new unit free ship without me asking and before I even sent them back the broken one. It has worked to perfection. Let us know how it turns out
Come down audio it will be ok step away from the ledge. Ayon and usa tube will make it right.