Tara labs,onyx interconnect

Hi there,can someone gives little information on what to expect with this interconnect.I went crazy again and splashed out.Tara the one,is one of my old time favorites.Thanks in advance.
Hi there,the two pig tails that join together on my cables are at pre amp end ,and the amp end, are connected to the ground station.Tara labs did say I wont hear any audio difference.It sure sounds pretty good to me.
yep, thats alright, thats how i got them.They are balanced,ive got it right now, just connected the two opposite pig tails together.Im enjoying all the transparency ive never had before, nice and clear too
Misternice, Did you connect the jumper cable with the spade on the end and bananna on the other end to the HFX box?, the spade end goes to a componet, unloosen a screw and put the spade end there, the bananna end plugs to the center hole of the HFX box, Do this, then you will exsperience your cable, then it has to burn-in 300 to 400 hours, let me know if you get these instructions done, cheers.
I hear the Thales IC is running past the Tara 0 and leaving the owners of the 0 in disbelief.
Hi yes,done that one first.Ill clock up a few hours and see how things go.I think once I get into the new abode the sound will really come on,Im a bit limited with space here.Thankyou keith,how are your sounds coming along. ?
@ Glory, Hi, That is fine by me, I am happy with what I have!, I am not into having the best!, just what makes my sound good to me, on the bright side of what you are talking about, Taralabs is coming out with a new top of the brand cable between november and march, the zero lasted since 1997!, I find it a joke that its taken other cable manufacturers this long to compete or better Taralabs, I am sure when the new cable from Taralabs is introduced to the world, It will likly send ripples thru out the industry as best available once again, then,another 17 years before the competition can compete again!,, Happy listening!
@ misternice, you are set with your cable, congrats,as you said, let the cable settle in a while, you will be happy with your new found sound!, It will be stunning!, my tunes are on hold, I have all my componets at the factories, late october I will be kicking some tunes out with a brand new Krell fpb 700cx!, this is a time when patience is a virtue!, great tunes happen to those who waite! cheers.
@ Glory, Hi, Can you start a thread about thales I/C, I would like to know the cost, what your impressions of the sound is, and the equipment that you are useing the thales on etc.., formost what the other members of the gon have to say about the thales cables, I looked for a thread, there is none, you should start the thread, I am open minded to learning!, thankyou Glory, cheers,

Cable threads end up with gallons of piss poured on it by the end of the thread as so many are burnt out on cable talk.
Thales,good stuff mate,it would be nice hearing it one day.In another system,I listened to lfd reference silver for 5 minutes,that was a good cable,i thought.There would be some very fine cables around the would being made,no doubt.This cable,the onyx,should keep me happy for a few years,I like tara labs between pre and amp,cheers.
Misternice, I do not believe the Thales is good as what you bought!, waite till the run in time is up!,I am happy that you like it so far, it gets better as time gos by, thats were I use my cable, between the source, which is my pre, to my amp, Happy listening, keep me posted, cheers.
@ Glory, Ok, whats your point?, this thread has been running very good, enjoyable conversations here, this thread is over when we want it to be!
Hi,I was playing some music last nite,and im almost hearing a different cd,lots of stuff iv never herd before,and some stuff faster,the way I like it.This cable is a keeper,i will add another interconnect ,another day to compliment the onyx,but not to replace,it.Some of my cds ,i could do with better recordings.How about you keith,do you go for gold cds or better recordings.? Cheers
Misternice, Hi, I do go for better recordings, I just started building this system from the ground up, that includes the very few cds I have, I do not have gold ones yet, I never have had one, what are the benefits of that kind of cd?, I am satiesfied that you are enjoying the Taralabs onyx cable, it will get better over time. cheers mate.
@ misternice, what are your impresseions thus far with the onyx before it burns all the way in?,, Happy listening.
Hi there keith,I'll get back to you tomorrow.Been on holiday,for a few days now,and been in and out of range with the internet.cheers.
Hi there,playing the doors,I was hearing, whole guitar rifts,I never new excisted.Like alot of people,probably herd it hundreds of times,but there it was,clear as day,another guitarist.The highs were faster,from memory,more upper bass notes,drums etc.Its been a week since I herd it,but things are coming along just fine,for now.
Hi misternice, good to see you back, I enjoy talking to you, your cable will even get better than what you hear now, 300 hundred hours to 500 hours for total settlement, I am happy to know you are enjoying what you have spent your hard earned cash on!, Happy Listening.
Cheers.Yes back today.All the mids are faster,(listening now.)Oh I forgot,in time I will go for better recordings,I forgot to answer your question.
@ Misternice, Hi, wanted to check with you, Has your cable improved?, what have you been up to?
Hi there keith,not alot happening here mate,busy working.I haven't noticed any changes in the cable yet.Iam moving soon, so room dynamics will change the sound,,Im hoping that will be change for the better.Those cds,should arrive soon,so Im looking forward to those.Hope all is well your side of the world.
@ Misternice, Hi great to hear from you, thankyou for the hope, I am still going thru issues with a audio store!, what cds did you order?
Hi there,a couple of halestorm cds and one from massive attack,(greatest hits).I hope the audio store comes through for you.Oh well,I better get up and go to work,have a good day.
The strange case of,and halestorm.I see there is some nice tara labs for sale on audiogon,Im saving,so it counts me out.How good is the cobalt power cord keith,?
Hi Misternice, I have not got to hear the cabolt power cable yet, my componets are at the factories, the digital player broke, Its fixed, I just have to pay the bill, and the amp renewl is almost payed off, then I will have to re break in all the cables and componets!, the amp alone will take 600 hours!, starting in november, by 4 to 6 months, everything should sound the best I ever owned!, then I will be tunning the digital player with some cones I recently bought, and installing different speaker spikes on my speakers, my sound should turn out to far exceed the sound we are use to listening to, so, is the new Hale storm cd that I have not listened to but a couple of singles of sound as good as the original Hale storm cd?, they are coming in concert here in october, the wife really wants to go!, we may go, depends on money, we have been paying so much for this audio that we are broke and sick and tired of doing so!, when we get everything back, we are going to listen for a while till some time in spring, and start auditioning new digital players,, cheers.
Good stuff keith,the concert would be worth seeing I recon.But they will come back again.?I have a budget cd player,and Im happy with it.Its a mhzs cd88 h,with bugle boy tubes,and a magnan signature power cord.All up it owes me a k,its good performance per dollar.I'll stick with it. Let me know about the cobalt in time please keith.I've heard jps aluminater and stealth v12 are excellent power cords.But that's another story,have a good weekend there keith and family.
Hi Misternice, Thanks for the hospiltality, Your player sounds like a winner, atleast somebody out there is happy with their digital,I do not know if Halestorm will make it back here, this is the only time they have ever come here to play,,, I will be letting you know what I think of the sound to the cabolt power cord,,cheers.
Great thanks keith.The cds arrived today,I have to be honest,its not really me,I must be showing my age.I bet they are way better live,anyway we are all different in tastes.I'll give them to some friends,at work,hopefully they'll return the good will,if not, no worries eh.
Hi Misternice, I will take the new Halestorm cd if you do not want it!, The wife would be thrilled to own that, she is a big fan!
@ Misternice, Hi, I sent a E -mail to your personal addresse, Please tell me if you recieved it, sorry It took me so long to reply, I have been busy working and talking to members on the phone, thankyou, cheers.
@ Misternice, well my E-mail did not send to the adresse you provided, I am going to send you an E-mail to your audiogon E-mail site, please check there, I am sure you will recieve that mail, thankyou, cheers.
Thankyou misternice, we are very grateful, I sent you another E-mail, I can send you a cd if you like, its more listenable, its blues and new age music, a burned cd, it turned out to sound good for a high-end system, if you want it its yours, we have the orginal, so its no problem, cheers.
Buy some gabriel gold cables.....Having tried The One, I can only say, it is no longer in my system I kept some Tara labs HDMI's in my Video system, but don't really listen critically there.
Hi Budburma, How much do the Gabriel gold cables cost?, do they have gold conductors, Is it possible you can post a link to the model you are refering to here so I may study what you are presenting?, Thankyou.
This is posted tonight while listening. "The Tony Bennett and Bill Evans Album" (and) "tony bennett & bill evans" I don't know why Tony got top billing on both.
Hi budburma,thankyou there,gabriel gold has some good reviews.I'll have to keep a eye open.And keep reading,cheers.
Hi Misternice, I Indeed got your cd off for you, Really would like your impressions of it and the sound quality as well, cheers.
@ misternice, Hi, I recieved the cd you sent us today 9-19-13, thankyou, I have not had the chance to listen to it yet, how does the onyx interconnect sound now?, If you have alot of playing time on the interconnect all this time since you got it, The cable should sound to its fullest potential., cheers.
Hi there,how's things.Its good to hear the cd arrived,your one isn't here yet.Im currently looking for a new room,so we'll see how the stereo shapes up there,if I can use it at all,for different reasons.I put a old power cord I had on the cd player,which is much warmer and better bass,less bright,so im looking forward to hearing the sound there,when I can,then let you know.bye for now.
Ok Misternice, let me know when you do get the cd, and your impressions of the recording quality, and if you like the music as well, Happy listening.
Yes,do you have any recommendations on a inter between cd and pre.Maybe tara labs the one.Im happy where the onyx is.cheers